Show SALE ofa 7 beair ESTATE noti els hereby in pursuance ol 01 an of the probate coutt ol 01 salt lake coan i vi Utah Territory made january la of li BS maller Ml ller deceased the will sell at private aale to itie subject by abrl bale courtad cour tOD wednesday abe irth day ol 01 february 1891 at 12 noon a room fifteen 16 county all alile interest and estate atene alne vt his death right interest that said estate est tte baa by operation oper atlon ol 01 lawor law or otherwise acquired other kaaa or in deceased in and to all that parcel in utah county utah bounded aa lol r v ot r an UD divided one naif io a to brown ue said utah known as afe Bai lok tau la abe ibe by cuica they say iney fifteen bun feet tn iry feet iari lode vein or deposit atone and being described on abe ri f n monument on a mila northeasterly iro nithe first water tank on abe D kr ala spanish port caann and about six noath of the cano uron the lefand alde going up ne ibaan and jin bad tace stated that they n ann lii and one direction on this aaa tills and moan ment w j ten per cent of the purchase price t on day sale by said l lobate biag roust be tn nd at or mailed to delivered 10 th ans time before tha said day A i j ot tae ematat QS lif sall le deceased T J e f police h here by given that in RB probate court of utah county utah made on ane ath day t sep the matie abe eclair or Thoma ahe the administratrix ot the laid estates at private sale to abe highest hie hest bajder for cash gold coin of baates and court on ane aih tiny of february A 1 1891 at 12 piat the office of king kooms ana 7 bank ins all the right ilelle Jat ereal of abe said thomas fenn alane time arhl death and all abe title and the said has by operation of law or otherwise acquired other than or IQ to that ot ahe at the time of abath Iria to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate the anict city county or biah and ter t ir tr t commencing a 1 ibe northwest corner of 0 15 piat 0 city ol 01 county utah territory irence south brods rods thence north 6 rods to the beima mid conditions of oln of the united states ten per cant ot tho fw chase money be paid to uie on the flay of sale llanten the llon of the sale y the all bids laust acin and aled of the estate of fend deceased 8 aa 1 v A ij ali auas S A i re ata esiel |