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Show Provo Brevities. Special t.o The Tribune. PROVO. Jan. 20. N, C. Sorcnson ct al, have filed In the district court an affidavit affi-davit of certiorari against Goorgo Beck, Justice of the pence of Lchl, to have l-ovlewed certain proceodlngw before said Justine. A venire for ten additional jurors to sorvo In the district court was issued today, returnable tomorrow morning. Joseph W. Pierce has filed suit for divorce di-vorce In the district court against Julia B. Pierce The complulnt charges desertion. deser-tion. They were married at Ogden November No-vember 22. 1005. Mr. Snyder of the judiciary department of the Government, at Washington, D. C., Is in Provo looking up the records on naturalization. Tho cas of the State, of Utah vs. Isaac Smith is set for trial January 21. .The defondant Is charged with a statu tory crime, committed with F.rma .Clark January Jan-uary 27, 1907. Miss Walters of Birmingham, Ala.. Is In Provo to securo an apjxjlntment ns district dis-trict court, stenographer. Her application applica-tion was made to Judge Booth today, |