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Show MISSING NOTES PERPLEXCOURT Judge in Hyde Trial Expects Prosecutor to Take Immediate Im-mediate Action. TESTIMONY OF NURSES CONTINUES THE FEATURE Tell About Events Relating to Typhoid at Residence of Swope. KANSAS CITY, April 26. If JurlRO JJnlph Latehaw had known last week as much about the disappearance of the grand jury notes which fell into the hands of Dr. Hydc'a counRcl last Wednesday as ho does now, three persons per-sons would have been ordered arrested by Jiim. Furthermore, he believes if ho had been notified of the loss of the papers b soon as they were missed they never would have fjoltcn into the hands of tho defendant's attorneys. These two statements ho made lo-da-. But now that events have transpired trans-pired as they have and he was left so long in the dark about tho matter, tho court is going to put it up to Proso-cutor Proso-cutor Virgil Conkling to take some action. ac-tion. "I havo told all I know about the enso to tho prosecutor. He can do whatever ho likes," said the judge. In the meantime Prosecutor Conkliug is still investigating, He has asked the local bar association ro help solve the mystery and offered to resign if it can. bo shown that he ib. in any way to blame for the loss of the papers. Miss Bode Churchill and Miss Elizabeth Eliza-beth Gordon were tho only two witnesses wit-nesses before tho court during the morning session. Both went to the Swope house on December 1 and remained re-mained during tho typhoid epidemic. Their evidence was simitar to that of other nurses who have testified. Hyde Used Dirty Water, Tho stnto resumed its examination of Miss Elizabeth Gordon, a nurse who worked in the Swope home, at tho opening open-ing of the trial toduj-. Miss Gordon was on the srand about an hour at the close of court yesterday. Her statement that, she saw Dr. Hyde use ditty water in giving Chrisman Swope a' hypodermic injection came as a surprise to both tho stato and the defense, as the nurse had never spoken of tho alleged occurrence before. Court was convened promptly at ! o'clock I his morning in keeping witn the longer session system announced by Judge Luiahaw yesterday. Hereafter at least seven and ouc-balf hours at' court will be held every day. The smallest crowd since tho trial opened was in the courtroom this morning. morn-ing. Special Prosecutor liccd first took the witness through a Jong scries of uninteresting un-interesting questions regarding her charts and then took up the illness of Margaret Swope. Until a rew minutes before Miss Swope was seized with a convulsion onDcccmbcr IS, the said, the girl was bright and cheerful. The state attempted to get into cvi-dcnco.tho cvi-dcnco.tho orders that were given by Dr. Twymau regarding tho administering administer-ing of medicine nc t lie house during the typhoid epidemic. Strenuous objection by the defense caused the court to send the jury to its room while the point was argued. Medicine Is Destroyed. The court held that the testimony might be introduced, and Miss Gordon said Dr. Twymun ordered that no more of the medicine then in tho house be given to the patients. All of the medicine medi-cine in tho house was destroyed ou December De-cember JS and new rcmcdies'purchasod, testified the wituess. 'Did Dr. Hyde leave ihc house on December 1 S 7 " asked Mr. Eeetl. "lie did," Miss Gordon replied. " fori- did the patients progress after his departure?"' "They got well." Mr. Brcwstor began a cross examination examina-tion of the witness. Ho drew from her I ho admission that Margaret Swope and Miss Nora .Bell Dickson were ill in the sumo room. Miss Gordon had iusisled that each nurse should have but one patient to look after and be on duty twenty-four hours a tin v. Mr. llrowafcr called attention at-tention that if this had ben done llicre would havo been four people sleeping at t lie same timo in one room. Asked why she did not speak Lo Dr. Hyde when sho saw him U3lng dirty wato.r in making a hypodermic, Miss Gordon said: "There is an iron bound rule that we shall uovcr criticise the attending physician. phy-sician. merely looked at Dr Hyde,'" Dr. Hyde Always Smiling. .Miss Churchill was recalled to the stand at the opening of the afternoon session. "On the morning of December IS Pr. Hyde camp lo Margaret Swope ?a room, and asked her if she wanted to take an empty capsule," said Miss Churchill. "Did he snv it jokingly? Was ho laughing?" asked M.r. Walsh in cross-examination..' cross-examination..' "JTn was always smiling," answered tho witness. Mrs. May Pierce, a nurne, was next called. Her name did nol appear in the indictment, and an objeclion was made to her testifying, by Attorney Lucas. The Btnto explained that. Mrs. Pierce hns been out of the stnte for several months. Mrs. Piorce's testimony related to the typhoid cases in tho 'Swope house. Describing the last day of Chrisman Swope Ja life. Mrs. Picrco said she went to his room and found Dr. Hyde there holding the patient in bed. "Chrisman appeared to bo irralionul, sho said, and was talking. "J want my mother. I am going to Continued ou Page Thice. v MISSING NOTES PERPLEX COURT Continued from Pago One. die. I want to make my will. Send for my mother," sho said he was saying say-ing Mrs. Pierce loft the Swopo house on December 7, and returned on December IS. Dr. Hvdo had left when sho returned. re-turned. To Mr. Walsh on cross-examination, .Mrs. Pierce admitted that she and the Misses Churchill and Gordon had been living together for tho last few weeks. Mrs. Swope Called. Miss Lucy Leo Swope took the witness stnnd nt .'i:5o o'clock, lfer closing was of. interest on account of the niany rumors that she would not testify against Dr. Hyde. At the outset of the trial it was said she had told her mother with much warmth that she positive' would not tako tlio stand. Miss Swopo walked hurriedly into the courtroom. Sho went, directly to the witness stand, nnd did not look nt Dr. Hyde and Mrs. Hyde. Dr. JJ.ydc studied tho witness carefully, and smiled at some of her nnswers. Miss Swopo 'e first I rip from New York to Independence in the company if Dr. Hyde, when sho was returning from Thiropo early last December, was first reviewed. Mr. Lucas made his customary objection objec-tion to testimonv of Miss Sw-opo being be-ing admitted, ft was entered by the court with Iho usual restriction. "While we we-ro returning from Xcw York Dr. Hyde .brought mo a drink in ft folding cup he had taken from his suit caso, " she testifiod. "Did vou drink?'' asked Mr. T?eed. "I did.'-' she replied, amid a storm of objections from tho defense's counsel. Four days after her arrival home Miss I Swo-po developed typhoid. |