OCR Text |
Show ards at State Fair fcjs Are Extremely Busy Announcing- the Prize jt WinnerS' lli,' hiblts made rapid progress fm&i.t fldr yesterday. Among the JWglttc .the secretary' office are Pnowestlc Department, . ,,-inc-Mm. UWin Cannon. 'rVMiJ-M.-Mn-. Anna Olen. S rEoS cmbroldcry-MLi Jo- MflitM'tnbrol(ilrT-Mr- Anna Thur-Klmtot Thur-Klmtot embroidery-Mrs. DahlRrfn. Brls-l-SEvrL DhlKTfn. Drlshum City. .'flBftTXihT ft f11 work-Mrs. A. W. yBL..VU Hickman. flKftS-Mrr. Frank Jonnlnp. tifc'-v hr girl or bor under in ycari-"'-'Wifcifi. Oliver Scely. Jw!fo-Mrl(! Jorwcn, 10 ti. 'Slrirf-Anni Hampton. 7 cnm. kHSL ...let Mrs. SUur IKt child' drra-Mr. L. McCuno. -KTlT fctlDil pcrsoot-nisU l'lerath. Mn. it Un Flortneo Cnrnuin. $3 cacij. lEi "rt.wl-Mn. Martha Gilbert. lWS-Mr?. W M. Fersuion. i,Cu itl-Mn. Lou Is" Mcunc tkK ri iiie-Mr.. I-oulsr McCnne. ajWflflt-Mn. Frank- Laraen. Cttla quIlt-Martlia Snndbcnr. 'drl nlfPlce-Mr. S. J. Williams. iCStr l doth-H. May Brovn. lK) CorUln-MM. K. Dnckman. KL! jjmu scarf-K. May Brown. .'crl cellar-Mr. S Marks. Kit wrk-Mrs J. E Andcrpon. Hfci iwk-Mli Clara Larson, ifc exiK Taltt-Hel'nn Younc. Manias-Mr. S Mark. , fcohnet-H May Brown. ent Mn. James Mara. jarf-'Mrt. Jasir.i Mara. C, (uf-Mlr Anna Thurnun. SBtflirf-Mri. Loulso Mefnnc. 2jHSe?:t-Mrr. Gcorso nirlstoriherran. tinl-Mrs. S. Marks. STikii-Mri. Anna Olen. ujKtr emiiroliSen W H. Knox. lKtor rtn, apfclal Mrs. Nora Arnold. ilUI'f-Kn- A. H. Little. rtHfe Jlitkratno ncirf Mr. L. Smith. eJKFartlitls pteca cross r.tltrh work Mm. VHfcalctt- jtutinle VcnrtUn fmbroldery Anna Thur- jKm cetfrplKe II. May Brown. fA falCTl.icrfd handkcrrhlcf Mrr. Anna 4 aobroldcrcd Jabot Mr. McCunn. l-)ia K. 3ackman. K rredi rabrolderfd plpcc Mra. L. Mc- 4d 2ift!4rai ploc Mrs. A. 11. Jampa. I aSroldfred place S. Smith. tdivti locch cloth H. May Bron-n. UilKi-Vn. N Burltt. ttft rccml Mn. L McCune. . Tor Ladles Over 75 Years. ifiij ef laey work Mn1. Bebecca Brown. steT-SIm. Mary C Iambert. Mi tsbolatrfi drew, tidy. Irish crocllo d U-'i, rittlnr, crochet work and cushion J. Booaflr. ftiltrj lunch cloth, rmbroldcrcd drei. and itittl wsUt Mrs. Mary C. LamhrrL. C2l cosilitlnc or 18,772 plccr Made by .Ttsiji!r. ijtrd J3, Salt Lake. 1K at ttt-Mrs. S. Marks. &i illk ihtll, mide Trom Utah silk Ka.- ?il coccoDS Mri. S. J. Williams, Ok- k 0!H-Mn. R. Loire. ' Hkcrtiorns- ft jrar or over rirst. Alma S. Carllk: H TU1 A. Fowell. llffW.ljtti ind under 3 Flret. B. S. Loll. WJVjII caK-Klrnl. Alma S. Carlll. EtfW' Ml fJlf-Klrst. Aim S. Carlllc; sc-IWTlil sc-IWTlil A. resell. SBr- L'"" or over First. A)mn S. Carlllo; TO4 A. Powell. HBJmn'm"11 hoIt(r F,r,t seot"1- "Fn"5 IWteff tixaplon bull, S yeara or over Alma 3. tiitDploa bull, und?r 3 yea.rs Alma 3. EVui cliaploTi lull, any ago Almi 8. Car-SmJ Car-SmJ jtjlon cow or heifer, 2 years or OTor 11 heifer, under 2 years Thad A. plon cow or liclfer Thad A. Towell iK?5i'S1'' ' e''tcr iex, produco of, one cow Ma owe" Dt0- 1 jUij or orer Flnt. Martha K. Olsen R,'.. C. r. DIsoti & Sons: third, Mar- $ t Soni. PBl iei ind under 3 First. C. r. Dlson Hf-J'w retrllns-Flrct, C. K. Dlton & WS tfc'i ' fourlh nd flflh- Marth K. SKaY" a'f-Flrtt and second. Martha K. BCJf?: tl'lrd. a P. DUon U Sons. Zl .1 "I'-Firtt, c. v. nijon tc Sons: K , rt, Msrthi K. Olaen h Sous. tBtar'.L"'! or ovr First, Martha K. Olaen IKt'uif"''',,0- r' D,X0I Sons: third and -Wrthi K. 01r.w h Sont. m1 nd uni1cr 5 Plral and hecond. Sf oiica 4- Sons: third, C. F. TJIxou ft lSCi!il0.iLimrl,a-Flr8t. C V. Dixon A. zMjttr lb,rJ a,ul fourt'i. Martha K. Olocn FJialor yMrllng-Firtt. r. F. Dixon & Wc ..Jad t,,,r,, 'Msrtha K. Olkcn & Son. V n , Mlf-Flrnt. econd and third. . 