Show pauyo mail service MAILS L r 3 lake closed am U I 1 Su lh 0 10 a ui it G W kast 1100 a n itar W going arc TJ P going cortti MAILS ARRIVE U tp from salt J alac 0 30 a n ROW it ir y denver 2 50 p ir UP Pout atah Ct ah U 12 sill S ill lake cloaked 15 p m us OFFICE the general delivery stamp and registry windows open at 8 a m aud close at pm HI the money order window opens at 9 a in and closes at 4 p m an sunday the general delivery and stamp windows are open from 12 m ati 1 p ra JESSE Mc GAUSLIN postmaster REWARD will be given to any person who will furnish the evidence that will convict any person of starting any of the recent incendiary fires in provo city y E BOOTH mayor of provo city S H you seen our b ig drive en hoods and bath towels I 1 not call and inspect dunn aboa A gentleman in union county mo who is too modest a man to have hia namo mentioned in the newspapers was cured of rheumatism by chamberlains pain balm after trying other medicines and treatments for thirteen years 50 cent bottled for sald by smoot druy co of all colors and widths have you seen them dirty worse than leprosy Is catarrh and there is but one aaion that does cure that disease and that is the california positive and negative electric liniment sold by pyne maiben it also cures neuralgia rheumatism headache sprain 3 burns and all pains try it and atell bour neighbor where to pet it arrows specialists for diseases of the eye ear nose throat lungs and chronic diseases haye consented to have an office at hotel roberts provo every monday of each week home office scott auer hacic building salt lake auction I 1 auction A notion TO THE LADIES OF the undersigner undersigned under signed will sell to the high st bidder for cash a full stock ot ladies bats trimmed and also feathers ribbons etc on wednesday feb 11 1891 at 2 p in in new building west of the post office canao all and beet a bargain BACHMAN U S marsala Mars hla ot a conscientious woman mr wisdom SIR I 1 beg to thank yon for the and refreshing aubertine bertine Ku kindly sent me r have used the toilet preparation of the most celebrated manufacturers of london and paris dut consider your eo benine their superior in point of purity ind excellence wishing you the unbounded success you deserve I 1 remain t EMMA for salt by druar co 8 provo commercial and banar arm City Feb alifi annual meeting of the of directors t serve the ensuing year will be held at the banking house thursday Thu february at one p n J B tall cashier THE place to iet your harness saddles whips etc is at 0 S excitement runs high at pyne druff store over system builder as everybody is using it for catarrh of the dyspepsia and to build up the system it certainly poises wonderful marit when all 10 well olit prop rieter of this paper ha been subject to frequent colda for some years which were sure to lay him up if not doctored at once he finds that chamberlains cough remedy is reliable it opens the secretions relieves the lungs and restores the system to a healthy condition jf freely used as soon as the cold baa been contracted and before it has become settled in the system it greatly lessens the attack and often cures in a single day what otherwise have been a severe cold HOTEL des moines iowa 50 cent bottles for sale by smoot drug co A GOOD 1 I have sold chamberlains ber lains cough remedy forten years days druggist E 0 leap of vail la and have always warranted it and never bad a bottle returned daring the past ninety days I 1 have sold twelve dozen lias given perfect satisfaction in every instance it does not dry up c bah but loosens and relieves it it will cure a severe cold in ass time than any other treatment 50 cent and 1 bottles for sale by smoot drug go WILL close our line of striped and plain seer suckers at four yards for 25 cents call early and secure this barbain ba reain DONN co to soften abe afcin ladies whose kin is subject to roughness when exposed to the air may remedy the difficulty by applying wisdoms violet cream it restores the natural action of abe aikin and induces and elasticity sold by smoot drnec cu baled hay in adv quantity at s toa AHAB Rr at C S baa barahu buop BUSINESS FACTS stable to rent THOMSON CASH paid for dry onions at east coop FOB pure bred durham bull thomson FOB SALE Imported shire stallion thomson FOR SALE pure bred tersey bull thomson WHEN want first class raisins call at boshardy Bo sharda bresh oysters first of ane season at the enterprise restaurant valentines valentines 1 at C in the basement WAGON and buggy business for bale THOMSON cleanliness promptness and cheapness at the enterprise restaurant the grocery trade of provo call and see lor yourselves IP you want a good square meal eo to the enterprise restaurant dinners 25 cents TUB dinners at the excelsior gestaut rant are superior to any in town con ai dering the price only beeswax wanted at dunn gos Z WANTED a woman or girl to work at the arcade restaurant t THOSE who wish to get Immor telles made up in wreaths crosses anchors sickles or any other shape or boquete ot fresh flowers for weddings or funerals can obtain the same by applying to me 24 hours before wanted Immor telles constantly on hand all persons indebted to mra zina lyons are requested to settle the same bachman deputy II 11 S marshal boom no 10 court house 1891 troy steam laundry ol 01 salt lake J evans has the agency for the celebrated