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Show VON HINDENBURG TALKS' SEES RUSSIA IMPOTENT FIELD MARSHAL VON HINDENBURG Calls Great Britain, Serbia and Italy the "Three Prin cipal Sinners " VIENNA Dee 6, via London Dec 6 8 35 p m The Neue Freie Presse publishes an interview with the German f eld marshal Von Hindenburg at b s quarters which are described as being in one of the most important points on the Russ an German front The field marshal replied to a remark concerning his popularitv and his even tual t umphal entry into Berl n by saying laughingly I am already frightened about it. If I could have my way I would not enter Berlin at all but would wear ci llian clothing and leave the train at Kottbus I do not like to be feted. Cincinnatue who retarned to the plough, is a beautiful figure. Howe er my entry into Berlin will not come so quickly At present the enem) won t make peace They are not yet weakened enough We must therefore keep It up further Defies the French Field Marshal von H ndenburg cnti cised the French dernands particularly that relating to Alsace Lorraine If they want it he sa d they should come and get it The Br t sh he continued ap pear also to have dec ded to continue the war It is true that reports come from Ind a that ought to dampen the Br t sh lust for war somewhat b t one must wa t and see whether these reports are corroborated Great Britain has her Ach lies tendon I am not referr ng alone to Ind a In Russia also the emperor and government plainly prescr be the con tinuat on of the war The n ost re markable thing s that all these na t ons do not see that they are only sac rif cing themselves for Great Brita n It does not look 1 ke peace and so Ger many cannot sheathe her sword The f eld marshal declared that every German would rejo ce if an end were put to the terr ble blood letting b t that Germany must carry on ho war wh ch was forced on her Tactical Position Good Quest oned concern ng t e ml tary s tuat on the f eld marshal sa d Our tact cal pos t on s excellent Espec ally n the east the Ge n a ainiy has reached the most favorable stratcg c pos t on conce vable He asserted that the Russ an hun an mater al was n ch poorer than the f rsl year of the war that Russ a could till the feaps with the reserves now mus tered but co Id not form new arn es The lack ot off cers was also a h n drance The Russ an assert ons that the de feats' n July and A gust were d e to lack of amm n t on were only poor ex c ses sa d the f eld marshal who added Tl ere a e no s gna tl at tl e d mo a at on ot tl e R s an a n y o se e then 1 a been o e on e He sa d ho d d not expect a other (Continued on Page Two ) IDEilG DECLARES! RUSSIA 15 iPOTEIT (Continued from Page One) Russian offensi e but was ready for; one tho nature of the warfare has mfcde the war one of ammumt on The extension of warfare all over Europe was a danger for Napoleon and the rea son of his fall said the German com mander but it played no role in the present conflict because of modern rail road facilities He conoluded by say I should be especially pleased at the destructive defeat of the Italians This war m"st not end without the three JAncipal sinners-Great Britain ber 6ia and Italy-receiving just p nish ment |