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Show DISTINCTLY BETTER TONE TO NEW TORK STOCK MARKET What the President Will Say Regarding Fair Treatment for Common Carriers Awakens Response By BROADAN WALL BV ion Dec 6 The stock mar Ket toda began by an c pat ng t e fa o ab e ea ures of President W son s message to congress to be delivered to mo row T e unfa o ab e features the P opo ed a on ee and ron were d s coun ed st week v. e gene al mar ket ea el s nc j be ter tone in he lail oal group reflected what t 13 eported the pres dent w say wit re gard to giv ng fa play to our common carr ers upon vh ch he p osperity of the country lependes to a great extent-Strength extent-Strength preva led at t e beglnn ng of trading the copper and stee shares be ng in good demand A fai nqu y was reported in the ear dea ngs for the rails witl "orfolk &. Western most prominent. The oal roads failed to ehow any unfavorable e lence as a resu t of the Interstate com nerce ommisslon s de clsion to grant a eheanng of the anthra cite case. Anaconda and JJtah led the coppers War stocks also were sought. Baldwin Locomotive and Studehakor be ing consp cuous for their strength. W 1th General Motors at the front with a new high price motor shares also ad anced. Buying of the rails became pronounced in the last hour several issues touching new high markB Some Enthusiasm Independent Steel shares oont nued up ward with Lackawanna and Republ Iron & Steel moat active Buving of the former was accelc ated bj an announce ment bj an offl e hat e No ember business was the argest n his ory He added that o e gn and domest c orders had been rece ed n suffl en pmounts to keep the p ants bus p o August 1916 Republic was pu c ased on repo fa hat t e ompan is earn ng n e cess of 2 pe cent pon e ommun stock In some e thus ast c quarle s pred lo we e n ade hat lepub om non would oss & e common T Kepub a d to a e steadfastly ref sed o a cept war o de s so that t us nes& s of a more substantial character han hat booked by some of the other Independent stee co cerns Will Reduce Par alue Buj ng of Interna ona eke o tinued to be refle ed gb quo a ons the stock clos ng n I a net gal of -2 poin s Purcl ases avc been qu eke ed by the plan of d ec o S to edu e t e par alue fron 00 to 52 hus pla g the shares within easy eac of the public. Genera! Motors at acted atten on b advancing 3 po nts to u 0 a ew h g record at which it closed The na tude of the nse n this stock may be reabzed when t Is remembered hat t sold around o5 when the stock ex hange was closed Railroad earnings were fa orab e par tlcularly the reports of gross for Ivovem ber Chesapeake & Oh o annou ced an increase n gross for that month of 9 9 580 which s about 50 per cent n excess of that reported a year ago Alaska Oold cont nued. weak, notwitl stand ng the better tone d spla ed by the genera I st I touched the lowest po nt for th s movement at 23 or 16 K o nts unde the ear s h gh Alaska Juneau acted be y |