troy steam laundry salt lake city bundles left monday will be sent and returned free of express charges satisfaction offices at D K G express office in howe taft grocery a lore agent wanted A good canvasser and agent for sewing machines organs and pianos wanted immediately apply to provo book stationery co GEO ataylor manager important to ladies know ye the citizens of provo city that the lime of year has come when something must be done by each and every store keeper and he feels it his duty to make some special efforts to please his customers with something new and where as the firm of jas thorn eon co is a new firm they have decided to do something quite novel by cutting the prices of all of their goods to nearly cost bids j for the erection of a fire department building for city will be received b the undersigner undersigned under signed on or before monday february ac 1891 at 2 p m for plans and specifications call on R C watkins architect at his office at the territorial asylum building all materials must be furnished by the contractors the city council reserves the richt to eject any or all bids not considered advantageous to the city E C chairman corn on public grounds and giov property only one in the united states out of 1857 cough syrups manufactured in the united states but one has been found to be entirely free from opiates and that is the california positive and negative elective cough cure which is ane best on earth for congui colds crough etc sold by pyne maiben PROVO MARKET corrected daily j bobino SELLING wheat per bushel 75 85 oats per cat cwt barley per cat cwt cora shelled per cat cwt PRODUCE potatoes per bushel 75 65 onions per cat cwt cabbage beans white per ib 4 5 DRIED FRUITS apples per ib 7 ground cherries 7 chickens 20 25 chickens dressed 8 10 turkeys live weight 10 12 turkeys dressed per ib 13 15 ducks tame 25 30 dacks dressed per ib 10 12 ducks wild per doz DAIRY PRODUCTS butter per ib 25 25 eggs per doz 25 30 cheese home made 12 15 hay baided bailed 1000 MEATS beef live weight per ib 3 i beef dressed per ib 6 7 r T veal dressed per ib 6 j hamo home cured per lb 12 16 bacon home cured per ib 10 12 miscellaneous honey per ib 6 7 sugar per cat cwt alt AC TRADE MARK THE lomg positively CUBES consumption GENERAL debilities DEBILI TIES NERVOUS testimonial UTAH NOT H no mabens medical company j ot for over tour yeara I 1 have awn cabled with my and unable to lie bide awas recommended by try salvator agar lag one bottle I 1 could he ou eUhe tida and un and looking better it 1 wladi tul medicine and I 1 intend to OM DAVID 11 51 not in took media MM Wal plumber steam and aas fitter toe TO eiph asi fillias Fil liss ALWAYS OX HAND bath tubs wash basins sills SPRINKLED GARDEN HOSE etc houses fitted up in athe moat approved savle with steam gas hot and cold water orders promptly attended to ME A GALLIOT P 0 bor 16 CENTER ST PROVO UTAH sacramento Re KO 69 st will open saturday january FIEST CLASS EALS call and see us on terms TOY I proprietor the fair Is the place to go to when yon want fine elegant lamps CROCKERY FAMILY HARDWARE LAW CHAIRS STOVES INCLUDING MIRRORS ALBUMS ETC the fair HALF BLOCK NOETH OF FIEST NATIONAL BANK AND YARD are completely equipped with all lands 3 of building material lowest prices and prompt attention to orders WE MAKE A speciality OF I 1 amii I 1 bic oar establishment is run with the latest and most improved machinery and everything in the building line can be furnished on the most satisfactory terms J CALL AND SEE US prop provo i UTAH ARTISTIC lanil ife i over bolh A tt iloah law rt PROVO CITY wholesale and dealers in furniture of aai Ms bedroom suits 22 and upwards parlor suits and upholstery at bargains baby carriages lace curtains portieres eres backs ac t T prices to suit all we are now in our new quarters 15 17 19 east seventh street UTAH PROVO 0 t FARRER BRO BUTCHERS DOORS EAST cash paid for fat calves EXCELSIOR BAKERY RESH CAKES PIES ETC A LOT OP i cika AT lime boott akst ff la conne cUon blui our bakery cozy aha DINING frech oysters and porter house stacks on band A FINK PLACE FOR city K B prak etor w e fal T A music 11 st i X S i first rational Jat ional PROVO at UTAH paid in capital tl A 0 A T K CUTLER itce W a T C A GLAZIER ASSISTANT DIRECTORS S S JONES JOHN 0 GRAHAM i waltera R PIKE K EL J P R JOHNSON t safe deposit vaults absolutely fire proof rents 3 to 15 lor year DEPOSITS PAYABLE ON collections SENT US RECEIVE PROMPT ATTE ION AND AT LOWEST BATES correspondents new york BAAK san francisco PAC bait lako city DESERE r UNE J the fact 4 A i we are already tle cheapest that place in ton will appreciate and avail them i helyes of the ne n are buering for the next 30 DATS L we will sell ALL of our stock at 15 r per cent discount to reduce and make j room for our spring goods now on the road 15 per cent of every T 3 thing yon abuy for the ct 30 days begin ing f Fet ast 1st 1891 so 14 amon block headquarters S SCHOOL huppi for JUT pencils cray one ink caper pens etc go we carry the beai an 1 cheapest lina of NOTE BOOKS BOOK ETC y house in town pianos agents for domestic sewing machine organs chase bros an elegant line of WALLPAPER just received book and stationery co block 1 SIT mcewan ca best tc lov cst arices Sr ices 1 dry goods groceries children gentsy i furnishing goods u 4 BOOTS AND SHOES we are selling off our stock of s oos AND BE alaia |