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Show THE SPANISH FORK PRESS: ANDREW PLOT TO JENSEN, Publisher t - SPANISH FORK - - IS In The Task of Selecting Jury in the Fir t of the Famous Cases Now Under Way. 1 1 - . Tbe next session of th- - grand ehapter of tbe Eastern Star of Utah will be held in Salt Lake May 9 and 10, 1908. The Woodmen of the World held their thirteenth .district convention In Provo last week, about 100 delegates being present. Prize fighting U not to be tolerated In Salt Lake, says the chief of police, and the contest between Christie and Williams has been called off. . Robert Muir, aged C5, a laborer, suicided In a lodging bouse In Salt Lake, He left a note taking' strychnine. aaylng that 111 health was the cause. W. D. Candland, of Mount Pleasant, ' shipped 175 bead of his graded sheep to a Salt Lake firm, having sold the bunch there He received over f 2,008 lor the lot. A daughter of James Tltcomb, of Falrview, Utah, about 16 years of age, fell asleep w 1th a pin in her moutb and swallowed it, an operation being necessary to Bave the girls life. William H. Smith, a motorman employed on A Salt Lake Street car, was seriously Injured as the result ol a collision between two cars, his right leg being badly crushed and broken. Announcement Is made from the ( census office at Washington that Jo eph F. Smith, Jr., of Utah, had been appointed special agent to compile statistics on churches .and religious work. Michael Kllborn, an old locomotive engineer, lost a leg In an accident In the Rio Grande Western yards in Salt .Lake. A switch engine ran over him. nearly severing his left leg between the ankle and knee. , The stlprome court, tn a decision banded down last week announced the farreachlng principle that when there Is substantial evidence to support the findings, of the trial court, such find1 ings will not be disturbed. Fearing that he would be seriously Injured because his car was running Bubb named wway, a motorman jumped from a Salt Lake car coming down a hill and broke bis arm. Tbe , , passengers were not Injured. The president Is said to be considering the advisability of naming one of the new battleships of the Dread-naugtype for the state of Utah. be the largest ships In the will They navy, and contracts are soon to be awarded. Unless some unforeseen delays occur In the transportation of their tralnload of machinery, supplies and laboreis, Maney Bros. 4111 begin work on their Western Pacific construction contract at Wlnncraucca within two k i weeks. . i J J. W. Carpenter, of Coalville, for merly in business In Kamas, suffered a 13.500 loss by the burning of hts s big barn at bis Kamas ranch.- the dest motion of the structure, which was a complete loss, several vehicles, harnesses and a horse were destroyed. . James E. Martin, formerly a resident of Salt Lake, was found locked In a box car at Pueblo, Colo., and waa more dead than alive, he having been In the car for five days without food or water. Martin was stealing a rldo and waa locked In while he was asleep. Clenwood Tark, one of the most attractive amusement places of Ogden, will this year start out on a new career. Manager K. A. Grant, of the Opera house and Utahna, has secured a lease on ft for five years, and will have charge of the bicycle races at that place. The coal dealers of American Fork have given orders to the coal com-- ; panics to ship all the storage coal they ran consistently send to that city. The dealers are certain that the coal famine during the coming winter will be far more fievere than during the past winter. By an act., of the last legislature, Utah now has a board of horse commissioners, who have charge of the nt of horse breeding, with head-- ' quaiters at the Agricultural college. All stallions standing for public service tn the state must be recorded with this I department, - SILVA I g-- Body of Long 8eattle Lawyer Found Near Beach Bathing Resort. Long Beach, Cal. A floating body supposed to be that of T. Wright Robinson, a young lawyer from Seattle, who waa drowned here two weeks ago, was found on tbe surface of the ocean late Friday. The body was In a state of decomposition and baa not yet been positively Identified. It Is thought to be Robluson, however, as he was attired In a bathing suit, stmt), ar to those In use at the long Beach hath rooms. Orders Wheat Passes the Dollar Mark, All Over From In to Buy Pouring the United States. to London. The Dally Petersburg correspondent reports accidental discovery and