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Show Army Orders, TASHING-'.rON, OcL 3. Second lieutenant lieu-tenant .Tames b! Hill. ThlrteentH cavalry; cav-alry; will ropprt to the commandlns officer offi-cer at Fortluiey. Kan., poet for duty at the Bchool for bakoro and coolis, mounted OrdorsStomber 21 Mwting Captain WtOter F. Martin, Nlntheavaliy. to Join lila reKtmont aro amended bo ob to dJreot Captain Martin to remain on duty with the Sooond cavalr. The name of Captatn Walter H. Johnson. John-son. Twonty-flfth Infantry. 1b plooed on tho list of detached offlcorB. effectlvo November No-vember 1, and the num. of Captain William Wil-liam M. Fiissett, Infantry, Is removed thorefrom, efTcctlvo Oclcbur 21. 1 Captain William M. Fassntt. Infantry, la re levod from duty wltb tho oianlxed mllltla of Mississippi and U attached to ?h- Ninth infantry, ertt'ctlvo .November 1. FlSt Lieutenant John B. BarnoH. OTfth infantry. Is relieved from duty no tarooc. tor instructor of tho organized mllltla ot Vorntont, offentlve October IB, and will JOChaplalnWallace H. Walt, lu aliened to tho Ninth Infantry |