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Show nclRoils NAMED BY POPE AT GDNSISTGRY Princes of Roman Catholic Church From Belligerent Countries Called to Rome PONTIFF CONDEMNS THE HORRORS OF WAR Urges Assembled Church men to Pray for That Peace Which Whole of Humanity Wishes RUMb Dee 6 10 1 a m The te rot o story at wh h new ardinals are to U na el a d ut! or imporfent bus ness trHuaa ted began shortly af tor 10 o lo k this mo d u Notw tl stand tl e world war t as ro o I 1 and stte led w th the sa ne pon p a was-c st ary uudor 1 ofo Loo The only d fforen e todav us tho aJbteuce of some of the fore (ru cardi als espo c alb those fron the Uuited btatee Tl e ard uals from the belligerent countries were almost all in the group of cardinal priests in the order of seniont The buglish Lard nal Bourne Archbishop of est ninster came first Card nal De Cabr eres Bishop of Montpeber France second and Cardinal Begin, Archbishop of Quebct third They were separated by the monk Cardinal Seraf m from (ardinal on Hartmann Archbishop of Cologne Cardinal Billot who is German borp and Cardinal Gasquet who was born in London were in the group of car d nal deacons in wh ch there was no cardinal of the other belligerent coun tries Pope Bened ct looked well and Btrong 11$ was full of determinat on espe cialy when lei nenng his allocution in which he again condemned the hor rors of war Popes Allocution In hia allocution the ope said to the card nals Without doubt you are aware of the difficulties which up to the present ha e impeded us from con oklng the sacred college If flnallj I have been granted today to see jou again in goodlj numbers It s not because those difficulties ha e become less but because we feared by longer de lay the procedure of the Roman curia might seriouslj suffer since during this year and the one just passed not a few are the vacancies which death has caused In the sacred college In this grave and h s oric moment before the assembly not vithstanding the rum accumulated during Lhe las sixteen mont s notwithstanding t at the desire for peace grows dally In many hearts and that numberless faml ies In their sorrow long for it ' notwithstanding that we ha e tr ed e ery means that might has en peace or a lay discord nevertheless the fatal war still grows in fury by land and sea and threatens unfortu nate Armenia w th extreme ru n Produced No Results I The e ter which on he ann ver sary of tl e beg nning of he war we addressed to the bell gerent peoples and their ulers thoug ece ved a reverent hearing bv no means pro du ed the heneficen effec s that were expected As v car of H n ho Is the Peace fu King and Pr n e or Peace we cannot be but mo ed by the m sfor tunes of so many of our ch Idren we cannot but con nua a se ou hands in supp cation to the God of Merc ee entreat ng H n w o who e hear hat He mav de gn H s power to put an end o th a san gu nary confl t WW e we seek with al o r e sources to al ev ate e do ef con sequences we feel obl ged by our aposto c office o n u a e anew he on y means wh h can qu ck v p an end to the tremendous conflagra t on P ay fo t at peace wh ch the ho e of human y arden y w shes fo that a a peace that Is just and las ng not ad an ageous o one a one of the be gere pa t es The waj wh c an sure y ead to t Is happ eeu t s ha w has a ready bpen ed and found sa s fac o v n 8 m ar c cumstances and of w c we made n e on n our as e te T a s an exchange of deas be d et or nd rcc based upon good w 1 and calm de bera ' t on and se for h w clea ness du y ! ecogn z ng e asp at ons -of a j e m n n the unjus and mposs b e ! and ak ng n o a count w h e ual ! n easu e v. a. s just and poss b e j Na ura y as a human con ro ve s es wh mus be se ed ou h t e effo so he on end ng pa es t emsel es a a so ute y ne easa a on ess ons e n ade upon some po n b bo pa es a some o e oped fo a Ivan ages mus be e oun ed an a ea h n u nake w good g a e some con ess ons I e t he os of some a c II e so i as no o assun e be o e Go and man e eno n ous respona b fo e on nua on of h b 8 e d nj; o b cod o w hsoy eosno co n e par an wh f p o on get fu er m g mean o Fu ope he eg nn ng of ecadence om e de greo of p ospe ous za to v he Chris an ego as a sed he f on no n Cardinals Named B na o a e s Se ce ROM De 6 A odav s se e on so e pope ppo n ed e fo ow ng ne naL Raffae o S ap e un o o V e na And ea. Pru w u o o Mu GuoTo n ooL sbon C o ann ag e o apos o de oga e o en a Ai e a A fonso Mar a M st an o at phop of Foe ca Gogo Gus m ahi ar hb shop of Bo ogna |