foiling of tbe greatest terrorist plot since the Family of the Accused Man In ths years plot of elghty-twCourt Room at tbe Opening Ses-IoThe correspondent says be has ago. Which Was Unmarked the story from the authorities. Acby Unusual Incident. cording to the version no fewer than eighty conspirators resolved a couple of months ago to assassinate EmperBoise, Idaho. Thursday, May 9, or Nicholas, and plans were finally the opening day of the trial of Wil- fixed for carrying out the deed during liam D. Haywood, tbe first to be placed Easter. The plotters Included officers on trial of tbe alleged participants In and other officials and civilians, whose the avenging conspiracy by which lk loyalty hitherto had been undoubted. Is averred tbe assassination of A large number of plotters, the cor Frank Steunenberg was plot- respondent says, was necessitated by ted and executed, was unmarked by the elaborate adopted precautions unusual Incident. It waa earnest and nowadays to protect Imperial personbusiness-like- . Its striking feature was ages. The plan was, the correspondent tbe entire absence of crowds or dem- says, to approach Tsarskoe-Sel- o in disonstration in any form. At no time, tinct groups and then execute a sudden morning or afternoon, was the court- and daring attack on the palace. The room more than half filled, and the first group, consisting of thirty-fou- r streets forming the courthouse square men, arrived on the Russian Good contained not a single loiterer. Friday, when by some means unThe caseawas baited shortly before known suspicions against them were were arrested 6 an o'clock, adjournment be- aroused, all thirty-fou- r In their possesdocuments and found no until and taken Monday, ing of the sion led to the Juror was secured, but substantial pro- other members ofapprehension the band in St gress was made, Fetersburg. Mr. Haywood was brought into the TRAIN JUMPED TRACK. court room sharp at 10 o'clock In the morning. He found his family in a Shrlners Meet With Terrible Disaster line of chairs to the right of his seat, While on Their Way Home. jndin front were all of his counsel. Lompoc, Cal. A terrible wreck ocHe devoted more attention to his curred between 3 and 4 oclock Saturyoungest daughter than to any one on the coast line of the afternoon else, and throughout the day took prac- day five miles south of Southern Pacific, tically no part in the selection of In which thirty-twof the Surf, Jurors. Many men in similar Jeopardy, were killed and eighteen or as a rule, make close study of their twenty more were seriously Injured. prospective jurors, and frequently ex.The train was a special loaded with press their personal preferences, but were on their way from Mr. Haywood seems content to leave Shrlners, who Los to their homes in the Angeles the matter entirely in the hands of his The east consisted of six train lawyers. Haywood gave no sign of coaches. any feeling or emotion, but sat quietWhile running at a high rate of ly throughout the day. Mrss Haywood a wheel on the engine broke, and the older daughter stood the op speed and the locomotive Jumped the track deal of appearance In coqrt very well, and over. Four of the front turned but the younger child cried after the examination of talesmen began. Mrs, cars of the train followed It, and were litterally smashed to pieces. The dead Haywood and her children did not at- and Injured were thrown In every ditend the afternoon aession. rection. The train caught fire ImmeThe question of the defense took diately after the wreck, but It was exof the two a mucb wider range than that of the tinguished rear coaches, who were uninjured. The atate, and lta most sulking feature cars were hurled all over the engine, dealt with the possible effect upon the and many of the passengers were minds and attitudes of Jurors of the burned and scalded to death by essteam. Some of them were letter of Presldeut Roosevelt In call- caping mutilated beyond recognition. ing Haywood and his associates citizens, the speeches in THOUSANDS WATCH TRAGEDY Idaho of Secretary Taft, tbe message Two Men Drowned In Sight of of Governor Gooding to the legislature . Pleasure Seekers. of Idaho, the speech In Boise of SenaSanta Monica, Cal. Two men were tor Heyburn, and the action of the Idaho t legislature in passing a resolu- drowned In tbe surf at Ocean park tion and appropriating money for the Sunday afternoon by the capsizing of a gasoline launch. For nearly an prosecution of the three prisoners. The chief concern