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Show Society ; order to prevent Impositions r fa embarrassments. The Trlbur.o vpH eats that persons leavlnc social v iVS g, and especially marrlaso :cfl or engagements, for pubti- y t-- n, leave -with Therrt names -.-''iS Ugh which rtio source or tho :-l :-l b may bo traced If tho matter T ? illed in question. . y . fr V Ightful event of Tuesday evening dancing party given by Miss $Clmball at her home In First trect In honor of Edward Mann ace YVilgus of. Ann Arbor, Mk-h. clous parlors Mere beautiful In ton of red carnations and a nutn-coJIoge nutn-coJIoge pennants. The evening only passed in dancing, but also jnjoyment of games and music. :lock a dainty supper wiia served jlnlng- room, which was bright arge number of. carnations, while enter of the table was a mound flowers, with several streamers jsa. brought from the chandelier orncrs of the table. Miss Kim-asslsled Kim-asslsled In entertaining by Miss Kimball. Miss Edith Bclcss and ymo Price. Tassfdy and family have movud be at home at ihelr apartments ?KfcYplaza. y and Mrs l.e Compie are visiting mm ftughtcr Mrs. .Frank TCverctt. for :, after which they will leave for sj, where they will spend the sum- sOL Otiose Btrgermun entertained the tundrcd club at her home Monday Xjrt on. The rooms were beautifully yjt cd with spring flowers. Thy Iwero won by Miss Jean Glazier j is Bcrgcrman. ttions. liavc hcen issued for the yy.t Uon of the fiftieth weddinc annl-yfmi annl-yfmi t r a,ltl ''t!. Christopher yJfto take place May 13. WWFay Lodge leaves Wednesday owhhi for her home In Tooele, after TZaJfilhc guest of Mrs. May E. Col-Jwkl Col-Jwkl Miss May for several weeks. &m fitlons have been Issued by M rs. J-:. "Wellington Lake for a luncheon to be glen May 5. Mr. and Mis. II. K. McConaughy entertained en-tertained at another of their notably delight de-light Tul bridge and five hundred affalvs Tuesday evening, when about forty uest pleasantly whlled away the evening even-ing in cards. Upon entering the home, the gentle breath of spring met one with the entrancing perfume of the lllai. Laler in the evening a dainty aupper wax served at each table, which was adorned with an Immense bunch of the fragrant (lowers. Mr. and Mrs. T ft. HIack entertain Wednesday cvenirlg at an Informal dinner. din-ner. j The members of the Tuesday Afternoon After-noon club wcie delightfully entertained by Mips Lulu TJarr. when the afternoon was pleasantly spent In cards, the club prizes being won by the Misses Hazel Dorius and Lucille Clinton, and the. guest prizes were awarded to Mrs. liaklns and Miss Sleight. After cards, a dainty luncheon was served In the dining-room, which was beautiful in a profusion of pink and white carnations, a large mound of which adorned the center or the ta-, ble. The place cards were dainty hand-painted hand-painted booklets. The club will meet In three weeks with Miss Hazel Dorius. The Wasatch Literary circle met Tuesday Tues-day afternoon with Mrs. Robert 10. Steele at her home on Eleventh East street. Mrs. Stqele was assisted by Miss Thome and Mrs. Thome. The Quiugenta club mel with Mrs. V W. reivers at her apartment In the Smith Tuesday afternoon. The afternoon after-noon was pleasantly spent In cards, the prizes being won by Mrs. J3. B. Rose and Airs. Lorenzo Snow. The apartment was spring-like In an abundance of lilacs. Mr.. Alex Campbell and Mrs. f'eorge C. Lambert delightfully entertained at a Kensington Tuesday afternoon at the home of the latter on Fifth East street. About fifty guests called dining the afternoon. aft-ernoon. The decorations were beautiful with the assistance of spring flowers. K. P. Burns of the police department was tendered a surprise at his home, 7G7 South West Temple, Monday evening, the occasion being his sixty-seventh birthday. birth-day. He was presented with a handsome diamond pin from his children, and other presents. Supper was served. The decorations dec-orations were in roses and United States flags. I |