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Show MONTANA FAIR WAS A GREAT SUCCESS George IGotz, racing secretary and handlcuppor of the Montana Stato fair, arrived In tho city yesterday. Mr. Klotz will officiate as assistant secretary at the coming Lagoon meeting. He states that the racing at tho fair was the host ever held In the west, the attendance was the largest over known In the state and $12,000 was given tho runners In purscH for six days' racing, something ncvor heard of before at a ctrito fair. Ho says tho main topic among the horsemnn since the fair closed was tho race Bert Getty ran In the derby, beating beat-ing Meadow a nose on tho post. A blanket blan-ket would have covered the cntlro field from flagfal! to finish. Tho raco will go down In hlHtory as one of the best ever I run in tho went. On tho whole tho fair was a great auc-i auc-i cs In every department, and the man-I man-I ugMiicnt wan so well pleased that next ) year tho fair association will add S2CO0 I In Ih" florin- |