Show al IT flav ull A presenting IDEAS waterworks Water works sewerage and fire depart ment water tax levied city council evening in adjourned session mayor booth in chair councillors councilors Counci lors dunn and liddiard were absent PETITIONS AND communication from the provo woolen mills co notifying the council that a reduction of 10 per cent would be made on all are electric lights over and above the number specified in the contract that the city council may or have ordered mr henricksen stated that the committee had asked for a reduction of twenty 20 per cent and had ogden and lake prices but apparently parent ly the company had not seen fit to grant this reduction the offer of the company was accepted mayor booth and as many more of a like nature aa they may send along from alie city assessor and collector melting forth that he had been enjoined by the district court for collecting litigation to the amount of assessed during the year 1889 and asking that he b credited with said amount on the books of alie cita granted and the amount ordered credit ed to the assessor from A C mcbride applying for a retail liquor dealers license with approved bond granted from E lund architect and builder in relation to waterworks water works sewerage fire department etc an followay fol lowa to the cay council of provo city GENTLEMEN much discussion is being indulged in by your citizens in regard to the vital question before you concerning waterworks water works sewerage fir protection etc having hd some experience peri ence in these matter permit me to liay a few words perhaps I 1 might strike the right solution and my ideas prove of benefit waterworks WATER WORKS alie city should own and operate diem if a reservoir he contracted nea the mouth of provo canyon and a pip line laid gravitation would supply a force needed for domestic use if a pool is formed in the river close to town and a pipe line taken from an auxiliary pump to be located say in the base city hall would do all the service until your cily numbers four times its present population this latter is the cheaper plan and very effectual in case of fire water works can be constructed to eive good satisfactory service and need not cost avex ovex and the ownership resting in the city all taxpayers will be interested in patronizing it sewerage this is the most vital problem before you the present state of the bubli health demands immediate attention you can do without water works for dome time yet as your subterranean water can be utilized by pumps and bj alteration can be made perfectly pure but drainage is an absolute necessity fhe zees pool system BO much in use w cities having no outlet for waste water might successfully operated here and to some enterprising company might be made profitable and your present tem of irrigation be made to assist in cleansing your city the plan of general sewerage to drain your whole city and than to take charge of it at its outlet is perhaps beyond the means at the disposal of your city for yet awhile bein very expensive FIRE protection ordinance should define the strength of materials to be used plans for buildings should be submitted to a competent building inspector and the thickness of walls and strength of materials considered and when all is latib laci ory building permits should be issued it is not alone necessary thai buildings cannot he ignited from without but it should be borne in mind that tha construction shoud be such that it is safe for the firemen to enar even after a fire is started and that roofs anu file walls will stand the strain of meu with a hose line passing up and over them especially should irame buildings have timbers large enough the fire some time to consume giving a chance for caving more than th loi nd post holes as is the usual at pr ebent to my mind it seems the moat batis factory way for the city to construct these itsell bearing in mind the general dilatory ways and operations of private corporations il you city aito be carried towards oia tenal growth aud prosperity beware of letting private monopolies hold hei in their hands I 1 am sure that in protecting the cites 3 in thebe needed improvements you will have the cu operation of all beur citizens and lay tue foundation for a growth and wealth of which you will eyer be proud respectfully E architect and builder Build tr referred to the jl mt committee on fire department and mater works REPORTS OF CITY of the city treasurer for the quarter encil g february 2 re 10 ejbl 41 balance iu treasury K berred to the committee on of the city r the viator Buhe dule for 1801 showing the lits and by irrigation accepted and OF of the committee on and alleys as your on and alleca to whom was the claim of A J steward jr for to rees re es cablish section conners coiners and establish center sto the amount of that we have examined alie samu faud that the greater portion ot said surveying was unauthorized the council record chuwa that only such cornera al ara in the town ite eutry wera ui deded established reestablished re by the city council a follows to wit sections 1 6 12 and me halt of section 7 makin ISmil tsin all which at 5 per mile would be 90 of this amount 25 las been paid leaving a which we recommend bo allowed L S glazier chairman mr maiben explained that