Show FACTS BRIEFLY STATED A TOX of gold is worth are one hundred george smiths in lynn mass NEW TOM spends about a year in banquets AN inch of rain means one hundred tons of water on every acre THC last bank failure in baltimore was in 1887 fifty three years ago IT is estimated that indian wars have boht the government TUA is probably now in daily use as a beverage by one half of the population of the world if would tale a freight train contain ing thirty five cars to transport in pennies A SPANISH potato raised at clarias ville ga this season was four feet and eight inches in length IT takes bonnets a year to cover the heads of the female soldiers in the salvation army the army has property amounting to more than sa in the various countries where it is established ia favorable circumstances the tea plant flushes a fresh crop of tender young shoots from twenty to twenty five times in asb course of a growing and picking soa son of nine months |