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Show SflATTHESS FACTORY N IS SCORED V. lethod of Handling Rags Is Said to Be Dangerous in Many Ways pec al to The Tnbune OGDEN Dec 6 Condemnat on of pe practice oi sing old cloth ng in to manufacture of mattresses w tho t fst disinfecting the mater al and the ed of better san taton at nearly ever 5ry in the eountrj are subjects g en nnunencc m the report of James H 'allis representati e of the state board health folio ving h s recent inspec in m th s city The report was ncorpo ted in the monthly report of bam ry Inspector Ceorge Shorten and was nsidered at a meeting of the c ty tilth board this morning Ibe report of Mr Wal s s based on dings that were made during h s prurg of eond tions here for the clean gr eontest Among other th ngs the fpector urjjes better d sposal ot sew fffe, hi recommendat on being that the Erase be treated in sept c tanks before Ins emptied into the Weber ner lie Ko contends that there should be bet Mr disposal of the sewage from summer fettages m Ogden canyon I Mr Walhs's report contains a par jKular compliment for the cleanh con ution of the streets His condemna ion ot the methods employed at a E mattress faetory is contained in following extracts firom his report The practiee of buying bundles of 1 Iothing in eastern markets and p eking them to pieces by machin ery it this Ogden faetory for nse in making mattresses without any I kind of tmmgation or other effec . tive cleaning of germ life is a ' vicious practice and hould not be tolerated The po sonous dust from these rags as thev are being picked .to pieces covers machinery Trails $and floors of the rooms where the work is done and must be a posi tive danger to the seventeen opera jatives employed TVe again suggest in the interest of public health -both the workers at this factory and the people who buy these mat tresses, that a visit be made to this -lace and a tudv made of ts eon "Jsditions. Concerning the dairies Mr Wallis eports that he found every da ry sup-t sup-t lying milk to Ogden with possibly one Exception n poor sanitary condition. Jies were evervwhere he says and he lad not far to go to see the reason. He eclares that a higher standard of dean In ess should be demanded |