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Show AMUSEMENTS I "RI'IIKCM Vaud.-v.Mc, I'clorm- iincs every aH.-rnocn and ev. ning. I CAN TA- ;i :s audcMlle. Rci l. . im-tuice im-tuice e,iy jtt'tei noon and two p.r-lormuiices p.r-lormuiices at mglu, SALT l.AKK Mutt and Jdf In Col-l.'Kf," Col-l.'Kf," lomghl and Imikii'mw nmhl. wnli Wednesday mali-'"'- "The T pia.-ui." Tlmisday niglil and .special Crldny miitluee. "The Melting rot," Kriday nigliL VTA I I Sain l.uob Musical Conu-.ly conipaiiy. In 'M.I tile Miss Mix -II." tonight, 7 and f. 15. KM'KKSS--KW-k In." W 11 lard Mack s thrilling tout -act eomed -drama, big Itroadway success, will play till week, with Norman Hack on and Nana Rryan in leading pails. Tonight, S l'ii; matinees, Thursday and Satur-' Satur-' day, 'j:;ti). MOTluN I'lCTl'KKH. i: ROA LWA V Tnesda aiul Wcdues-da Wcdues-da y, the popular pi ml up la v favorite, fa-vorite, Clara Kimball Younu. In her gi ea t slice i-s. lb-arts in Kih-. " Thursday. l-hida and Saturd: y. ibe popular fa on tc, Kobe; ; W'a i w n k, in "The Sins of Society." Mi:Hl-:SY-To.iay onh. "On the Wings . of the .Morning." dia pt-r JS if "The Diamond l-'roin the Sky;" "Stanley s Close Call," wild animal feature; "Hannah's Henpecked Husband," Hus-band," comedy. I nion music afternoon? aft-ernoon? and evenings. AMKR1CAN Continuous, 2 to 11 p. m. Ousiin Karnum. Paramount star, in "The Cenllemau l":om Innuuia :" "l'leiures(ue 1 lanoi ;" "Sucir I'.ee ; Crowing:" Tathe News; American concert ore host ra . i'rofesso- J . ,J. .NK-Clellan, director. LI HHIUTY--Continuous, 2 to 11 p. m. Kery afternoon and eeniiig this week, the photodrama of mora 1 and physical cleanliness. "I 'amaged Coods." Children not admitted unless un-less accompanied by paren t s. REX Continuous. 2 to 11 p. m. Lat time today. William Karnum and I 'orothy Fernard in "The R-..ken j Law;" Faramount News pictures ; Regmning tomorrow, .hhia Ocan in ! "Matrimony:" Raymond Hitclnock j and Mabel Normand in "Smlen Macic." Japanese Soldier Adoringly Embraces His Wife and Kills Her iu "The Typhoon," Coming This Week. siDi; from its diamaiic interest. "The Typhoon." as presented by Walker Whiteside and has company, gives piav-eoers piav-eoers an insight into ,I;i panes character wliieh could not lie attained unless one secured it at ;irst band bv a long residence resi-dence in Japan. In "The Typnoon," wiiich is to be presented at the Salt lvike theater on Thurda evening and Friday matinee. lie-ember f and 10. for instant e. one may see Tokeramo t .Mr. Whitesidei and his friends gatlnqed in ids upartmem for t.a. They are In Berlin Ber-lin to a '-qui re the tri. k of doing the tnings it iius laketi i he v. extern world centuries to learn. Not culture Japan had plenty of "culture" when Ce-nians stilid dressed in skin- hut tna''hlnerv. 'omtneree. battleships, sani t n t ion-- t hey will come Lack with the.e ani Kuropean manners and ..ustoms will disappear. At the head of the embassy is a stem old Sa mm ai in a f rock coal , w ho d is-cipHns is-cipHns his jun'ors like some feudal chmf. Students oi .wliHt not on the outside, actually they are all for each and ea- h for all and ready to undertake any eacri-lice eacri-lice for Japan. Tnere appear? upon (he scene a t ypi cal f;rir.H n professor with his artist friend, the latter shglnlv the worse for drink and eonespondincly anti-Japanes1. Tiie professor has loaned to old JosLikawa the unpublisiied manuscript manu-script of a book he has been woikine on for thirty years. He inquires if Lis friend has read ii and learns that it has passed from hand to hand among the Japanese, who. by working in relays, have copied everything essential in the book. A Japanese soldier in the late war with Russia so lovei his wife that his distress dis-tress at separation from br.r districted Ids thoughts from his soldierly duties. He obtained leave of absence from the front, returned to Janau. adoringly embraced em-braced his wife and killed her. Then he went back to the armv in Manchuria and performed his duty to his