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Show If JACK GALLAGHE8 5 'JBrave Mine Foreman. Helped In' Minors. Deserves Credit S ' ' ' GREAT CABLES UVA.l) I BACK UNCERTAIN" WKftiHTj if L Strain Told Heavily on (he Moys Win) Worked "Way D.own I All Salt Lake breathed a heart; 'g. ( of relief ami thankfulness on Mor.ua y i ; morning when they read .that t1 - ; tombed miners in the Alpha shu'i at K . had been released after their liarrowi.tr j experlonce on the 1000 levtl of tin- (,;roo mine. During the pusL- live weeks oi ' more 1he world has been tendering j. i i sympathy to tin inon waiting for assist 1 anee. but. few have -realized the d.tugi-r , and bravery of the miners wbo -:- working in thja shaft to reach the Win- There was not ah hour but vrbni addt- I liopal cave-Ins threatened the Joss of moire lives than were wailing for u"-ue I on level. 'InMhe shaft, cxpe.i- j Imr at any moment to ho crushed to dculi.. miners worked n four-hour shifts for- . getting everything but the fact thai line companions (and friends we bencat.i cv- pectins' the "boy" to got ilmm nut. In charge of tills ivscne work waJuek Gallagher, Gal-lagher, one of il.- well-known miner.: o: .. the? Ely distru-i. i Gallagher Is not a college man: l is"' a big, jolly, handsome noli of tho Em- i raid Isle, who brought to bear .on ! ,, work of re'.u thu .-xperippoe of your of ti.-ml toll Jn thu inino. (jallagr.cr wax j the mine -Toienian of the Veteran mine, ana on' hearing or Iho accident to the Aljiha shaft, usal that men-were nlivo be-' j lol volunteered 10 lake hold of the glgnu- tiA tak - of :ja.h!g them. .Ills services. ' wuffe. gratefully accented sunt lis set to I The tlrst thing tluu 'i'amo to Ids hand wejo sonm inch jyi.V a hah cables not then In use. J'iiese, he utilized to hold all" the ground above Uic point of. Hi? t.ave. Four of these, cables h fastened to ;hi- beams of lh( gallows frame, one ) ruble to each cornet1. nH the cables were theii extended to a depth or 4T5 feet, where they were secured. No one knew If the cables were capnlile of holding this enormous amount of treacherous earth.' OaJas;h.-r. perhaps, did not know If these cables were strong enough to do the work, I'lthcr. hut they were all he .had. and he trusted' to the godsvlth a result now weJi j In driving through the debris and ton- I stantly slipping ground below the holflimr ! point of the oabIt6, tin- miners had tii uhp i juckser?WH and c ordwood to iiokf bhek , thq ground, and mt moio tk;tn one oWiJ. J slon, as the wtrtlj threatened to crush down the workers, the had to lnholsted to the surface until the nioverenl of thf. earth was sufficiently stopped to enable their efforts to tell. .Stjoiig men wbo wc.ro thoroughly 'schooled to danger under th'fy surface gave up under the strain, but whun ona-strong fellow knotted under, tlierc wetc others ready to jump in and take his place. U was-one-of thp uiot memorable struggles ever known to mining, min-ing, and . round the accident were soiiio pf th.; most fortunate items that could be imagined. . Tho fact that the air pipe was preserved pre-served so as to enuble those on the t-ur-facc to send down food, water and manv MtUe comforts to the Imprisoned men was tho most fortunate item, and this was a most kind triek of fate. The boys below during their .long wait received i-ots. bedding, bed-ding, candles, papers, njngazines cardu and tobacco, while telephonic connection i with the surface enabled tliern to hold ; constant, discourse, if they so desired, with ' any who called them up. In tho annexed cut will bo scon I he ' ntittr ."j,"'1111''- of JncK' Gallagher, . the hero of! Hffl ' ' KI hs left is one -corner of the fla.-ii,' gallows frame, and round it can' be. soon 5Ut f e f the cables. The strain was so Hi; : ii tromondous on these cables that tli'-v eon- H ' tinually a to Ihelr way into' the heavy Uni- n f( f' ber?. requiring freouent driving, of L lill ' wedges, which are shown in tlto cuU p |