0 ,tn Sons, Sjtalor cilt-Pirat qd tccmid. C. F. Dixon K- Sons; third and fourth, Martha K. Oi-en Oi-en Sona. Senior champion bull Flrsl, Martha K. Olsen ti fona, Gland rhamplon bull Sliver cup. Martha K. 01-aon 01-aon &. Sonr rnnd champion Mmalo Silver cup, Martha K. OIhcii & Sons. Ael hrrd Flrat. Martha. K. Oltcn ft. Soni- second, sec-ond, C. K. Dixon tc. Sons: third. Martha K. 01-am 01-am & Sons-. Youiik heril-Kirvt. C. F. Dixon &. Sona: second "ml third. Murtha 1. Olnon Jli Sons. Calf herd Flrnt, Mnrthn K. Oleon Jk Son: second, C. V. Dixon i Sons: third. Martha K. OIiipii & Sons. Four nnlmalu. either ex, set of ono lre-Hrt, lre-Hrt, C. F. Dixon ft Pons: second and third, Martha K. Olacn & Sonn. Two an (inula, either rex. produce of on' row Flr.il nnd socond. Martha K. Oleen A, Sona; thlnl. C. I". Dixon K: Sonc. Department A Horses, Clns 4 rcrchcrnns: Filly, I year and under 2 FlrH and necond, J. It. Allen; third. Jninca II. Moyle. Sinllloii. with one of his got First and second, sec-ond, J. It. Allen. Mure, v-llh onn of her colls First and second. J. n. Allen Sweepstakes, best HUlllon, any n;c J. n. Allon Special A Stallion, 3 years old or over First, J. It. Allen. Special B-Stalllon, under 3 First, -second and third. J. It Allen. Scpclal C Champion stallion, hied and owned by exhlhltor First and kecond J. R. Allen. Special Mare, iiudr 3. bred and owned by ex-hlbltor ex-hlbltor Flml and second. J. R. Allen. SrxM'Inl F Champion intro. tired and owned br e.xhlbltor First and nccond. J It. Allen. Special (5 Oct of fialllon. four colts, clthnr sex Klmt. J. U. Alien Special II Produce of male, two coltR, olther e.x Flrat nnd Ke.Cond. J. It. Allen. Special J Five sulllons, owfted by exhibitor First. J. It. Allen. Special K Champion stallion Flrat and second, J. It. Allen. Special L Champion marc First and second, J. It. Allen. Department B Oattlc. Class 4 Jorsoys . Heifer calf First, A. 0. Smool. Jr.; second. Smith Bioa. Jersey farm; third. Cannon Bros.; fourth, W W. Goodrlclce; fifth. William C. Winder. Junior hull First, James K. Moyle; second and thlnl. Smith llron. .Icrsev ;nrm; fourth. Cannon Bros. : nfth, Hen R. F.laredce. Junior helfnr Flret. Smith Droi. Jersey farm, socond and third. Cannon Bros.; fourth, J. E Mnlln; nfth. Smith Bros. Champion bull Silver clip, X'annon nros. Champion fumalo Silver cup A. O. Smoot. Jr. Ajed herd Sliver cup. Cannon Bros.' Younc herd Silver cup. Canuon Bros. Best four nulmala, produce 6f one sire, sweep-stalie-s Sweepstakes ribbon, Cannon Bros. Best two animals, produce of ono cow, sweepstakeSweepstakes sweep-stakeSweepstakes ribbon. William C. Winder. Herd, one hull and four females Silver cup. Winder spoelnl. Brat srade, .Torsey cow. In milk. Jersey hull cs.lf Ben B. rildredRe. Special A Grand champion bull. If