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Show Years of Suffering Catarrh and Bluod Disease -Doctors Failed to Cure. Miss Mabel F. Dawkina, 1214 Lafayette Lafay-ette St., Fort Wayne, Ind.. Tvrlten: "For three years 1 waa troubled with catarrh and blood disease. I tried several sev-eral doctors 'and a dozen different remedies, rem-edies, but none of them did tne anj good. A friend told me of Hood's Sar aapcrllhu I took two bottlea of thl; ttiedlclne and wua as well and strong as ever. I feel like a different person and recommend -Hood's to any one suffering suf-fering from catarrh," Got It today In usual liquid form or chocolated tablets called Sarsatabs, John Heath. Michigan Bar, Cal., writes; "I was afflicted "with kidney and bladder trouble for nearly six vear6. Had a very bad spoil somo time ago and was unable lo turn -vyitb-out help, T commenced usinc Foley Kidney Pills and can truly say r was relieved at once. I take pleasure in recommending Foloy Kidney Pills." Schrainm-Joanson, Drugs. (A6v9rtlieiacot) Here is a remedy that will cure your cold. Why waste time and money experimenting ex-perimenting when you can get a p'repa-ration p'repa-ration that has won a world-wido reputation repu-tation by its cures of this disease and cbu always be depended upon? It is known everywhere as Chamberlain's Couch Remedy, and is a medicine of roal merit. For sale by all dealers, (AdrertUftmint) M Complete wj Security sHun company guarantees the 9H payment of the mortgages so- Hy curing the 6 per cent Secured KS! Certificates it issues. BSu Those Certificates thereforo combine the three moBt im-HE im-HE portant requisites of a- deslrn-Hg deslrn-Hg ble investment unquestioned safety, substantial interest and convenience. ( IKl Certificates issued for Kn amounts of $1.00 and upwards. SALT LAKE SECURITY & TRUST COMPANY HH 32 Main Street ffm? Liver ! is Clogged up ! That's Why You're Tired Ou "& J Sorts Hare No Appttite. CARTER'S UTTLEWafoiN I LIVER PILLS jPlwr J ioaiatif, l&ijgtt&m, Side Heaisdke. SMALL PILL. SMALL D05Z. SHALL PRICS Genuine man bar Signature PDSLAM HEALS AFFECTED SKID SWITCHING No matter what form your skin nffec-tlon nffec-tlon may tako. Poslam will eradicate It more rapidly and more effectively than anything yet devised. Poslam has simplified sim-plified the treatment or slcln diseases. Nothing exlBts which can equal It in in- tense, actlvo healing power and certainty of results. Poslam Is Invaluable to you If aifected with eczema, acne, herpes, rash, Itch, pimples, scaly scalp, Itching feet, or any like disorder. The terrible Itching which causes sleepless nlghta or aggravation is stopped at the very outset. POSLAM SOAP, medicated with Poslam, Pos-lam, Is unequalled for the skin, not only when disease In present, but as the safest saf-est and most, beneficial soap for dally usc. toilet and bath. Soothes tender skin, never Irritates. Schramm-Johnson. Drugs, and nil druggists sell Poslam (price 50 cents) and Poslam Soap (price 25 cents). For free samples, write to tne Emergency laboratories, 32 West 25th Street. New York City. (Advertisement.) GOOD NEWS Many Salt Lake Oity Readers Have Heard It and Profited Thereby. "Good news -travels fast,", and the thousands of bad back sufferers in Salt Lake City are glad to learn that prompt relief is within their reach. Many a lame, weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. Our citizens are telling the good news of their experience with the Old' Quaker Remedy. Here is an example worth reading: Karos Searle, 237 West Third South St., Salt Lake City, Utah, says: "You may continue to publish the testimonial I gave in praise of Doan's Kidney Pills some years ago. This remedy certainly cer-tainly did me a great deal of good and I am, thereforo, always pleased to speak in its behalf. Backacne annoyed me off and on for a number of years and I was unable to got rolief until I com. menced using Doan 's Kidney Pills, procured pro-cured at Schramm-Johnson 's Drug Store. Many people have sought information infor-mation of me, regarding Doan's Kidney Pills and I have alwayB advised a trial of this remedy when tho opportunity hp.a occurred." For Bale at Schramm-Johnson 'b drug store, Salt Lake City, Utah, and by all dealers. Price 50c. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan 's and and tako no other. (Advcrttsmnt) ASSESSMENT NOTICE. Salt Lake Realty Owners Company. Notice Is hereby given that at a meeting meet-ing of the board of directors of Salt Lake Realty Owners company, held on the 2nd day of October, 1012, an assessment assess-ment of five (5) cents per 6hare waa levied upon the outstanding capital stock of the corporation, payable Immediately to J. Frank Judge, secretary. No. .109 South Main street, Salt Lake City. Utah. Any stock on which this assessment may remain unpaid on Wednesday, November 6th. 1912. wIll bo dollnquent and advertised adver-tised for sale at public auction, and unless un-less payment Is made before, will be sold at my office on Monday, December 16th, 1912. at the hour of 2 o'clock p. m., to pay the delinquent assessment, together to-gether with the cost of advertising and expense of sale. J. FRANK JUDGE, Secretarv. First publication October 3rd, 1912. h25S I Splendidly Tailored I Seventy-five snappy fall suits in this M f three-button cutaway effect 1 j j Full lino of regular and extra sizes. V jjjf Worth to $27 JO Eaeta, J I OO ATS Qr Sessoa ' .1 1 p P A beautiful number in the stylish new "Johnny" coat 11 I of heavy, fancy material, tailored, braid bound also I full 52-inch broadcloth coats of finest chiffon broad rloth J in plain tailored style; full satin lined You choose f'j from either of these recognized $19.75 values today at only -fl .- The New Cafe for Ladies and Gentlemen REMODELED FOR FALL OPENING. The Palm Garden J . - j 28 West Broadway "The Brightest Spot on Broadway9 A MOST attractive place. The best of everything in the line of German", fi Lunches and Delicacies; Chops and ' i Steaks served at all times. . v ' i J U OUR WINE LIST IS COMPLETE 1 Merchants' Lunch from 11.30 to 3 p. m. J High Class Entertainers Every Evening. ffi ELMER BROTHERS, Proprietors. NJ " : The Tribune Gives Your Wants the Largest Circulatioj h I we'll be ready for you by Friday that's exhibition day. I Our entire stock will be open for inspection and we can J promise to show you a most complete and up-to-date line of New Furniture which will be sold at public auction on Saturday at 2 p. rn. " Better come in and look things over. 4 I TELEPHONE jf5&fc 15-19 WEST--j 3 6 2 S V SOUTH ST. ADVERTISERS OF FACTS. |