Show I sw Tot T 1 < WIlD SCENES S N S ON THE CHICAGO BOARD Of TRADE I Wheat Passes the tvHar Mark Orders to Buy Pouring In From All Over the United States Chicago lu 1 tho most sensational opening In the history of the Chicago board of trade wheat ou Monday shot mark Heavy realizing past tho dollar backward ing sales pushed the price somewhat but at the close tho mar nnd according to tho lot was strong board majority of speculators on the the demand upon which the late advance 1 ad-vance has been made In still unsatisfied unsatis-fied The net advance for wheat was 4 cents for the July and September options and 41fi < cents for the December Decem-ber From tho low point of Monday of last July wheat has advanced lHi cents September has gone up 15 cents and In tho December option tho highest point of the day was 1C + cents above the low price of the previous prev-ious Monday It was a certainty that a strong bulge would take place In the wheat market at the opening County orders or-ders had been poured In seemingly In an endless stream and In obedience to them brokers stood ready to buy millions of bushels at the market Shorts were in a highly nervous condition con-dition and were eager to cover The result was that as boon as the gong sounded there was a terrific roar of voices all anxious to buy and nobody offering to sell The rush of buying orders seemed to come from almost every city In tho United States which was situated along a telegraph wire They came from Winnipeg and from Louisiana and from points on tho Pacific and Atlantic seaboards |