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Show I AGED MINER WHO IS il SUMMONED BY DEATH ! I JOHN" XL KEETLEY. John H. Keetlcy, Known Througtioul Western Camps, Victim of Heart Disease. John H. Kcctloy, 71 years of age, well known in. almost every mining camp in the -west, died yesterday of heart trouble, at his residence, 161) West Sixth South street. Tn.the early seventies Mr. Kootley was in Litllo Cottonwood at the Davenport, City Rocks and Mackav mines and the Victoria Vic-toria and Imperial tunnels. Later Mr, Keetlcy went lo Dead-wood, Dead-wood, sS. D., whore he -was manager of the Sir Roderick T)hu mine, in JS77. Returning to Utah he was placed in charge of the Ontario drain tunnel No. I at Park City in 1881, and superintended su-perintended the extension of the tunnel tun-nel to the No. J! shaft. Afterward he went to the Anglo-Saxon mine in Butte and then to the Kontuck mine at Shoup, Ida., roturning to. take charge of tho Ontario Drain tunnel No. 2 in 18S8. Later he was associated, with the Little Lit-tle Boll and with tho Silvor King Consolidated mines of Park City. A few years ago ho retired from active life hecnuso of failing health and has since made his home in Salt Lake. Mr. Keetley is survived by a widow residing at the family home in this city, and a sister, living in St. Joseph, Mo. Funeral arrangements have not yet been completed and will be announced later. |