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Show UTAHNS PIONEERS UNDER THE CARY ACT A party of Utah men started and completed, the first irrigation project that was segregated undor the Carey act. It was called the American Palls Canal and Power company, and undertook under-took to put water on 1QU,000 acres in southern Idaho, around tho present town of Aberdeen. The project is now finished and has been turned over to the settlers. The original promoters were -Tudgo L. W. Shurtlifl'. Lyman Skeen. William Bostaph and a number of other Ogden Og-den men. Tn 190( the projoct wns taken over by G-. It. Bothwc-ll. R. E. MeConaughv, T. A. Sweet. B. J. Evans and L. C. Curtis of Salt Lake. These men completed the work and turned the project over to the settlors after clos-inc clos-inc moro than a thousand contracts for water. |