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Show i I ' I FW1 TiS S-Ml LAKE CITY 1 ; : j J 0 . -..BftEWTOG fJMPAIW'.. J ' 1 - keain Brewers of ! : ,1 1 Jgj The Beadills B6er j ! I wmm 1 i'i I? P l C1 ill? t iMfnSi !''' J MOEITZ, Gen'iMgr. I tt&2S8 P 'Phones No. 17. ' . l- ' v . u . i J-'-' DISTANCE m NEAR SIGBT CORRECTED l! ;" BY KRYPTOK GLASSES j M A sriputifi.' combination of two lecsen in one. with no division liucs j I S before (he eys. " ! Iivryptoks can be titled to any style of mounting desired. Our ex- ! elusive pro'duction. j j COLIWIAN PliCAL 0., tS S s j j . k, Stores Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, Dallas, Portland. ; J i OF SPRING SUITS I The Smartest Creations I n I in Spring Suits in all the j H j new fabrics and colorings, j H The goods have been purchased carry for Uic WSt benefit. of: the people who are going away. Also thoso , Jfifl ' who. believe in buying early for a choice selection of uH j FO.REIG-N MODELS. .. .. M I 5 All "Wintej Suits and Coavs. HI ' Vz OFT AND LESS I i tmm s 536 SOUTH St 9 tertai, tomb II Wi II W&k I1 BSS 11 BRgA& TBsgAfj 1 Bread 1 ft B'L' pfl fewttTi ' ' nasal i il tJSe;u No matter whore you live, you can eVH bpSf so Royal Urcad at the nearest deal- 'fopAl 'H UtgAy j QX.,S Ifc isn, necossaiy to send down- 1 "LJ ' SflH SA,,. I town, for every dealer gets it fresh TbOYA I" vll 2, ' 'daUy. Look for tho label on every loaf. S& II "mh 1 W-1 teg I tew fwmJ: f a&Jr Bread I BRea.& , mm Bread : M I Press Clippings Are Business Builders 1 IK We'll sot you the clippings and 9 t ahov,- you how to use them. Inter-Mountain Press Clipping Bureau, n 232-233 Commercial ! Club Bldg. I a 5 i 1 Used Pianos ;:' I $100.00 up. H All iu good condition. & Anson Co. ; . 71 South Main Street. t; : : |