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Show H jj thing that excels is Si6, pPERMLES MOUTHPIECE jWm those qualities lac a most desires fragrantly tobacco, aged and se-jflgp" se-jflgp" mouthpiece that cools oke a mais paper wrap- Ppur'e in a word ct. ' 10 cents 5LLMAN CO., Mfn . TARTAR- is a calcareous deposit which forms upon the surfaces of the teeth and should be removed re-moved by the daily use of Dr. Lyii9s PERFECT Tenth Pwdsr which cleanses, preserves and beautifies the. teeth, prevents the formation of tartar and imparts purity and fragrance to the breath. Has Saved Lives innnmarabla during the past 63 y&ars Graefenberg Children's Panacea Is a af e and ready romedy for the disorders of childhood. positive car&E pob wobms. Your drutfglirt sells it. Children' Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A3XQ R I A Tribune Want Ads. Bel! Main 5200. Independent .160. ' Causes Debility Here Are Facts Backed Up "by a Strong Guarantee. x Catarrh causes debility. In our opinion, opin-ion, most, people, suffering from gen-oral gen-oral debility have catarrh. Such cases of debility cannot be completely cured by medicine not designed to erndicaie catarrh. In every case where our remedy rem-edy fails lo give entire satisfaction tvc will not charge a cent for the medicine employed during the trial. Now, f.ure-ly f.ure-ly no one should beailale to believe lis or In put our claim to a practical tent under euch conditions We -will take all the risk; no one .else can lose anythinc by the transaction. Wc make those statements ai-d this offer bocnuse we know and have lime and again proved that Roxail Mueu-Toue Mueu-Toue rarely fails to do as we claim, it is not a curc'all prescribed to cure every disease that flesh is beir to. It is intended for one purpose. i. c to cure catarrh by assailing the diseased condition in a reasonable, scientific way, which is lo eniplo.y agents that, have been fouiJVl to have the tonic and altera! al-tera! tvo power lo correct faulty metabolism meta-bolism tisane change) and lo stiinti late and. help nature overcome the cause or causes of catarrh. This being done, appetitr- increases, nutrition improves, weight is gained, comfort of body is attained at-tained and life's work taken lip with the r.est natural lo the perfectly healthy individual. Wc want you io try Kexall Mucu-Tonc. Mucu-Tonc. Follow directions and take it regularly and consistently for a reasonable rea-sonable lcnglh of lime. "Then, if you nre not satisfied, come back and toll us "and the money 3'ou paid for Ihc treatment treat-ment will be returned without any argument ar-gument whatever. Ecxall Afucu-Tone comes in I wo eizcj1. 50c and $1.00 a botlln. Sold only at our stores Ihe Rexall Stores Smith Drug1 Co. and Drttehl & Franken. H F(r Men, Women mwssnBBEBS0 and Children t i rim a It has been our aim since opening this store to please the r dill 1 I public in every way. We got the best goods that could be LODy j6Jffl4o bought in America and marked them very close to make it 111 All Ac Vf mold worth while for you t0 come t0 state streett We feel that nlHIUllUS Ladies tailored we jjave raade a success 0f it as nearly every line that we Tmilafe 'YH5? and embroidered , p . . , , ' L f c , . a.nd Oriental de-shirt de-shirt waists, in have for spring- is broken and cannot be filled m. We are Hs;nn? g$ whito and colorsj going to sell our high-class goods for the balance of the week says ' Daniels Vavs at ess an cost e own our own building", and buy -at 4SQl4r the very lowest prices that's why it's worth while for you ILIiyiL 69 c to tracie at ur stre Ii the Women's Stre wr Vests M. cff(e Waists Udic(, ?:::::iss $2$Z5 Suits In waek chiffon vests, exceptional- dS&lgSSp'' S1250 n" vcr'1' sole"11 any- ly good for 25c. WHjgfP SSStsSiKK thine as pood for Daniels says anT V 7mF we'u-eoutt less than $5, Dan- 4k fUlrm KBMfflVIll U lwo- Thcse? suits come hi all o. tm I IVi MKMmmaKBrnll n V&i I imfi 1 shades, are strictly hand tail- l J fS JL v v MBuRiASjfoffinralM I orod, and you cannot buy as j)tlA Sm wffraliM iWpr S0(1 a suil.ln lhe cl,y for ?500 v Stockings . chPt JlJ 9 A Neck" For the children SZj WAIFV WPftF that, sell anvwhere " for 2.7c. Conio lo rwa iir Te55(lcnt New state street. Dan- Millinery Sacrifices ab:yii;1(.pis icls snys .j5c nej.wcar at Trimmed Hats that we have sold as ?t ragl ft almost nothing-. 