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Show MARSHALL ARRIVES " IT NODnnDMORRDW Physician Accused of Mur dering His Wife Now on Way Here PREPARE FOR TRIAL Lawyers Are Coming From Kansas to Assist in the Defense Dr Herbert D Marsha charged 1th the nurder of h s wife In a hotel of th s city 1 arrive 1 ere from Sabetha I an In tl e cubtody of C (y Detect! e H D Lyon tomorrow noon Dr C P Harvie le of the board of heath of this city wl 1 bring baek with h m f om Sabetha the bra n and stomach of the s aln woman and "V ray photo graphs showing the path of the -bullet fired into the back of her head The stomach was taken from the body of the lct m of the tragedy by Dr Harvie e In accordance w th Instructions given him before he left for Sabetha the purpose being to make an ana yt ca test foe t e presence of poison The examlna t ons made by Dr Harvie e of both the wounds of the dead woman and her ac c fied hlsband resulted In the discovery of no e Idence of powder burns In either instance accord ng to a report from Sa be(ha last night Investigates Record Investigation has a so been made by Dr Harvlelle of the record of Dr Mar sha 1 In Kansas City where the accused man practiced osteopathy before mov ng west It is understood that the ch ef point of interest Is the financial stand Ing and dealings of Dr Marshall nnd his v fe during their residence here Warren N Groff an at orney of Kansas City is coming to Salt Lake with Dr Marshall according to telegraphic Infor mat Ion received last night snd Ira D Wells a noted trial lawjer of north eastern Kansas, has a so been retained by the aconsed man, as we 1 as a Salt Lake lawyer While it has been Intimated by mem bars of the police department that there Is a possibility that a woman other tl an the slain wife may figure In the ase as a clue to the mystery yet from the coun ty attorneys office comes no def nlte confirmation that this is an Important feature of the investigation being con ducted by that office. While no one connected con-nected with the county attorney s office will Intimate the nature of the motive that Is to furnish the strongest evidence against the man accused of wife mur der yet it Is stated by those of the office who have the investigation of r.r case In hand that a sufficient motive has been dlacoered In preparation for the trial of the ac eused man a plan of the apartments of the Marshalls In the hotel where the tragic death of the woman occurred on November 28 ts to be prepared hy the county surveyor The wound Inflicted by Dr Marshall on himself In an experi ment to see If his wife could have shot herself In the same manner according to his statement, proved to be much less severe than was at first supposed. The bullet fired from the revolver of the sher Iff of Sabetha, as Marshall was using it to demonstrate how his wife must have shot herself Inflicted only a scalp wound about two Inches In length. Doctor Is "Tempted ' ' According to the statement made by Dr Marshall he could not resist the temptation to pull the trigger once he had placed the gun to bis nead In the questioned position This ts the only explanation that he has offered for his attempt upon his own life. The gun was accessible to him as It ay In a cupboard of the kitchen of the sheriff's quarters, the freedom of which had been allowed the accused man after his arrest upon the order from officials here tr Harvlelle found In making the au topsy of the body of Mrs Marshall that the bullet that caused her death entered the head a bo t two Inches back of and just abo e the right ear and crossing the brain diagonal y sevn nches lodged In the bra n a bstance Just abo e the left eye fracturing the skull There Is no particular resentment against the accused man In Sabetha, accord ng to the nfor matlon lncl ded In last night n dla patches the dlspoe tlon being to suspend opinion pending 1 e presentation of the evidence against him a- |