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Show HANSON TO LECTURE. Ole llanson, fighting mayor of Seattle, Seat-tle, foo of un-American elements and champion of sturdy citizenship which brooks no interference on tho part of alien propagandists, has resigned his post and proposes to take a rest. After -he has had a season of quiet he intends carrying the message of Americanism to tho people through tho modium of the lecture platform. His final official act was to make it certain that his successor would not be a councilman tainted with imported doc-, trines of government. Not until he was assured that the next head of the municipality munic-ipality would measuro up to American standards did Hanson present his resignation. resig-nation. There is no hint that he aspires to greater prominence politically. politi-cally. When Seattle faced utter demoralization demoraliza-tion because of a strike engineered by sympathizers with tho preachings of the I. W. W., Ole Hanson proved his mettle and was a potent factor in determining de-termining tho Seattle question in favoi of law and order under the Stars and Stripes. Bolshevism in Seattlo was suppressed, sup-pressed, and the propagandists took themselves to Canada, where tho Winnipeg Win-nipeg strike lasted six weeks and again endod in the rout of ultraradiealism. Until that time Hanson scarcoly was known outside his Seattle bailiwick. Now he is a national figure. It is regrettable that Hanson finds it necessary to 'got out of public service. serv-ice. It is fortunate that, in another manner, lie will continue to let his light shine. |