Show FOR r vf i spent n over ft doliar and a half TWO lawyers were talking of ald law the other day when one of the oldest members of the indianapolis j reporter t remember the perry township pig case thit took up a good part of one geror teror of court having come up through 1 office the case was ened I governor of ana least tvr firms of boeh side sims couey and thomas walpole were in the case and so far as mr colley was concerned heimas then in the full power of his renown the case gave him full opportunity for the display of Ks pic genius and the drolleries droll eries haj infused into it lony furnished matter of laughter for the bar mr couey now over no matter how absurdly droll he pst sight of the best interests of his client and never lost sight of his own in the shape of as fat a fee as it was possible to ob tain the question was about the identity lawyer the witnesses anone side saoe it was a pig in a barnyard and had never been out until it had been put info a which it was taken to be the vinnesse vit nesse an the other side swore that lEhey had known it it wasa was a but the at poat anear mark sustained by one set of witnesses said he marked an ear of the shote rath his pocketknife pocket knife and the cut was explained at great length to th ejury the oyier alie nark on the ear of his shote was a dog it was at this stage of the testimony oay that a sensa tib nal fe was introduced one testimony ito elint addad a climax by pickled pigs ear declared to be the ear of atie shote in question this created a great the court rooer as the effect of pictorial testimony upon abt be measured t the fitness with the tear was however and het case wenten medical Mcd ical called to lav in be tweena 1 bep cut with a knife and one torn aby the s teeth of a bog the experts abree and the jury dis and another trial was held the second jury disagreeing cirit had edons charges of perjury were mado on a number of assault a edba cases grew out of tac the litigation were between four and five hundred dollars on ea ch faid J the 1 about one dollar and fifty cents but the i were fighting for principle |