Show I I EW5 OF REACTIONISTS 11 > Sent to Czar Complaining ol Action of Parliament cowfhc congress reactionists Wednesday after adopting the II rl ort of a resolution Betting 1 the measures it considered flee for public safety which Include < solutlou of parliament tho proc ° n of full martin law wherever I 13 any levolutlonary agitation lament > of tin Jewish sanla legal station of tho hands of re 1Sts onflseatlon of property of tlonlst3 and UK exclusion of tho from military and civil service Itiraini j egram was sent tt the emperor COtlgrrss complaining of the at of the at the lower house of paiHu ra tlnw JI latsoff Social rat l11al lllB icated attack he > uL army and the government In Use j 1 April 20 for which ho waa aUd SII 11lule1 by tho Social irllM ma aM callllK attention to artlcipattull Cation of some of the sine reolutlon and the 1110 ry propaganda coiiducted by a fectlon of tho ecclesiastical 8M > hy the sominaries Sub 11 > WOw to 1 ° started by the dele fOlution fCrll service fund to light |