Show RICHARD MONEY AT REST O my Father Thou that tlwelltHt In that high and glorious jilurc When shall I regain Ihy presence And again behold Thy face That question euch one hall to mi HMT for thciiiHclvts Richard Money sttcrcil It on Monday tho 11th Piam 1 his pact lICe there IH every indication Indi-cation that Ids answer will lie a Joyful one rind will bauk In the light nod tic of bin Father ownmore Boric In ICdlnburK l Scotland In 1827 lie Joined Ibu Church of 1itter Days III 1841 J Tho spirit of gathering ie i stud st-ud on him IH In ISiCi be came to Xlou driving an oxliiim there being no Iullman mars nor horscH for A O Smoot In whoso company be wan For upwards of a half a century he linn lived and labored through all the In cldentK of a pioneer life ever happy and cheerfuK He wag married fjG yearn ago bin wife mid family are with im mill He bUll Kept till fiiltli fought a good light now he hat gone to live forever with tho Ix > nl Methlnl I hear the MtiDtur saying to him Well done good and faithful servant ICnter Into thy Welt True and Htodfiist to the end of his probation we lay him down to Bleep amoiiK the silent lilllu Sweet he bin rent till wo meet again Father Money IIIIH gone to the land of peace and rest he IIIIH passed to that llounie from whence no traveler returns Brother Money was a model citizen peaceful 1 honest and InditH trloiiH always ntteildhiK to his own biiBlnesu he was quiet unassuming and truthful In all his acts with his neighbors He was a man who had many friends nnd no enemies He wall horn In the bountiful city of Ktlenhuri Scotland on April 22 1827 ho became be-came a member of the Mormon church in 1819 lie came to Utah hi 1850 and to SpanlBh Fork In the following year In February where he baa remained re-mained ever since In the year 1851 on Fobniary 22 hu married Margaret Armstrong In the city of Dundee Scotland Scot-land by whom ho hall had BX children three boys and three girls two of tin boys tend one of the girls with his wife survive him Brother Moneys family are well known for their honor and respects blllty among the people of Spanish Fork Brother Moneys domlfeo was very sudden On Saturday he was as well as common and was working In his garden among the shrubs and low ors on Sunday ho felt Indisposed nnd lay In bed the most of tho day on Monday May lath he arose walkec out of the bed room and sank down by the side of a sofa his wife helped him on to It and In a few minutes he breathed his last Ills death was without Buffering Tho end of the righteous Is peace May tho peaceful Influence of tho Holy spirit comfort the hearts of those who are called to IDOUlllG II Hicks unoral services were held on the IGth at his home on Alain street pro sided over by Bishop Hales Prayer by William Jex Tho speakers wore Allen Adamson Samuel Cornaby Bishop Larson John Moore and Prcsl dent Pago benediction by Bishop Argyle Ar-gyle Tho singing was of a very high order or-der especially by the Black Hawk Veterans who sang When tho Angel Calls tho Roll |