exhibited by his brcodcr and owner Gold medal, William C. Winder. Special B Grand champion female, II exhibited by her breeder and owner Gold medal, William C. Winder. Special D Four females over ona year, get of one aire, two of which must bo In milk First, sold medal, second, sllvor medal; third, broaze medal; William C. Winder. Clans 5 Ayrahlres: Bull. S years and over First. W. II. Smith. Bull. 1 year and under 2 First and occond, W. H. Smith. Bull calf First. aecoDd and third. W. H. Smith. Cow, 3 years and over First, Beeond, third, fourth and fifth W. H. Smith. Heifer, - years and under 3 First, W. V. Smith. Heifer 1 year and under 3 First, second and third. W. II. Smith. Heifer calf First, second and third. W. II. Smith. Herd, one bull and four females Sliver cut?. W. II. Smith. Class fi Guernseys: Bull, 3 yesrs and over First, Dr. It. A. Tearsc. Bull, Z years and under 3 First and second. Dr. It. A. Tosrse. Cow, 2 years and over First, Dr. B. A. Pearse. rina 7 Holstctna: Bull. 3 years and over First, Nelson Bros.' Bull. 2 years and under 3 First, Nelson Bras. Bull calf First. J. I. Atkinson, Jr., second, third, fourth and fifth, Nelson Bro. Cow. 3 yearn and over First, Nelson Bros.: second and third. J. I. Atkinson, Jr.: fourth and fifth. Nelson Bros. Hnlfer. 2 yexrs and under 3 First, second and third. Nelton Bros. Heifer. 1 year and under 2 First, second and third, Nelson Bros. Heifer calf First, second and third. Nelson Bros. Department B Cattle. CIles 7 Holatelns'. Sweepstakes Ona bull and four females, Nelson Bros. Class 8 Fat cattle: Fat steer, any src First, Martha K. Olsen & Sonr; socond, C F. Dixon & Sons. Fat cow. any oro First. Martha K. Olsen & Sona; second, Thad A Towell & Sons. Winder special Best fat stoer, any ape Martha K. Olsen tc. Bonn. Group fat cattle First. Martha K. Olsen k Sans. Class C Enellnli Shires. J3lalllon. 2 years nd under 3 First, lysuls W. Lund. Maro, 3 years and over First and second, Or-r.on Or-r.on P. Washburn. Sweepstakes, beu stallion, any age Orson P. Washburn. Class 7 Bolrjlansr Slnlllon, 4 years or over First, J. II. Cllnger. Stallion, 3 years and under K First, Louis W. Lund. Stallion, 1 year a.nd undor 2 Flrat tnd socond, Louis W. Lund Sweepstakes, best stallion, any age J. H. dinger. din-ger. riaj 3 Suffolk-Punch: Stallion. 3 yeirs and under 4 First, Orson P. Wnjliburn. Stallion. 2 years and under 3 First, Orson P. Wiiohhurn. , Marc, 3 years and over First, Orson P. Wash burn Filly. 2 yean and under 3 First, Orson P. Washburn. Filly, I yr and under 2 Flrat. Orson P Wnahburn. Muro. with one of her coltft First, Orson P. Wnsjibunt v Sweepstakes, best stallion, any age Orson V. Washburn. Olasi 10 French Coach: Mare. 3 years nnd over First and ntcond, J. It. Allen. Class 12 Kentucky Saddlers: Stallion. 4 years and over First. .7. E. Hansen. Stallion. years or ever First. Orson P. Wafh-bum- second. H. IC. Allred. Stallion, 3 years and undor 4 First, Orson P. Washburn. " J-'wcepstakes. best stallion, any aa; J. K, Han-urn. Han-urn. C!as 13 KnRllsH Hackney: Stallion, 4 years and over First, F. II. Nell SSworstakes, best stallion, any a?e F. Tl. Neil & Sons. Cltiiis 14 Jacks and Jennets: Jack, 4 year and over Flrsl, T. H. Nell : ""swoepslakes, liet JacV-F, II. Nell & Sons, Claus 16 Grade Draft: Mar, 3 years nnd over Flrnt. L. B. narnmon. Filly- - years and under 3 First, I. B. Ham-mon. Ham-mon. Clu 17 ShetlAnds" Stallion, t yars and over Flrat, Cannon Tiror. Mare. 3 vears and ovit First. John M. Cannon: Can-non: second, Cannon nros.; third, James H. 