Show CIVIL CALENDAR continued D 0 reed vs meadow improvement live stock co law gee sutherland tor plaintiff jens 0 nielsen vs W jbrandon WB randon et al law geo sutherland fe W K beld for plaintiff and fe Whit etton zabriskie for defendant sarah morean vs annie marie moore law booth for plaintiff and for defendant W jackson et al law M M kellogg for plaintiff and kine houtz for defendant alfred Toa alinson vs 17 P ey co I 1 aw MM kellogg for plaintiff and P L williams for defendant geo M scott co vs denev et al law wedgwood geo sutherland for plaintiff and J E booth for defendant anna marks vs U P ey co appeal P L williams for defendants cardoline Car loline F bromley va rio grande kauo aureal hall bradley for defendant J C powell ys E H parsons et al law M M kellogg for plaintiff and geo uth prland for defendants thus broadbent vs monroe irrigation co appeal W M mccarty for defend ants joseph hall vs eio grande W Y co appeal J E booth for plaintiff and bennett marshall sc bradley for defendants fend ants CALENDAR chirles crane vs B watta et al equity D evans for plaintiff and geo sutherland for defendants bullion beck champion mining co TS F K morris equity arthur brown for effs and bennett marshall bradley for defendants F K morris ys bullion beck cal maco equity bennatt marshall bradley for plaintiff and arthur brown for defendant louis bonkofsky VB john green equity W I 1 snyder for plaintiff and bennett marshall bradley for defendant H B clawson TS F K morris equity arthur brown for plain tiffand bennett harkness bradley for defendant valentine L thomas vs F K morris equity bennati Ben neti hardness bradley for defendant john elliott vs john bastain et al equity baskin van horna for plaintiff aad arthur brown and E B critchlow for defendants johannah evenrud vs hans oleen et al equity W K for plaintiff and wm Zabris kr for defendants robert L alien vs john martin equito hall marshall for plaintiff and geo sutherland for defendant spanish fork city et al vs st V lesieur equito king and geo sutherland for plaintiffs and W H dickson for defendant hans poulsen vs theo M samuelson et al equity for plaintiff and king houtz for defendants R et al vs theo M samuelson equity A for plaintiffs and king houtz for defendant fen dant cyrus H spriggs vs taylor et al equity hall marshall fir plaintiff ane geo sutherland for defendants fend ants springville Spring ville va james hawley equity xing houtz for plaintiff and J E boota for defendant W R smith bt al vs jonah equity W H king geo sutherland for plaintiff and booth wilson for defendant fen dant thomas wright sr vs joa F wright et sal equity sutherland judd for plaintiff and marshal boyle for defendants fend ants wm R may va nephi irrigation co equity for plaintiff and king houtz for defendant james W vs jas S perry et al equity geo sutherland for plaintiff adams sons co va P N equity geo sutherland for plaintiff jacob houtz vs james whitehead equity kins houtz for plaintiff t sarah A vs joseph A thompson equity booth wilton for plaintiff plaint ff and M M Kellog st for defend ant S S jones vs ann leetham et at equity king houtz for plaintiff thomas herbert va joshua hone equity MM kellogg for plaintiff and for defendant petition of isaac fordonski fox change of name of lydia Forde naki to mary jane fordonski attorneys |