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Show I Hut isn't twenty cents the Boui figure, fig-ure, t hough f An.vw.iv, he makes some prctlv good guesses for :t weather man. f r J'overty is honorable, perhaps, but the rich man tiaves uniieif the honor. He may not be a wise patriot who "knows his own candidate, but lie is no fool. .Mr. Knox understands', however, that there aro several ambitious' candidates who will not be fleeted President. Salt Lake has no "iOO," as will be. observed in the fa el ihat, there are losUinn that mmtbir'of unemployed. The man who btolc, Ir. JJ.'aft 's overcoat over-coat evidently desired t5 tukt: two jl garments where but one wamade be- xlf : ill i i- ff , Ln represcnuue; Eliza's baby in iWsff JlT ! coming Tom Show, MY. ."Mulvey wilr-" j&j demonstrate thai there is a lot in the fll jt ' C hicago has evolved the tip-top plau ff 01 'ier i(crs- She prolyl. pro-lyl. &l posos to furnish them with baths and '11 Id' t'ork. jR hy t his ' time confidence has been Hli a,' otherwise so fully icstored that there ri ' 5i none to spare for the cashiers' fjjjj checks. jjjljll' And if' one disbelieve that there is iIhii ti,a' a thinf: as i'eanncd,, music, let lIMrM "c ln(i euCC(l silence of Apos- fSffi A little variation in political'vloingB fflPin' I .1V0U acecplable, even if it Vcre ' only the launching of somebody 's boom liSa'fl 't,r a?(:on place. PI , i Mj Urazillan police claim to have dis- jta a- .covered o plan to destroy our flccf; FU a but. then, they had to do nomething to ;' show their active friendship. IS "jt ' .'. There are two new styles of cnter- v Ui lainruent in ?oeicty the butterfly ifl jfU dance niid the goldfish ball but' there IfSllSf is the same .old codfish aristocracy. Now there is n physical eulturo outfit out-fit that advocates stretching, as an .aid, to the retention of beauty. It would seem that what rhe proponents arc principally stretching is the truth. It has been shown tfiTiit expert testimony' testi-mony' can be as confident on oue side as on tho other; and it is -presumed that its diversity is limited by tho fact that there are but two sides to any- question. Of course, it will after all be understood under-stood Ty the chief and the captain of police that the American party could carry no election if it were composed com-posed "of but one man, with a barnacle barna-cle attachment. ' 'It is better to bo born in .January,' .Jan-uary,' says a sciential. As a matter of -'fact, however, it is better to be born in "Washington, declares the Washington Herald. And thcu move out to Zipping Zibn, of course. "There is gTcat anxiety in Washington,1-" says tho BoBton Globe, "as to when Senntor Jeff Davis ih going to make another speech." Senators irery likely want to know -when to have their gym boots aud mackintoshes sent to the capitol. |