'fVht. 1 "ar and under 2 First, John M. rSl"n"on. with one of his ret-First, Cannon ''Mar-, with ono of her colU-Flrat. John M. Cannon: second, Gilbert I. nlch; third. ItlKby Bros fil'IlH""" nfl ov.r-Flrrt. If A. Knlphl. nrond mare, with foal of aamr brcfd-Mrt. II A Klilsht. Department M Educational. He " r'oTlecllon of baskelrj-rirst. Murray city "ncii" collection of woodwork articles-First, Murray cltr ychoole Best collertlon of ureful articles First, Murray Mur-ray elty schools. Department G Floriculture and Horticulture. Horti-culture. Class l Fruits'. Division 1 Apples. Best plain Jonathans First. 'OUu Poulson; second. sec-ond. It. W. Urcrelotl. Host plate wlnesaps First. Olto J. Poulson: nccond William H. Woodbury. Best plat Home B.iuty Flrsl. n. W. Brercton; second, L. llenienway. Best plate Gano:i First. D. .L. Vincent: second. L. Hr.rucnwny. Be-it plalo Winter Bananas First. A. D. Mc-Comb; Mc-Comb; second, n. W. Brerrton. Best plate Wealihys Flrsl, It. W. . Brercton; second. L. Hemenwny. 1 Best, plate Mammoth Black Twigs First, L. Hemenwny second, Otto J. Poulson. Best plalo Ben Davis First and second, C. T. Stlllman Best plate Missouri Pippins First, L. Hemen-way. Hemen-way. recond. Wllllnih II. Woodbury Best plato Lawvera First. R. W. Brorcton; nccond Otto J Poulsnu. Best plate White Pearmalns First, L. Hemen-way; Hemen-way; recond. It. W Brerelon. Best plate It. I. Greening Flrnt, William It. Woodbury; second; L. Hemenway. Best plate N W. Green In pa First, L. Hera-nnway; Hera-nnway; second, Jacob Youiik. Beet plate Yellow Bcllflnwcrs First. Otto J. Paulson, recond. L. Hoiiienw;' Best plate York Imperials First. L. Hemenway; ioenod, William II. Woodbury Beat plato Grimes Goldon First. William II. Woodbury: second, L. Hemenway. Bent plsto Mclnlnnh nedfl Flrsl, L. Homeo-way; Homeo-way; second, J, O. Smith. Best plate Wolf niver First. Otto J. Poulson: second. L. Hemenway. Best plalo Baldwins First, L. Homenway; nccond. ncc-ond. William II. Woodbury. Beat plato Northern Spy First. Otto J. Poulson. Poul-son. Best plat Newton Pippins First, L. Hemenway; Hemen-way; second, William H. Woodbury. Best tray Jonathans Flrat. William H. Woodbury: Wood-bury: C. F. Stlllman. Best tray Wtnesaps First. Otto J. Poulcon; second, C F. Stlllman Best tray Home Beauty First. C. F. Stlllman; second, Otlo J Poulson. Best tray Ganot First, L. Hemenway; second. D. L. Vincent. Best trny Ben Davis First. C. F. Stlllmati, second. William II. Woodbury. Best tray Mlmourl Pippins First. L. Hcmcn-wa.y; Hcmcn-wa.y; second, William II. Woodbury. Best tray Mammoth Black Twigs First. Otto J. Pouloon; second, L Hemenway. Best trny Arkansas Black Flrsl. Otlo J. Foul-ton. Foul-ton. Largest apple, any variety First, J. 0. Smith; second, L. Hemenway. Beat pack of apples First, second and third. R. W. Brercton. Best 25 boxes packed apples First. R. W Brore-ton; Brore-ton; second, Otto