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Show First Applo Shipment. Special to The Tribune. TWIN FALLS, Ida.. Oct. 2. The first carload of apples to be shipped from tho Twin Falls tract wont out, from here this ovenlng. hound for Chicago. Tho car contained 030 hoxes, nil Jonathan apples, ap-ples, in two grades, fancy and extra fanev. Thirty carloads will follow today's to-day's shipment. Tho work of packing was bogun only Inst Friday and Is bolng rushed to fill orders and enre for the fruit. District Fruit Inspector Brcnnan confidently predicts that at least 3000 carloads will bo tho year's .shipment within with-in tho next three or four years. Today's shipment woa made under direction of the local Fruitgrowers association |