Show ami TOPICS attempt TO PASS THE BILL republicans are getting lh worst of the silver pool investigation correspondent 1 washington 1 0 fab 6 1891 mr harrison made a last desperate attempt through senator hoar in behalf of the force bill at a caucus of ee publican senator held last in order to give the senators who had voted against the old bill in opportunity of le turning to the ranka a new bill wal presented to tho and of the objectionable feat urea 0 the lodge bill stories differ as to the conclusion arrived t some say that it was decided to pass the now bill in a lew days and others that was reached one republican senator who voted with the democrats to lay aside the gae tion is reported to have said that if it would be any satisfaction to the radical members of his party he would vote for the new bill because he waa satisfied that there was not enough time remain gnp to get it the the republicans seem to be getting tho boist of the silver pool in tion in spite of the evident intention of the committee to find out as little as possible no democratic member of either branch of coneless Con eress has been implicated while two prominent republicans senator cameron and representative taylor of illinois have admitted their guilt and another one representative ketcham of new york is expected to do likewise the greatest farce of the investigation was enacted hen owenby the man who claimed to have been a member of a ailder pool was brought from chicago under arrest and put on the stand almost before he began his testimony the committee decided that h e must not mention the names of senators or representatives that he had heard named by other people as speculating in silver that practically shut out all that portion of his evidence that might h ave led to finding out something and it is believed that it was intended to have just that very effect i the free coinage bill has been the cause of some very plain talk this week and unless all signs fail it is going to bring on a big row in the hauae senator cockerell said that the opposition 0 o has suddenly sprung into life in various sections but principally in the east was inspired by telegrams from the capitol and bland chareen representative avalier who ia a massachusetts banker with trying to smother the bill in committee TV granting endless hearings to all who asked for them the vote of the committee shows that the bill will get no favors there and all that the free coinage men can now do is to await a favorable opportunity to bring it directly before the house congress has granted mr harrisons request and passed a bill extending the time during which an assistant may act as the head of any executive department of the government from ten to thirty days androw that gentleman ia up te his ears in the recommendations of various would be secretaries of the all the big republicans from gen aiger and chauncey depew down to me too piatt who is himself candidate are flitting in and out of washington lika restless chosta it ia stated by republicans abat mr har rison haB promised not to give the place to a silver man hell have a hard time to fill the shoes of the late secretary windom several of thoe who might do ao satisfactorily to the country would under no circumstances connect themselves with the present unpopular administration senator turpie in accordance with the resolution recently adopted by the indiana legislature has offered a joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution of the united states for the election of senators by a direct vote of the people it looks now as if the fifty first con eress would come to an end before the committee which has been for lo 10 these many months making an allegado investigation of the pension office and commissioner baura makes its report it ia thought that the report is held back laurn in his place as long an possible as be is almost certain to be removed when the report goes to mr harrison the national legislative council which was provided for at the late ocala convention convent ioa of the national farmers alliance ia bow holding its first session here it is composed of the presidents of the state organizations and the national president its principal duties are to prepare the bills that the alliance will ask the aest congress to pass there ia a rumor that the council ha already decided upon a material modification of the sub treasury scheme speaker reeda action in having r fused to give the house committee on foreign affairs a day for the consideration of measures favorably reported aiom that committee makes it practically impossible for us to make a single step towards the reciprocity now extended by the canadian atvell theres one consolation reed will bs a deposed czar in a very short time |