J Poulson: third, Box Eldor county. Division 2 Peachea: Best plato Lato niberus First, J. 0. Smith; necond, Jaraee King. Best plato Elbertae First, William H. Woodbury; Wood-bury; second, J. 0. Smith. Best plato George A. Lowe First. James Klnc Best plato Chnmplonfl First, James King. flcut plate Ulah Oraugo First. James King; second. William H. Woodbury. Best plalc Lato Crawfordi; First, Jamas King: Lcond. Olio J. Pouleon. Best plate Muira Flrat, Jamc King. Boot plate King filings First. J. O Smith: uocond, William H, Woodbury. Best ttay Klbortas First, Jnines King; socond, It. W. Brorolon. Beit tray Yellow Freestones First, Olio J. Poulton. Beat tray White Frees Mrst. James King. Best dlHjiIay poaches Flrkt and aecond, Jama King. Beat pack poaches First, Floyd Knudson; socond. soc-ond. Otto J. Poulcon. Division 3 Pcnrt: Best plate Bourie de Anjnu First. Otto J. PoilUnn; Dccond, L. llomenwcy. Best plate Vermont Beauty First. L. Hemenway; Hemen-way; second. William II. Woodbury Beat plate Winter Nellie Flrsl, L. Hemenway; second. William II. Woodbury. Best plate Flemish lloauty First, vstlllam H. Woodbury; Hccond, L. Homenway. Best plalo P. Barry First. William H Woodbury; Wood-bury; uocond, ti. Homenway. Beat plate Klefcr First, It. w. urercion; second. sec-ond. William H. Woodbury Best tray Bartlolt Flrnt, Otto J. Poulson; second, sec-ond, L. Homenway; third. William H. Woodbury. Best display and variety pears First, Otto J. Pouloon; second. William H. AVoodbury; third, L. Hemenway Ijirgett pear, any variety I irst, William II. Woodbury. . , Best pack of pears-First. Otto J. Poulson; second. R. W. Brereton Division 4 Prunes Beat plate German Klrtl, L. Hcmnnway. Best plain Italian First, L. Homenway; second, sec-ond, Otto J. Poulson. Best plRte Petite Flrat. L. Hemenway. Beit plate Silver First, R. W. Brerlon: eec-ond, eec-ond, JanieK Klnc. , Best plate Plm Seedllngs-Flrsl. L. Hemenway. Best plato Giant First. L. Hemenway; second, i trinvtl Ifmitlnan. Best " display of rach variety named nbovo First, Otto J. Toulson: second. 1j. Hemeuwny. Best pack pnincs-Flrat, R. W. Brnretou: aecond. aec-ond. Otto J. Poulson: third. J Floyd Knudson. Division 6-aropes: , . . Best PUI Murcatel-Firat, J. C. Stay & Sona. Best plate Black Amber-First. J. C. Stay ; r3ett plate Flame Tokay Secood, J. 0. Stay &Bes"' piste Thompson's Seedless Flmt. J. C. StBcjt'nUtoBlack Prince-FIrtt. J. C. Stay fc SBeit plat Concorda-Flrst. J. 0. Ur Bons. Bet plato Titrplo Damaicus First. J. C. Stay &Bt"plale Zlnfandel-Firsl. J. C Stay Soni. Bent plat Claeselaa Rose First, J. C. Stay pfcHPlalo Black Kerran-Flwt. J. C. Stay Eplll plate Black Hamburg-First, J. C. Stay ABllate Black Malrolse First. J. C Stay Bp tl "Vial's 8et Water-First. J. C. Stay . SI)fsl display and varlely-Flnt. J. C. Slay Sons. Division 6-MWetllaneoua: Best collection (julnces First, James Iving; ee-onil. ee-onil. J. F. St-iy f. S9U9-Clas S9U9-Clas a Bottled ,(r.ul: pct five Jars peach Second, Minnie B. Ridley Rid-ley Bc-.t five Jars rherrlrs-I'lrst. Amelia C. Duf. fin: second. Mlnnl B. rildley. Best five Jarn pe ars-3econd, Erma Duffln. Best flvo Jarn apricots First. Amelia C. Duffln. Uest display and largest Tarlety small fruit in inrs-Second. Amelia C. Duffln. Best dliplay and largest vrlty of fruit In ftlaaV Jars-Second, Jllnnl B. Ridley. Bmt display and largest variety of Jams nnd lollies In glawea-Seeood. Minnie B. Ridley. Bsit display of pickles First and tecond, Mln- n,Bert d"splsy of catsup in bottles-First; Mlnnl B KIdley: sreond, Mrs. Llezie Stringbam. Class 3 Dried fnills! 