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Show VENIZELD5 APPEALS TO PEOPLE OF GREECE; COHSTAHTINE REPLIES Former Premier, in Ringing Ring-ing Plea for Constitutional Constitu-tional Liberties, Asks the Greeks to Abstain From Voting at the Coming Election. KING SEEKS TO STOP STATEMENT Distinguished Statesman Deplores Treachery of Greece in Abandoning Treaty to Help Serbia; Calls the Election a Farce. (Spec al Cable br Arrangement w h London Dally Te esrapo and Interna lonal News Servi ) PARIS Dec 6 Joseph Heinach the military h stonan today published the text of a manifesto which M Venze" los the former Greek premier has sent to all members of the Greek Liberal party and which the Greek government refused to transmit by telegraph. It follows By ELETJTHEEIOS VENIZELOS After Greece had enjoyed free con stitut onal government for fifty years, some lave seen fit to deprive those who fought at B zani and Kilk s of the r political libert es In the elect on of February last the people gae a clear and unmistakable verdict but it was useless Those who four times in f e years have been sys tematically disappro ed by a major ty of the people have again taken the re ns of government The const tution has become no more than a scrap of paper Government s Plan Through success e d ssolut ons of pari an ent a governmental .syBtem has oeen naugurated wh ch only has its counterpart m a monarch cal country 1 ke Pruss a where the supreme organ of the state is the monarch All the concess ons of the oppos tion have been unable to deflect the gov ernment from ts culpable determma tion to d ssolve the chamber and hold a new elect on th s at a t me when the army s mob 1 zed and the ma ntenance of the army on a war footing shows that the government fgaH desp te all that t may be necessary to make war and defend the terr tonal integr ty of our country But the government has dec ded to confer the r ght to vote upon the mo bil zed men who are its part ans while excluding its opponents from the same r ght The object of th s pol tical farce s to obta n a f als f ed vote of the peo pie for the approval of the shameful non execut on of the treaty wh ch would havo enabled Greece-to extend her fron t ers to Nestos Duty of Liberals It is the duty of the Liberal party to take no part n th s farce m order not to give t any appearance of legal ty Our party has no intent on of abandon ng the struggle and t vould be a m 8 take to thus interpret its dec s on We must try to a o d other dangers which ni ght follow internecine str fe amidst an exter or ens s When the exter or cr s s has passed if the disasters which the government pol cy foreshadows have not then shat tered our fa th n the future of Hel len sm the L beral party can aga n take up ts struggles for the defense of our const tut onal 1 bert es Ruler Says His Country Will Passively Resist Entente Powers; Says Allied Army Must Quit Greece if Whipped in Balkans. BLAMES ENGLAND FOR BIG FIASCO Compares Position of Greece With That of the United States in Efforts to Keep Out of the War and Maintain Neutrality. ATHENS Saturday Dec 4 10 p n, via Malta and London Dec 6 (by a staff correspondent of the Associated Press) Constant ne I king of the Greeks received the correspondent of the Associated Press today and gave him a message for America on the at t tude which Greece has assumed in the world war and the reasons for the pol cy which has been followed by the Greek government I am especially glad to talk for America, ' said the king for Amer ica will understand Greece s position. We both are neutral and are deter mined if it is humanly p5ss ble not to court destruction by permitt ng our selves to be drawn into the frightful vortex of the present European con fhet Both are try ng by every hon orable means to guard our sovere gnty protect our own people and stand up for our nat onal interests without sac rif c ng that neutral ty wh ch we rec ogmze as our only sal at on America s protected from imme d ate danger by the d tance wh ch separates her from the battlef eld We too thought that once But the bat tlef eld shifted and may shift again What is happening in Greece today may happen in America Holland or any other neutral countrv to norrow f the precedent now sought to be es tabl shed m the case of Greece is once fixed Interview in Palace The interview ith the king took place at noon in the smaller palace which is the king s personal res dence and the and ence lasted an hour The k ng was dressed in the simple uniform of a Greek general and he d splayed the good humored almost yo thf 1 can dor of the ideal sold er to whom d p lomat c exped ents or lack of frank ness seemed repugnant or imposs ble From time to t me emphas zing the earnestne s and s ncerity of what he was saying he thumped the table with h s clenched f st Despite the ser ous ness of the message he was deliver ng his gray eyes occas onally twinkled vith raillery The fundamental cause of the en tire threatening att tude of the entente powers toward Greece today and of the pa nful s tuat on of mv country sa d the king is the entente s own assumpt on w tho t the si ghtest rea son therefor that Greece s ready to betray the entente to Gern any at the f rst favorable opport n ty Is t rea sonable to suppose buch a thing? Neutrality Stretched From the ery o tset of host 1 t es in the near east Greece neutrality has been stretched to the tmost to ae commodate the entente owers for whom we have alwavs felt the keene t sympathy and deepest grat tude The Dardanelles operat ons were d rected from Greel slands o cup ed bj all ed troops When Serb a as endangered by the conbnel Austro Cerman and Bulgar an attack the all ed t oops land ed unopposed on Gree so 1 from wh ch v th the second c ty of Greece as a base thej p osecuted not only nn o lested b t a led n every way cons