Show 0 SAN FRANCISCO CARMEN STRIKE Residents Are Riding In Express Wagons Wa-gons or Automobiles According to Their Pursei San Francisco Not a wheel turned Sunday on the street car systems of this city In Hun of the cars there was a nondescript collection of > I e hlcles from sleek automobiles to mm shackle express wagons conveying at varying prices those who did not care to walk fiom the Ferry building uptown up-town and to and from various sections sec-tions of the city This condition was brought about by the action of the motornien and conductors of the United Railroads when they voted to declare a strike after having failed to obtain an eight hour day ami n Hat wage of 3 Thu motormen nnd conductors have alifiidy been relnfoiccd by this stationary sta-tionary firemen who have demanded A recognition of their union and an increase of wages from 275 f to 726 per day It Is very probable that other allied unions will come to the support of the platform men n |