1 Bit display of nan-dried fnilts First. James KBea't !S twunda Kngllsh walnuts-Flrat William VBit':& pounda peanuts First, William WrighL Bat 35 pounds soft shell almonds First, William Wil-liam Wright. Class 4 Flowers: Best display or follagn and floweilng plsnls, t lees til in 25-Vliat. Junta KIdx. Best display nnd largest variety of dahlias First, H. H. Howell. Swi-ejuUkes.' bett collection of planta and cut flowers to be owned and raised In Utah by exhlhltor ex-hlhltor First, Charles Poylln. Manufacturers Building. Rubber stamps Silver medal. Salt I-ike Stamp company. Art iiieul work Gold medal. Salt liko Stamp company. Bottled fruit. Jms and Jellle.i Gold medal, Tlmpanogos Fruit company. Bottled fruits. Jam and Jellies Silver medal. Caroline Seymour. Canned vegetables Gold medal, Tlmpinogos Frull company. Best display of wodn water Gold medal. Silt Lke Soda Water rompany. Best display art Itlcl I limbs Gold medal. Salt Lake Fltwell Aillflclnl company. Ilrsi dlupiny ".'5 loaves while bread Sllve modal, Superior Baking company. Bet display of baking ponder Gold medal. Hewlett Brin. company. Best display of cana Sliver cup, Hewlett Bros, company. Ilrsl display toilet soup Silver medal, L'nlon Packing & Manufarturlng romp.itiy. Brl display of yrup--Sllver medal, Union Packlns A. Mauufartiirlng company. He-il dlsplnv of hpli'en--Dlplomu, Union Packing Pack-ing k Manufacturing company. Best dlupiny roftec aubslltuie Gold medal. College Col-lege Food company. Best quality m.itircss Gold medal. Salt Lake Matlrew Mnnufarturing company. Best quality cotton batting Sliver medal. Salt Lake MatliesN Manufacturing company. Mmtrosi dlupiny Gold mcdnl, Utah Bed k. Manufacturing Man-ufacturing company. Pest illxpl.i) hod springs Gold medal, Utah Bed 6 Mnnufuetiirlng company. Best dleplny of pillows Sliver medal, Utah Bed A ManufaeturJiiK eompnny. Dot dlupiny enamel brick Gold medal, Kn.irdel Brick company Ben display Are brick Gold mcdsl, Utah Fire Clay company. Ilesl dlsplny of pressed brick Gold medal, Iftnli Fire Clay cnmpiny. Best display of vinegar In barrels nnd bottles Gobi mednl. MnxflcM Vinegar rompany. Beit double hnrncM. heavy Gobi medal, Sail l.nke llnrdware rnmpauy. Best vnqucro saddle Sliver medal. Salt I-ike Hardware eomtMiiy. American stork saddle Silver medal, Salt Lake Hardware rompany. Single haruesii light Silver medal, Salt Lake Hardware company. ReM single h.irnrr. heavy Silver medal. Salt Lake Hardwnie etunpany. Post dli.play of horse collara Diploma, Silt I-iko Hardware company. Bent dlhplay leather uoveltlerDIploma, Salt Like Hardware rnmpilliy. Best display of bridle? Diploma, Salt Lake Hardware company. Best dlcnlny of Ulah salt Gold medal, Infand Crystal Salt company. Bent display macaroni Gold medal, Western Macnronl company, Roxt quality overalls Gold medal, Z. C. M. I. Best display boots and shoes