the work bad probably been done to a certain extent through a buc as the work had not been ordered done by the council the committie commit tte did not consider that they bad any liht to recommend the allowance of the claim the old biad stated to ahe surveyor that it would be a good thing if the borc was done mr hinrichsen was in favor of aa lowing the ie claim if the work was necessary and had been done through a misunderstanding and waa noti a put up job on the city mr glazier stated that there waa a question aa tu whether it was a benefit to the city or not unless the work was approved by the surveyor general which bad not yet been done after farther discussion the report was adopted the same committee reported on the gas franchise resolution of LP and van horn submitting a substitute resolution with the aaion that it be placed on its passage pa asage report adopted of the committee on police and city prison as follows your committee to whom was referred the tion of the cily marshal report that we have examined the city prison and find it in a very bad condition a dark damp gloomy and anven place in our judgment not fit to confine any human being in we therefore recommend the following changes to ba made ast 1st cut out the petition vails and upper floor majiu j it one story fill up the side door way nd cut one in the north end the lower floor about 1 foot 6 aches etith gravel make on top a ghou concrete floor put in iron cages leav ing the upper windola for ventilation ard 3rd build an addition on the north two stories high the first floor for a dining ri om and containing two iron cages fur drunkards and the second story for female prisoners samuel lyddiard chairman mr maiben admitted tb need of doing as reported but the county owned the ground up to within a few afeei of the jail on the north side and consequently ther waa not acom to make the propos td addition glazier explained that the place was very filthy and if need be tha city should take to secure additional room mr henrichsen did not believe i making improvements on some one elsas property he thought further thai it would be better to build a new jail than to patch up the old one mr dixon was in favor of the first portion of the report the mayor suggested that the third proposition of the report be stricken out mr glazier then gentlemen where will yon put your female prison era the report was amended by striking out the third proposition and adopted incidental to the discussion mr maiben stated that an agreement had been entered into between the city an d the county by which the city to receive tb old ground within tha old enclosure that had been around the jail in exchange for the southeast quarter of the court house block but that the deeds bad not yet been made out the committie commit tte on streets and alleys reported recommending the allowance of the claim of the P li M B co amounting report adopted the following claims were presented allowed and several amounts pria tid provo cooperative co operative institution nails tobacco cu etc pyne fe maiben prescriptions in diphtheria cases etc 41 evans nuttall shoeing team etc william lewis whitewashing city jail 6 sun foundry machine co repairing water pipes etc A A noon justice of the peace the claims of JB hoffman 1950 and charles de moisey for assisting the city engineer were referred to the committee on streeta and al beys the claim oi S S sones for nails and blankets amounting to 1417 was referred to the city marshal the claim of alex allkins Wl lkins carpeting house etc necessitated to disinfect his house amounting to 2680 was referred to the Board of health READING OF BILLS the substitute resolution submitted by the committie on streets and alleys ranting a franchise to st V le azeur ind J H van horn to establish gas works in provo city was taken up and passed its first reading and the recorder instructed to secure of the same A bill to amend the ordinance regulating and licensing the sale of intoxicating liquors was introduced and passed its drat reading the bill provides for that no pool or billiard tables ahall be kept in any room where intoxicating are sold BUSINESS mr diron reported progress in relation to the proposed union canal and naked for information as to whether the city would ber the expense of can said canal or whether a pro rata tax would b levied some of the members were of the opinion that the companies should pay i small proportion of the expense but the council action in the matter mr dixon moved that monday feb 23 at 6 p m at the council be set as the time and placa for hearing complaints of errors in aaa estment of water tax carried on motion of mr adison the compensation pensa tion of the for the irrigating season of 1891 was fixed at per day on motion of mr maiben the rate of water tax lots was fixed at 1 per lot and on farm meadowland meado wand pasture land at 50 cents per acre the water tax on machine interests in teresta for 1891 were established as follows provo woolen mill co excel mills A B ands holdaway 40 provo woolen mills flour mill co 60 P LM B co 85 bans poulsen 10 EJ ward 25 mr glazier moved that the fire department part ment be furnished 12 suite consisting of genther coats and boots the motion was lost council adjourned until monday evening feb 16 at 7 |