of the counsel for hour and a half tbe victims clung to the state tn the examination of tales- the overturned vessel In full view of men, as indicated by tbelr questions, 8,000 people, while desperate efforts was tbelr attitude toward circumstan- made to achieve their rescue. Finaltial evidence, the absence of the ac- ly one of the men, a San Pedro fishercused from the state when the crime man, exhausted by the pounding of the waves and long struggle to keep was committed, the effect of tbe manbead above water, cut the lashings bis ner In which the prisoner and his combound him to the little craft and that panions were brought from Colorado, Into the water, evidently hopviews of the talesmen as to the death dropped ing to be washed ashore. Instead, he penalty for murder In the first degree disappeared from view and was swept and union labor. They also questioned seaward by the undertow. John Cocheach talesman as to hlB acquaintance ran, owner of the vessel, remained with the murdered governor, with a bound until the Incoming tide overview to disclosing friendship or en- whelmed and drowned him. His body was recovered some time later when mity. Judge Wood announced that he In- efforts to reach the launch succeeded. tended to give both sides a wide latitude In the examination of talesmen. Ninety. Lives Lott In the Tenarat In He also showed a willingness to grant Stats of Durango, Mexico. challenges where there seemed any reasonable objection to the attitude of City of Mexico. Ninety men are the talesman, and In the one contest supposed to have lost their lives In a of the day he ruled with the defense, fire which started In the Tenaqis copwhich had challenged the talesman, per mine at Velerdona, In the stato of and was resisted by the state. Lawyers of Boise not connected In Durango, last Friday night The fire any way with the case, but who know is still raging and Is said to be beyond as much as Is known of what both control. sides expect to do, say that after the Thirty-fivbodies bave been recovJury Is secured the trial of the xjaj ered up to this time. Seventeen minought to be over In wo weeks. Judge ers are known to have escaped. This Fremont Wood exrocts to waste no Information has been conveyed in a time and another adjournment Is not dispatch to this city. The burning looked for. The court will sit from mine belongs to the Guggeuhetms. 10 a. m. to noon and from 2 to 6 p. m.. and sometimes until 6 o'clock, Japs Want Equal Recognition. with one long session on Saturdays. Constantinople. The pour parlers Several members of the Western Federation of Miners who are now In by which Japan Is seeking to estabBoise watching the progress of the lish diplomatic relations with Turkey case, do not join In the belief exist- and the locntlon of a Japanese ambasent In some quarters that Orchard sador at have encounConstantinople, Will refuse to testify. believe They that he will make his statement upon tered rather serious stumbling blocks. the stand. On all sides there Is a Japan wishes to be treated on the question as to how far Orchard will same, footing as the great powers of In his statement Europe with be allowed to respect to the "capitulawhich, It Is alleged, Implicates Haytions by which Turkey gives foreign It is powers certain supervision over her wood, Moyer and Pcttlbnne. around this evidence that the whole Internal affairs, including schools, case undoubtedly will move. missions, consular courts, etc. o L & Preston and Smith Must Pay Penalty for Shooting OpTelegraphs St ponent of I. W. W. tbe o :i ' . the Scheme Eighty Conspirators Make Way With the Ruler of Russia Are Captured, n, The Lebl Fourth ward will build a 7,000 meeting house. Tbe ward has been holding Its meetings In a rented room. THE KILLK Tbe Utah Stato Medical association held lta thirteenth annual session In Salt Lake City last week. . Diphtheria of a virulent type has gain made Its appearance at Kaysville and an epidemic Is feared. An Ogden woman who was sent to the asylum last week Imagined that she was Evelyn Nesblt Thaw. J. J. Bryant, a brakeman, fell from a train near Ogden and was seriously Injured, his skull being fractured. a prospector, t J. M, Richardson, dropped dead on the streets of Salt Lake, death being due to heart disease. J. H. Robbins, a traveling man, was thrown from a buggy In a runaway near Tremont and sustained a broken - IN NORTHWEST SCENES ON THE Butte has a population of te. cording to the estimate 0f n UTAH UTAH STATE NEWS leg.', NIPPED