1Pg high ns $10, and really a good buy ?fJ Daniels says sell "k at. thai (comparatively speaking), k il AH M AW aro going io clean up Ihis week at.... & oi j jC Waists In the Mcb's Store ; $22 to $30 SMS $15 Bys' you absolutely can The linest that Americn produces in si vie, fit. j b Shifts not duplicate for workmanship nnd material, in all the uewesl U'AHJia $2. Daniels says shades, Wc have simply got to get these Suits fe. 1 ntlv Mfnohod d de. off our hands, and wo realize lo do it it means gf 9W tni-heil eolffrs and $-1 -fl 0Ul d0VVn l C0'1, Thy Wi" K U,iS WCt'k Ut U enfl .u all the In the - Juvenile Saseraen! c' Da"icls Men's Boys' Suits IK7A.il Rovs all wool Suits in Scotch plaid, gray, green, fa yrv p- WWilrIC olive, etc., effects just exactly what the viol lies &JvM fSS irlfffclC WVXP&m. critics of the country approve thnt must go at i$9j O such a low price that no mother can afford to t Shirts W& Trousers hZZZ'X Wash Soils L,liH nrallv considered . , from ?l fo $l.i)0 ! . "V Wxcoptiouiillv special, to introduce our juvenile mm SMg for the same in good nt oc. Dan- basement, which is the most complete children's B nnr store.. Daniels Dan-iels says department in Utah. Wc have four, wash suits on A tat ;e's s.iyS sale for Wcdnesdnv at m ' 39c A lwrfiain nL v v ggc ABSOLUTELY ONE PRICE I Emigration I Canyon I Excursions I TIME TABLE TOE MAY, 1910. Cars Leave Ml. Olivet: SUNDAYS 0:00 A, M., 11:00 A, M., 2:00 P. M., 4:00 P. M. DAILY 11:00 A. M., 2:00 P. M. ADVANCED VAUDEVILLE. TONIGHT 8M5. Matinee dally (Including Sun- day), Matt Hcnson. Ida Fuller. Lottie Williams; and Company. The Chas. Abeam Cycling Comedians. IH Fred Ray's Players. H La rose and Lagusta. At Summer. Icq loni al I TONIGHT ALL WEEK H "As flie Sum H Went Down" H With Esth-t' Williams and a strong supporting 'company, Including Ed- H win Walter. Evening prices. 25c, 50c. 75c, ?1. H Matlnccfl ' Wednesday and Saturday. Prices l'5c and 50c. H Next week: DOROTHY MORTON In j "WIDOW JONES," j The Grand TONIGHT ALL VEEK. MR. THEODORE LORCH and com- pauy. Including: MISS CECIL FAY. IH will present for the first llmo in Salt jH Lake the great circus drama, "THE CALL OF THE CIRCUS" The usual prices. 10c, 20c. SOc and 50c. will prevail with all seats re-served. re-served. Matinees Sunda. Wednea-day Wednea-day -and Saturday, 10 and 27, cents. TH BUNGALOW I Matinee Nclson-Wolgasl Daily F,Sht Pictures. I Tho Greatest Pictures ,2 to 5:30. EverfTaken. EV, 25Csauu -25c m to m on ? Ladles Especially ) Invited. Shubcrt Theatre H MAX FLORENCE. Mgr. ALL WEEK. WILLARD MACK-MAUDE LEONE and aesociate players offer the great .Vat Goodwin's success. H "When We Were 2 V Xlpht prices 75c. 50c. 25r, Mall-nees Mall-nees 50c, I'Sc. Matinee today 2:15, H Sat. NEXT WEEK "HEARTSEASE." IMPERIAL VAUDEVILLE. IH Week commencing Thursday matinee, H April IH Malinecs every afternoon at 2:S0. Two H shows ovcnlnps. 7,.'i0 and 9.15. BH The I'hantnstlc Phantoms. H Carlyle Moore. F.thclvrr Palmer & Co. H Alf J'ioon and McPherson. H I.cs Theodore. H .lohn lUthnway and lamina. Seiglp H Mission Picture?, Mission Orchestra. H Matinee prices. 10 and -0 cents. IH Night prices, 10, t'5 and 30 cents. H Motion Ficferes .H Beautifully Illustrated Songs. IH Best Programme of the Reason at the jH LUNA, ISIS AND ELITE THEATERS "Othello." "Thou Shalt Not." H -nichelleu," "The Kid." "Delhi." IH "The Wroath," ."Her Sweet Ke- IH vciirc." "St Elmo." "The Modern IH Messenger Poy." and olhcrt-. H Admission 5 and 10 cents. MAX FLOnEXCb'. General Manager. H AT THE SHUBERT, MACK-LKOXE COM PA XT in H "W1IEX WE WERE TWENTY- H OXE." H C A S I N O THEATRE BEAUTIFUL H Vaudeville and Motion Plcturei H .Week Com. Monday. April 25th Dartletl and Collins. Eccentric Com- edy Xovelty H Gcntcr and Gllmore, Military IH Musicians IH "Mr. Mix nt the Mnrdl Gra.," H A Sc.rcamln; Comody "A Caie of Identity," a Sherlock IH Holmes Mystery IH "She Wanted a Bow-Wow, " Comedy IH "A Wise Guy" Vety Funny H Matinees daily, 2:30 to 5; Kven Intra, S:S0. IH A Good. Clean. Wholesome Show IH All Soats 10 Cents H 1. G. DUN & CO., THE MERCANTILE AGENCY GEORGE RUST. Goneral , Mancfler, H Idaho, Nevada, Utah and Wyoming. H Office 20!, Tribune Bldg., Salt Lake City. IH ESTABLISHED 1841. 189 OFFICES. H |