s tent w an sort of ne tra t the r fruitless and too long dela ed can pa gn to rescue the r al Finally I mjsell ha e g ven my pe sona word th t C eek oop w II ne e be u el to a ta k t 1 an o B t h fo ce Ma e o a r to allav njust f e 1 s on et deb e al these e en es of (Continued on Page Two; VEilZELOS ATTACKS; CDNSTANTINE DEFENDS (Continued from Page One ) good fa th of Greece the entente po v ers low den and n a for wh h s irtuallv an ultimat m that the Greek troops be w thdrawn from faalon k and that means all Macedon a lea ng our populat on nprotected aga nst raids by Bulgarian com tadj s or all the horrors ot war wh ch lay Belgium aste should the allies be driven back vi th n our front ers Just suppose the Cermans were in a pos tion to demand that your cou tr concede the use ol Boston or Seattle as the base for an attack on Canada What would you sa f And if all your m 1 tarv experience and the adv ce ot vour general staff toll vou that such a landing was doomed to failure because made w th an nadequata for e and vou reaped that the British troops In Canada would pur ue the retreat ng Germans across New England destro ini as thev went would vou accept the prospect without a struggle! But had not vour maiesty Ger man assurance that the ntegr tv of Greek territory will be respected! he king was asked , "Of course and entente assurance too And similar assurance from Bui ganat Sees Greece Invaded Germany said the king has gien assurance for herself and her al i lies. B t that does not preent the J German Bulgar an armies as a military J necessity from pursuing the retiring French and British into Greece fight ing in Greece and turning Greece into c a second Poland I have that assurance t also ,, , 1 That the Greek frontiers will be re-erected after the war does not re- build towns or compensate my people I for months, perhaps years spent n uv ing in misery as fugitives from their I own land when their -country is not at war and has nothing to gain by risking -deiastation 1 Why the entente powers treat me ' as if I were the king of a Central Afr I can tr be to whom the sufferings of bis own people were a matter of lndif ference. I have been through three wars I know what war is 1 do not want azv psora if it can be honorably i avoided. My people do not want any war and if they and I can help it w shall not have any war Scoffs at enizelos Then vonr majesty does not he heve that the intervention policy of the former premier M Venizelos real lv expressed the will oi the ureex p pie I know it did not, replied the king forcefully When the people re elected Veniselos they eloeted bim not his poh es The great mass of the people of Greece did not and wUl not, ndorstand anything about the Vemze los foreign policv Thev like him and thev elected him. but it would be tM maddest folly to assume that because they voted for a man personally popu lar tho therefore otcd to throw the country into the whirlpool of the Furo pean war They did no snch thing ar s the last thing they want Ask them they will tell vo .... , Tt s said I ha e exceeded the con st ti tion What I ha e done Is to ap plv the const t it on The constitution gives roe the power to dasohe the hamber to prevent st such disasters as follow ng the Venizelos ohev would ha c pro ed at this uncture Mv duty nder the consttit tion was to exercise that power I 1 n" exorcise t and will cont nuo to exe c so t so long as t is ne essarv to sa e mv people from de 9tr Another th ng r want to make clear I s sa 1 that M Ven iclos n th m assent n itcd tl e all od troops to co e to Salon 1 Nothing o Id be f thor from the t th V Vcni7clos mav ha c expressed the personal opinion that f the all el root lande I at Salon PC - not res t How co 11 she re st B tl t M enizelos e e as the res, ons hie head of the Ornel To ernnent fo mal y inv tel tpre g Troops to nt celt terr tor s whol 1 "n 0 na lr eves that the al el Balkan fit o looned o fa 1 e Allies Will Tail He biys o t t h do n e I to fa lure f n rtaken n t no n ore men than are no the e o on he wa Great Brltai does not seem dis posed to send a adequate force and France ca i ot do the Job alone Tho minimum army that can hP to . co pllsl anything in the Balkans Is 400 000 e As that n imbor is not being se t tl at is ny proof that it is Greece that must suffer Greece that must pay for the failure of the allied BRlkIfntlVo entente will assure me that whe tl ey arc driven back Into Greek territory they will onsidcr the Balka e e dc re embark and leave Greece I will guarantee with my whole any to protect their retreat against tie Gernans B lgarlans or anybody oLse i d g ve then time to emDar wtthoit beng onda sered Tlei I wodd e legltlnately nrotecti g ny rrwSen a d It wo lf not Involve Groore in f rthcr risks Moro I can ot do i c utc seals too n el Thev tr to lr p irw 0 , 4 of trallt thev one to drool terr tor I w I s a lo gh there vc e the rs At N I a th lestr e l ta ks of t r-trole r-trole n "ten le I to ll lo St. on tl e xeise that The n gl l bo "c 1 I V Ge au . 1 arne. Tl ev stoi Or ek .his tl cv r Greek o nmor o a. thev lave wltl A neriean .1 i . too tl y a t to . i rallwais Zl Vth lenanl I hit wo tale h t " g a I g the urcoi t op to n In I s. I nc if M n n cc .1 I ot r o lc i. lut of her neutrality Greece will ma n am her soereigntv and her sovereign ight to protect herself at need And f that is not satisfactorv f loercive meas res are used by the en :ente powers' the k ng was asked We shall protest to the whole world ;hat onr sovere gn r ghts are iolated STe shall resist pats-vely as long as we h imanlv can being forced bv anv measures whatsoe er into a co rse which we know will be preiudic al to the liberties and happiness of o r peo P'e And when vou cannot hold out lonfvf I shall ha e to demob 1 ze our trmies and aws t the march of events. What else can we dot |