country with perfect zeal. This is a siory told by one of the yours Japanese ai the embassy and which illustrates th Japanese view of life and death and whb-h is intended to prepare the mind of the American audience for the subsequent killing of Illona by Tokeramo. Mr. Whiteside will present the particularly particu-larly timely Zangwill play. "The Melting Pot." on Friday nieht. Elaborate productions pro-ductions are pro ided for hot h these great plays. "Damaged Goods" Is Attracting Great Audiences to the Liberty Theater. ((nAMAGKD GOODS," the him play of Kugenc Rrieux. is provinc to be the biggest motion-picture sensation of the your at the Liberty theater, where it is be inn shown this week. The t hr-at er has been unable (o care for the people for the pas.t two days. ar;d the management manage-ment is urcent that patrons endeavor to attend the ma t i nee per forma mes a nd so avoid the crowding and waiting at the evening performances. Just as the novel "Damaged Coods" was feeble compared with the drama produced pro-duced on the stage, so Is the spoken version weak when compared with the photoplay. The lesson that Rrieux ie.a'-iies is brought out by the canieia in a form so gripping as to make it gel at the very heart-strings of the spectator. Richard Bennett and Ins co-workers, whose far-sightedness and bravery tirsf brought the story of th ravages of sin to general American at'ention. posed for this wonderful film, ami to their exceptionally excep-tionally clever work is added lh wizardry wizard-ry of modern camera effects. The suh-.jeet suh-.jeet might justly carry 'the story without a forget" as a motto beneath Its title. ' i unnamed Goods" is not a pr oblem play catering to the morbid, but a genuine genu-ine tracedy. and Ibe Mib.je.-t furnishes much for deep st ud y, 1 'a t rons leaving Ibe theater do not do su with smiles, but with lines of meditation. It is n pic-nire pic-nire every mother and father should see. and which ev-ry girl and hoy old eunuch lo give thought to the snrjmis problems .if life can affoi d to gl co a t tent ion lo. Dunne the engagement in this chy the maiuiffcnient has restricted the admission of children to those who are accompanied I ,v t hei r na rents. At the private exhibition of the picture in'salt Lake ji was gtv.-u hearty indorsement indorse-ment by chib and society women, by the oily commissioners, hy mi rosters, physi-cia'ris physi-cia'ris and representative citizens. And since (he public exhibition has started, I hundreds of similar commendatory staie-! staie-! menis have been made by those who at-! at-! tended. Th following thrater no( les are marked 'iid vert len;iJ'." lo f-onipi y wltfi strict In-t'-iir-etatlon of t?i ffral nowspapfr lew. In no ser.fie re they paM ad vri Iseiacnts, being ln-m fiindph'-'l by lha pres.s agonla of tba varloui theaters. S- LT LA K K This morning at 10 o'elock the b'x office of the Salt like theater will open for the advance s:ile of sea s for the engair.-n.ent ot Walker WliiK.idc arid his larc- suppoHing .o-n- gacnirnt of tiitcc- ci'tonncilp ' Thm - dav and I- . Max idebta and Krbl iv mutl lie,-. "The Tv p u will l..- pr.---enicd .Ml ThMIfndaV i.ig-.l .Hid i'lakiv alte 1 , and I'll.- Melting Lot" on l-'i idav night. Tills Will be the irl l.pPe;,,. ol ill- dlMliig.l;di.-d ,IM-. IUI a. lor III lhcf.e las in tl.tv citv. H- C i 1 1 ; I " I C.C.M flic u hob- inn r ifi laugh- ! lug wlih Nellie V. .Mi -h. .Is and C I j and i !( rk a t 1 1 rpliciiin this v eek. I w bile 1 be ol h. i- nieruo, i s on t be big bill j Inn e he. n una in imni.-l v pj'aiscu as b.uiL; - of the highest order bv all local iicuh-J iicuh-J papei- ,-rilh s The pi.-Uv little Mech de-I de-I pl. tirig diflci-eie es of opinions In-ld bv out h aim old iiu.'. '"I'w cut ' - odd Y car.," ' is .ilndiablv pi.-e.ied b llairv Reiew-i Reiew-i ford ami ( omp mv, while I lau I L.nke. ! the Rolish pianiM. "look the house l.y storm," to quote from one IrlirW of the Ji (; KM l'Ri:SS One of the most touching human m-.-ii.-s In thai .ipp.