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Show I DESCRIBES 1 C. T. 0. I 11 HIT! JAPANESE j Miss Broad Gives Two Lectures . jj'jl I ' Depicting Mikado's and Si'!' j Hermit Kingdoms! if i 1:1 !al Miss Lucy Broad or Cornwall, England ijji fe' i the Y. C. T. L", lecturer, who has trav- ifl , olfd In nearly every country of the globe, ' j i gave an 'Instructive talk on Japan and ' V 1 j Corea at the IllfT M. E. church Sundav ' '.fv night. In the afternoon she spoke on' v Ji i temperance at the Y W C. A. home, : j; . A and by chance It so happened that it onlv , V l&l j lacked a week of being a year slnco )fl IE Miss Broad waj? In Salt Lake and spoke lit ukL nt tnc Yo,JI,K Womon's Christian aspo-il aspo-il aTl I elation home, since which time she hns Hi Sn 1 traveled throughout the Orient. 33 3! I In' sPal1ng of the Japanese during Pfl SI I t her address In the evening. Miss Broad ,'fl fi i said the drinking of beer and sakl, a In fcU i Japanese liquor, wan common, nlthough Ml Jjj drunkenness was not often known, tho Mj fJ coming danger lying in the Increased lin-M lin-M tiJ puliation of foreign liquors, fc'j ML j She appenrcd before the audience In K ill ' Japanese costume and referred lo the rA m cliange In dress adopted by the Japanese in ;M students, which resembles the skirt worn i 'IS I -v Western women, ami was Introduced !i-iW DV M,SE Carrie Smart, a missionary. i The W. C T. U. work In Toklo Is exit ex-it tensive, a rescue homo being oonductod !, m there and a new home Is being eonstruct- I I i od. During the war with Russia the ti'B W. C. T. U. madn and sent to tho sol- M. M dlcrs fiO.OOO comfort bags, each contaln- V-.m hift a Bible, needles, thrend, tooth pow-der. pow-der. picture cards, combs and similar sj'S. artlclos. , One of these bags was dta-played dta-played by Miss Broad, togther with aev- 1' erul curiosities, among which were the 'w W "Nlco" monkeys, with the hands over II: ) the eye, cars and mouth, symbolical of Kj . 4 the Japanese maxim: "Soq no evil, hear 1! I no evil; speak no evil," vim ' In Corca, Miss Broad says, the people mm t s.re eager to accept Christianity and are I j total abstainers from the use of strong drinks. Anyone who drinks after joining mm j the church Is excommunicated. mJM 'i In her address in (he aftumoon. Miss' jJJ! i Broad referred to the tribute money 1 It which boro Caosar'a face and . Inscription ; aa personifying the Image of God. Tho Inscription may he worn from the coin i by wear and bad usage, she Bald, so the ! Image and Inscription of God In man may i be obliterated by vices, the greatest of which she thought to be Intemperance. MUs Broad will go to Provo, wJieto he will lecture Monday, |