Show UTAH STATE NJDAVS a Tho Utah State Medical association held UH thirteenth annual session In Bait Lake City loot week Diphtheria of a virulent typo has again main Us appearance nt Kaysvlllc nnd an epidemic IH feared An Ogden woman who was Bent to tho asylum last week Imagined that she was Evelyn Ncsblt Thaw J J Brynnt a brakeman fell from n train near Ogden nnd was seriously I Injured his Hldill being fractured J M Richardson a prospector dropped dead on tho streets vof Salt take death being duo to heart dlseoM J H Robbing a traveling man was thrown from a buggy In a runaway near Trdmorit and sustained a broken log r r t jf Tho Lehl Fourth ward will build l 7000 meeting houso The ward has been holdingits meetings In a rented foom K v Tho next scHslon of the grand chapter of tho Eastern Star of Utah will bo hold In Salt Lake May 9 and 10 1008 Tho Woodmen of the World hold tholr thirteenth District convention In Provo last week about 100 delegates being present + F Prize fighting Is not to bo tolerated t In Salt Lithe nays tho chief of police and the contest between Christie and Williams him been called off Robert Moil aged CC a laborer sul cldeil In a lodging house In Salt Lake taking strychnIne Ho left a note a a aayltig that 111 health teas tho cause W D Candland of Mount Pleasant shipped 175 headof his guided sheep to niSalt Lake firm having sold the dfrJ bunch there Ho received over f2000 for tho lot A daughter of James Tltcomb ol Falrvlow Utah about 1C years ol ago foil nnleon with I a pin In hor mouth and awnilowedIt nil operation being aii necessary to save tho girls life William H Smith a motormnn employed em-ployed oil t > J Salt Lake Street car 4 was sorlguslyimjurod ns tho result ota ot-a colllslbnbctvecn two curs his right log being badly crushed and broken Announcement Is made t from tho I census office at Washington that Jo I soph F Smith Jr of Utah had been + appointed special agent to compile lt statistics on churches nnd religious f work r Michael Kilborn an old locomotive engineer lost a leg in an accident In tho Rio Grande Western yards In Salt Lake A switch engine ran over him nearly savoring his left leg between t tho anklo and knee The sUprpmo court In a decision handed down last week announced tho I tar + roaching principle that when thero Is substantial evldonco to support the findings Of the trial court such findings i find-ings will not bo disturbed j Fearing that ho would bo seriously Injured because his car was running sway a motorman named Uubb Jumped from a Salt Lake car coming down a hill and broke his arm The passengers wore not Injured rho president Is said to bo considering t consider-ing tho advisability of naming ono ot tft the new battleships of tho Dread naught typo for the state of Utah They will bo the largest ships In tho navy and contracts are soon to bo awarded Unless Homo unforeseen delays occur oc-cur In tho transportation of their trainload of machinery supplies and laborer Money Bros Will begin work on their Western Pacific construction contract nt Wlnncmucca within two weeks i J J W Carpenter of Coalvlllo formerly for-merly in business In Knmas suffered a 3500 loss by the burning of his big barn at his Kansas ranch Besides Be-sides tho dost motion of tho structure which wns acomplete loss several vo hlcles harnesses and a horse were do stroyed James E Martin formerly a resident of Salt Lake was found locked In a box car nt Pueblo Colo and was more dead than alive he having been I in the car for live days without food or water Martin was stealing a ride and was locked In whllo ho was asleep Glenwood Park ono of tho most attractive at-tractive amusement places of Ogden will this year start out on a now career Manager R A Grant of the Opera house and Utnhua has secured a lease on It for live years and will have charge of tho bicycle races at that place Tho coal dealers of American Fork have given orders to tho coal companies com-panies to ship all the storage coal they can consistently send to that city Tho dealers are certain that tho coal famine during the coming winter will be far more severe than during tho past winter By an act of tho last legislature Utah now has n board of horse commissioners com-missioners who have charge of tho do partrr ml of horse breeding with headQuarters I head-Quarters at the Agricultural college All stallions standing for public service In tho state must bo recorded with this h 1 department I t |