-iiling comedv-dnu,,.!. comedv-dnu,,.!. ''Kick hi." Ls that In which t he cilmlnal-he'-o. Chick, wishing lo give bin ' tie.- Ilea hie I -rot hei -i n - la w enoiie , moiie-j moiie-j to l.;i e tow ii. turns to Moil - an-1 sa s, "How mil. h have Wi-?" She replies. I .hawing the caivlullv ho.itded roll from I her bosom. "N.miu Mm). Chick." Thin Significant scene goes straight lo the I (..art ami still. cs a responsive chord in e ei v .spectator. I I'ANTA. IKS The I 'milages bill that ' has- been minting for the past w . U , lor-es i lodav and Sail Laker will have 1 1 1 I r kot opjior i unit v ol la-aring tlie Loino.irdi quiuietle of gland opera singers ami se.-piu' the HoMniiil.v tr c ol acrobats. Charlie i",i-e and In.-; Morns about lather. Mine. Li- Joie-.s pi.: Ing 'oc the S.inl'i'-'i : ; no w ii b l ii- lr h..ro. lohit and cc. r d ion. ! and Remh-e Howard and .la. k White In ! their fa.cnal sketch. "RiL!y AwnkcM-i AwnkcM-i ing." I'T H- - S.) in Loeh In lids w eek's production pro-duction of "LUtle M '.:.- Mix-It" at Hie I'tah plas the pari of a lunatic with tb idea that lie must kill someone e erv dav, lie appeals on Ibe ?eene nt Hie iimst Inopportune In-opportune inouunts and usnallv succeeds in bl ea kl ng up the little p; n v. Celeste I Rrooks. tlie 'i.ittle Mis? .Miv It." ha? a p:irt thai .sc. in.- lo have -n speel.tllv made for bee. liuhv I. an-.' is h.aid in several Liu song n.imbeis that nr.- being-well being-well rccene.L AMKKH 'AN - I tooth Ta i k ing t n"y fa -riovel In film lorm will be tlie head-tine head-tine t r i ad hn ii 1 the A m.-ri a n th. a t-r tod, iv an I loniorrow. "The ie u t b-nian From Indhinn" Is as well known as a siage proiluciioii a- it i s in novel form and tlie ptctuie veiston pro id.-s an eqjiallv f..M'inating slory. Dustln Fainiim is iu the c;idim; rob- of the prod i c t ion. i m the sa in.' proLrr;' m me v 1 1 1 be one of the Lathe .du.-,.tional suhieels. "Rb- turcsque Hanoi." I a seal ion dc. oied to sugar beet growing. LIRLRTV The .apaciiv cf the Libe" v 'tiuMler has been more thh ta..l foi th--I past two da's to care f..r the Immense j.rowds sc. king admission to "Damaged Coods." tlie plav of uuoal uplift. Ralroos are orce i to atlend the matinees, as me evening shows cmniol handle all who want to see the film which lias proven to be the biggest motion picture sensation of the yea i in this itv. Children are tuH being admitted unless tbev ale accompanied accompa-nied bv l heir par. -n' s. RKX -The final presentation of Wii-bftm Wii-bftm h'arnun; and Doro:hy Remurd. the sv, m- girl, in "The Rr..ken La" wiil be at the ".lust like home' the. tier today. Tlie p let -i re dea Is with the a d ventures of an Kngllshman who, seeking a Lnhf-sister. Lnhf-sister. joins a p psv hand and he.-ouo s tu- chief because of bis supei lor ed'e;(. tic.n. Mr, Fiirnutn as the Fhigllsh ma n and Miss Laniard as the u.isMng g:rl present most interesting chara ter Miidi. s. Julia Dean heads li e new bill tomorrow in "Matrimonv." RROADWAY The Rroadwav offtinc for "oday and tomorrow is Clata Kimball Kim-ball Yo-.ni-j in "Hearts in- LmIp." a plioto-play plioto-play in whi.-h she Ln n pa 1 1 whole Iot s t ron z pow er of . ! a i .i ei e ria u.m ft re de irons: ra ; ed and to which s':e uivx a renin rka ill r and pow erf ui in! erpret a t ion Tlie pi a v is taken from t he novel bv Jo'm cvnlMir aral is in five ;i. it-. wit!i "nil s.enes. nd is a widely -k no w n Shu- i bert fea ture. Ml-:HF."V-An aeroplane failim: throuah spa.-e, stril-i'i-i a ir.-eiop. turning and d ropijj ng. no - e for an post . in the ground, is one of tiie spec taenia r! v sena t ionii 1 s"r-nps in the t went v-eieh th eb.apter of "The leaiiiond From tiie Sky." shown oniy at die Mo'sy tlu-ater in this oitv. This thrilling ehapiei- is th.e speeml attraction at-traction today. A Mining and realisiic drama of Henrv M. Stan-ey'st adventures in da'-kest A '"ri'-a is entitled "Sianiev-'p t'lose Calk" Tl:e fimou-- o plorer is abiv ! in persona t ed bv- Ro- Wa tsrni and tiie Rosto- k wild animals do wonderful w oi k in the jungle m rne. |