Gold medal, Z. C M. I. Uest dliplny of overalls Diploma, Z. C. M. 1. Best display of Utah sugar Gold medal, Utih-Iilabo Utih-Iilabo Sugar company. Pest display I'lah rond'tised milk Gold medal, Borden Condensed Milk company. Rest display of chocolate Gold medal, McDonald McDon-ald .Chocolate company Bent display of cocoa Gold medal, McDonald Chocolate company. Best display of pork and besns Gold medal, Utah Canning company. Bent display of catsup Silver medal, Utah Canning Can-ning Company. Best display of sauces Diploma, Utah Canning company. Bent collection of dre-is goods Gold medal, Knight Woolon mills. Best collection of casslmerei Gold medal. Knight Woolon mills. Bent six paJrs of whit blanltfts Gold medal, Klnght Woolen mills. ricul dlsplny nsiorlcd flannels Gold medal, Knight Woolon mills, Bet diuplay of manufactured dry goods Gold medal Knight Woolen mills. Best six palr3 of colored blankets Silver medal, Knight Woolen mills. Best display of ovorshlrta Silver mednl, Knight Woolen mills. Best display of UtAh-mndn candy Diploma and Jlfi. Keelc-y Cnndy company. Bent lubricating gresso (display) Gold medal, Lubrn Oils company. Best display of waterproof oil for shoes Silver Sil-ver medal, Lubra OIIh company. Best dlsplny neatsfoot oil Diploma, Lubrx Oils company. Imperial beer Gold medal, Wagoner Brewing company American Beauty heer Gold medal. Salt Lake Brewing company. Best deeornled booth Gold medal, Superior Bnklng company. Best quality Utnh-mndc candy Blue ribbon, McDonnld Chocolate company. Bost quality Utah-made extracts Blue ribbon, Hewlett IJrou. company. Best dlsplny of Utah-mndo leather novelUes Blue ribbon. Silt Lake Hardwaro company. Best quality Utah-made mattress Blue ribbon, Salt Lake Mattress Manufacturing company. Be.t pair Utah-made nhoen Blue ribbon, 7. C. M. I. Best variety of Utah-made soft drinks Blue ribbon. rib-bon. Salt Lake Soda Water company Best display of Utnh-made macaroni Blue ribbon, rib-bon, Western Macaroni company. Best dlsplny of uian-maao matires muo riu-bon, riu-bon, Utnh Bed fc Manufacturing company. Best qunllty of Utah-mado condensed milk Blue ribbon, Borden Condensed Milk company. Best quality Utnh asphalt Blue ribbon, Utah Itock Asphalt company. Beat dlsplny of porlt and beans Blue ribbon, Utah Canning company Best Utah-made cloth Blue ribbon, Knlgbt Woolon mills. Boot breakfast food Blun ribbon, College Food company. Dlsplny of Utah sralt Blue ribbon, Inland Crystal Crys-tal Salt company. Display of glaied pipe Gold medal, Utah Glazed Pipe company. Optical display Gold mednl, Columbian Optical Opti-cal company. Dlsplny of cleanser Diploma. Universal Cleanser Cleans-er company Display of brooni3 Silver medal, Gabbart Bros. Display of brooms Diploma, Carpenter Bros. Best display brush handles Diploma. Anderson Manufacturing company. Modlcntcd product Diploma, Tonsola company- Display or Ulah coal Gold medal, Bamberger Coal company. Glove cleinrer Diploma. Mrs. Thatcher. Utnh, ni;phnlt Gold medal nnd diploma, Utah Rock Asphalt company. Utnh cured meats Gold medal, Ogden Packing Pack-ing & Manufacturing rompany. KuraUtum Oold medal, Cook-Smith Chemical company. Twenly-flve loave9 of while bread Diploma. Mrs Charlotte Jamrc. |