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Show II j "A Confession of Faith" I jh 1 If you have trouble with your Stomach, Liver or Bowels, m I feel run-down and in need of a tonic, we urge a trial of I HOSTETTER'S j STOMACH BITTERS j Your faith in this medicine will not be misplaced. It will j surely help you. Be convinced today. All Druggists and I n Dealers. 1 H ;J IjftSiWjWMipB Kelly Co. kas (?pjijy agBSBfcB concern m wide awake and studies luIIjlfjjSBM customers' interests, and prices 1 PBBBeHHBH tats sensibly. H HR velours m MALLORY tt RSraHffSSiSSS GnavcncflcJ, Soft and Stiff-. 1$ HS STETSON'S 'I Mn!rlil3MM You can t beat tbese lines I Get This Booklet Freer We want you to know all the reasons why baker's bread is better! gx than any other, and also why bread is the chief staff of life. TheWe Master Bakers' Association of America has issued a booklet on thea subject, giving a brief history of the art of bread making, and showsf 0$ the relative food value of bread and other articles of diet. Somel I proofs are presented from government reports. I " The Story of the Staff of Life "I is an authority on the subject of bread and should be read by every H woman. It is handsomely printed in colors on heavy plate paperjK1 and bound in an elaborate cover- an artistic product of first-classjl&ll! I printing. Every family will be benefited by possessing it. FREEw to all who present the attached coupon. Alter you have read trie book, we feel sure yoii will. " JH be converted to the good sense of not baiting your own 0rfrS.e . vM8 youPn mA ml , ,. .,. , i i i j a ma-TiT-Ei at 232 Main St., Salt Lake City amWi H bread, and insisting on "tho best bread baked," TABLE receivo your copy of this valuable hoSSKfit QUEEN BREAD, T'10"3, 1 ROYAL BAKING CO., SALT LAKE Nftmc H If you. want the book sont by mail, send five cents to Address mL 1 COVCr postage. Positively only one book h Lungs Weak? Co To Your Doctor K j We have haa seventy years of experience with Ayer'sm Cherry Pectoral. That mikes us have great confidence in it for-v l0 coughs, colds, bronchitis, weak throats, and weak lungs. Askyour( own doctor what experience he has had with it. He knows. He can advise you wisely. Keep in close touch with him. iff?fe:B5- ! S ,;4 . ' ;. . - . ' .Vvv. . v ' . $ The Biggest Player-Piano i I Bargains of the Year 1 Here's a real sensation in the music business an ex- t ceptional offer to people who want a high-grade, j fully guranteed player-piano made -vvrj.. w by one of the largest piano factories lllllly J in the world. Come to our store Player -Piano W before Saturday night and see this m M j big Carnival Special at B m I $JOr$10 Down" scarf 20 tOtl $ 1 0 Month jajsfe33! j Grand Music Carnival , ' Free Concerts Each Afternoon at 4:30 J . 7- For our visiting friends we have arranged a series of demonstration concerts today, tomorrow and Saturday at 4:30. The programs will be of excep- 1 " . tional interest and will demonstrate the best music for the home. Admission J ; : ' is free to all who apply at the store for tickets. ?. Mo matter what yon want to buy in the music liite, come to 1 this store this week.The Carmival prices will save yoii money J ' 13-19 East First South , i 1 i |