ID Cl MURDER most sensational Chicago. lit the of the Chicago opening In the history on Monday shot wheat board of trade, realizmark. Heavy past the dollar backward the price sales pushed In ing marPreston Found Guilty of Murder somewhat, but at the close the ConvictSmith and Second Degree to the according ket was strong and, ed of Voluntary Manslaughter, the board, on majority of speculators After Trial Lasting Three addemand upon which the late the Weeks. unsatisstill is vance has been made fied. The net advance for wheat was 4 cents for the July and September Goldfield. After a legal battle last4 cents for the DecemInch options and ing three weeks, In which every ber. From the low point of Monday cf ground has been bitterly contested, of last July wheat has advanced 13 murthe charge In the cents. September has gone up 15 der trial was given to the Jury cents and in the December option, the Thursday afternoon, and a verdict waa 16 highest point of the day was returned late at night. the of prevlow the cents above price Preston was found guilty of murious Monday. carwhich der In the second degree, It was a certainty that a strong ries a penalty of from ten years to would take place In the wheat bulge life. Smith was found guilty of volmarket at the opening. County oruntary manslaughter, with the peualty ders had been poured in, seemingly from one to ten years. In an endless stream, and In obedience The conspiracy case of St. John and to them brokers stood ready to buy other members of the I. W. W. went millions of bushels at the market over under a motion to quash the In- Shorts were In a highly nervous conand were eager to cover. The dictments, but the findings of the Jury dition was that as soon as the gong result against Smith, who was charged as an sounded there was a terrific roar of asccessory, presages an opinion from voices, all anxious to buy and nobody con- offering to sell. the court against the The rush of buying orders seemed of In matter the ciliators. The Jury to come from almost every city In the preeton recommended mercy. United States which was situated Silva, for whose death Preston and along a telegraph wire. They came Smith are held responsible, wai con- from Winnipeg and from Ixulslana, points on the Pacific and ducting a restaurant in Goldfield, and and fromseaboards. Atlantic during the recent Btrlke discharged Lis I. V. W. employes and refused to WOMEN AS DEPUTY SHERIFFS. recognize that union. The charge baa been made that he was murdered by Tried In State of the accused men at the Instigation of Unique Experiment New Hampshire. the leaders of the union because of the stand he took In opposition to Nashua, N. H. The unique experitheir organization. ment of the state of New Hampshire to secure better enforcement of the DENY THEY ARE TERRORISTS. laws regarding cruelty to animals and Russians Who Want to Hold Political children in appointing two women as Congress Reach London. deputy sheriffs, armed with all the auLondon. The 180 Russians who left thority usually vested In such offiDenmark on Wednesday for London cers, seems to have fully demonfor the purpose of holding a congress, strated Its success by the reports beafter having been refused permission ing made by Mrs. Jennie P. Powers to do so in Norway, Sweden and Den- of Keene and Miss M. Jennie KenOne dall of Nashua, and will lead, it is bemark, arrived here Thursday. of tbe leaders said the party repre- lieved, to a number of such appointsented two hundred districts in Rus- ments. Armed with a camera and a revolsia, and explained thnt the proper title of the body was the Social Demo- ver of heavy caliber, and thoroughly cratic Labor party. "We are a revolu- versed In the law covering her powtionary party, this leader said, "but ers and duties, Mrs. Powers has gone her work, and in the we are .not terrorists. We shall meet fearlessly about post year has made sixteen arrests, to consider the conditions prevailing killed forty-onhorses and caused nuIn Russia and to devise ways and merous prosecutions. Using her cammeans of improving and uplifting the era to secure undlsputable evidence, working people. We shall direct our she notifies wrongdoers of the law and tactics accordingly. their duty In the case. Miss Kendall has confined most of CANNIBALS CAUGHT. her activities to Nashua and Its Immediate vicinity, where she has caused Natives of Charles Hardy Islands in many arrests to be made for cruelty to children and animals. the South Seas