Show meeting house burned the people awoke morning last butto discover great clouda of smoke and sheets of flame issuing from their meeting hogue the whole building which is of brick was soon gutted and nothing was saved except a We batera dictionary diction arv which had been used in the school held in the basement tha upper room waa or dicine service on sunday and auch other meetings aa were necessary to be held no cause cin be definitely assigned for the origin of the fire A meeting wag held there tuesday evening but no fire waa made in the stove there are ons which maiee the thought of di arism A large cudgel wr foaud near the coop co op store not fifty feet from the meeting housa and one of the window shutters of the store had been battered to but no further clue can be obtained tha estimated loaa antha building ia in round placed from to from the meagre account furnished us we are unable to give further particulars at this writing iron county amm |