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Show ODD FELLOWS ENJOY fine mm Exercises in Celebration ol" Ninety-First Anniversary of Order's Founding. It v;ts on April Jii 1819. ihat the independent inde-pendent Order of Odd Fellows was folded, fold-ed, and Tuesday being the ninety-Ural anniversary of that event, the members of the lodges in Salt Lake City, together with their wives and sweethearts, fittingly fitting-ly celebrated ihe occasion with appropriate appropri-ate exen.-ises in Odd Fellows hall Post-office Post-office place. The hail was eomfortably filled, and the exercises, which were simple sim-ple but Impressive, were presided o ei by W, J. Moore, pasl grand master. The programme was opened ilh an Overture by Held'S orchestra. The ritualistic services, suited to the occasion, occa-sion, wore conducted bv . J Moore. Edward Fierce, a. J Wilson and S. . Morning. A brief address on the principles princi-ples of the order was delivered by the Rev; F A. Simpkin Frof. .John Held rendered a coi not soli, and afier :i selection selec-tion b ihe orchestra ihe programme closed The chairs were then removed to the side of the hall and dancing was en-Joyed en-Joyed for an bout or two. A committee made up f,f members of the different lodges |