Punished. Vancouver, B. C. According to adMINE NEAR MANSION. vices by the Canadlan-Australlaliner Manuka, from Sydney, tbe North Ger- Another Attempt Made to Assassinman Lloyd steamer Sumatra recently ate President of Guatemala. called at the Sir Charles Hardy group Washington. Another attempt to asIn the south seas and discovered that sassinate President Cabrera of Guatecannibalism was being carried on to mala, according to a dispatch rea large extent among the natives of ceived by Minister Toledo, was made the group. The captain of the Su- on Saturday. In this instance, what matra reported the matter to Dr. Hahl, Is described In a general way In the the Gerhtan governor of the Islands, advlcea as a "mine, was placed not who dispatched the yacht Seestern to far from the mansion of President Cathe Islands. All the villages were de- brera, apparently with the Intention stroyed and all tbe ringleaders, eleven of exploding It at a time when It would natives. Including three women, were be most destructive. The mine was arrested. One of the prisoner es- discovered, the attempt at assassinacaped. The others were brought to tion thus being rendered futile. Herbert Shope and Imprisoned. FREIGHT CONFERENCE. DRUG TRUST ENJOINED. Hill and Harrlmsn Systems Grant ReNo Mora Black Lists Against Dealers ductions to Spokane. Who Cut Prices. St. Paul. A freight conference ol Indianapolis, Ind. The vast Importance to the business Inwas perpetually "Drug Trust terests of Spokane, Wash., was held on Thursday from continuing Monday at the offices of J. J. mil, beIts operations by the decree In the tween high officials of the Hill aud United States court In this district of llarrlman systems. After deliberatIndiana, upon the complaint of the ing for several hours, freight reduc tlons were decided upon which have United States government filed by been contended fi.p by the Jobbing Joseph B. Keating. U. S. district and mercantile Interests of Spokane for many years. The defendants, ninety-twIn numRan Into Open Switch. ber, who are the members, officers, directors, agents and attorneys of the Columbus, o. Bashing throng, an National Association of Retail Drug- open switch at Truro station, tw elve gists association. Tripartite propri-etors- , miles southeast of Columbus, tho Woht Black List Manufacturers," direct contract proprietors, wholesale Virginia express on tho Toledo & Ohio contract proprietors and Charles c. Central railroad, was derullefi and one man who was Baumbaugh, are perpetually walking along tho fnnn combining and conaidrlngenjoined side of the track was to a the sale of drugs, fix prices by number of trainmen was killed, and a agreement, or blacklist retailers who number of trainmen were killed, mortn less cut prices, or to refuse to sull any Injured. Most of the s eg. retailer on equal terms. All publicacaped with a few inginoei tion of black lists Is forbidden and all Martin, who was bruises. undi bis contracts and agreements covered by englue, will die, as pinned will also lrentan the charge are declared void. Martin and an unknown Smlth-Presto- n e n d woman, Omaha Packing Heuts Employes Ask A Fiendish Outrage. For Increase In Wages. Rushton, La. Unknown persons sot Nob. A commltteo repreOmaha, off a charge of some high explosive 5,000 packing house workmen senting here under the house of Samuel Cook, In ths South Omaha parking houses a negro, early Sunday, blowing the called upon tha managers of ths to bouse plants pieces and killing Cook and on Thundsy and asked for Increased four other negroes sleeping In a front A strike Is threatened If room. Cooks body was blown about wgcs. the increase la not granted. The packere eighty feet away Into tbe fork of a asked time to discuss the matter with tree, Tbe body of a woman waa blown the heads of the Chicago 100 feet or more Into the air, falling The workingmen who are companies. branchea making the a the ol through high tree. The entire town waa ahaken. No clew. SKlm TS."""1 - Fins Lake Steamer Is Swept by Fire. Detroit, Mich, The new passenger (earner City of Cleveland, under construction at the plant of the Shipbuilding compnny for the Detroit and Cleveland Navigation company, Ind designed to run Detroit ,ad Cleveland, was wept by fir Monday and Is a total Do-tro- n Company, publishers of rectory. Hollver Magorden, on trial J Ore., for the murder of hig 1J been sentenced to be h I June 28. Officials records show first of May there have deaths In Goldfield, whose aggreeati, Jumhotown, tlon Is 