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Show H MYSTERIOUS MURDER OF WOMAN' INDICATED ' , , KRAXK.TORT, hid.. Jan. 'IS. Tho 1 'body of Mrs. Samuel Dukes was found today on' the porclj. of one of her tenc-,4 tenc-,4 niont houses here. Handkerchiefs were tied 'over her eyes and her feet were ;i tied togolhtr with a piece of cloth lorn from an apron. By the woman 's side $. was a revolver. She had been shot A through t"ho heart. Mrs. Dukes was dirt di-rt ' vorccd from Samuel Dukes last summer, f ' The police believe she was murdered. i '.' ' trs. Dukes's two sons were placed i ? ' , under arrest this afternoon, but were jj ill released on their fully explaining their a. tA-i -whereabouts last night. |