20,000. T. R. Christian, a farm cut his throat, died in the W Rock Springs, Wyo. He wa, on a farm near Rock RjTer' quar.eled with his sweetheart John' Engstrom, a saloonke Hanna, Wyo., lost a purse L CHAPT be- right, I ,'hing b II ,:e silenced $400 in bills, some insurance K and other documents from his a in a train from Rawlins to Haiua Blaza Racovenz had his hei from his shoulders at Araila, samp twelve miles from Butte5! shot gun in the hands of another trlan with whom he had quarreJ la the city election at Reno, Richard KIrman was elected J and Frank King city attorney only offices on which there tn eontest. Under the charter It n . fight. Snow Is now seven feet deep g, level In the southern Wyoming V tains. Since April 15 the sun W shone and the storm has not cm? moment. The temperature hat between zero and 10 degrees i during that time. W. A. Clark, Jr., and Alice; vleve Medln were married at i last week. The ceremony was formed by Judge Michael Donita, was witnessed by a few in: friends. Mr. Clark is a son of k Senator W. A. Clark. as s ben m: spent tlf Into W with o rounds not u If Wome nothing they that l And ye e In spll it non-partisa- aged wasn't I ..on J Ernest McPherson, a prominent cotton A leli could t mutual t she Ilk reason. I 1 My t. She eared felt sal ci her ; the .gh -not !M site I I sent .) to th and I w In mg an nly, me. 26, manufacture Ontario, Canada, was drowned plunge at Gragson Springs, while swimming. McPherson cm Anaconda only a few weeks ig work In the smeltere. Tom Brady, a miner, lies in i J hospital with a fractured skull, k injured as the result of a blow head with an ax wielded by hi,; reddei ,e What fc teen-year-ol- stepson, Thornley d Ti s looked ireyes tie, her com of locked ted my The boy brained bis step for choking bis mother. Judge George S. Brown has decree, giving to Ely, Nevada right of self government, andn. sloners have been appointed h and hold an election for mayor mating three trustees. The ably take place June 8. News has been received in & of tbe killing In tbe Bald Bnue Ing district of Winfield Guta George Melville, as the result Guthrie striking Melvilles wife there was no attempt at sums son. had ala tat par The Pcnn-Wyomln- g back. Coppr panyg smelter, converter, tr)! terminal and crusher nt Grans. d campment, Wyo., bave been by a fire believed to have b ccndlary origin. Tho loss, s0" to more than $100,000, Is ve' Insurance. the out of Idnt g lolng. aces of ire me n my 1 orked l eh a n laid me 'o come ji coni hell h glad t asst as d to La rules e J The Wyoming Woolgrowers tlon has Issued a circular aheepmen throughout the conspiracy Is being planned Mw i wool buyers to fore down J of wool' In spite of demands. iTodiicers ar eU tholr well. a got rich a and h I ce; no abs t ment 1 deatri they n satis fie I pr. v tppeare later. ! was i dressi a and I had en '' Ungi Mpre waa i he we 1 lilac! ' lead at hunioi been Ungul ;rallty (hat y was whic ! pMn-- coni Mawi ,i ''ng sot katlona !pd m.' nd uu 'ed t to I tak . nd Republics11' Joseph Corby, taken his seat as mayor ' Aleck McGowan, a former l torncy-gonerof Nevada, tbs i He Democrat, Judge, is a ell Is Democrat Ic, and the lo city treasurer, Ihlll Good I cceds himself, ' alia." 7'- that they turn had ing 'action C. ated Moore In opposition to tbe of tho old-llRepublicans. Serious trouble Is brewing view, Wyo., between the sb! cattlemen. A few days ago H1 and Toluian, while trailing sheep wen fired upon by men11 bush. A number of sheep werc Later a number of cattlemen the sheepmen In the road I her my $40,000. Herbert Moore, candidate Republican and Reform ticket f or of Spokane, was elected by silty of 1,874 over Floyd DagS present mayor, a Democrat. -' form forces entered tho dlstnf mailes of tho Republicans and lifted I Rs-- The state of Montana, through ernor Toole, has offered a rea" $1,000 for the arrest and convif--1 the men, who, in attempting the North Coast limited P? train at Welch Spur. Instantly f Engineer Frank Clow and scrioti1 Jured Fireman Sullivan. This $3,000 In rewards offered. ! you brother election tillj vengeance, it Is evident that the I force of miners justified Metf action. The city council of Laramie passed an ordinance carryings tract with the Union Pacific l company for the laying of a main nearly two miles long, expense of the company, from City springs to tho city, for s water system. The cost will be' 1 htiness is the i 1 her I id bn have me 'nk w' 'nP at Five r Coni bi red ook w t '(thin a 'd "Ic I It ' tr dece |