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Show NOTICE ( OP ASSESSMENT NO. 11. Butlcr-Liboral Consolidated Mining , company. Principal place of business, 300 Aurebach building, Salt Lako City, Utah. i Notice is hereby givon that at a meeting meet-ing of the directors, held on the 13th dav of January, 190S, nn assessment of on'o (1) cent por share was levied on iiio capital stock of the corporation, payable Immediately to C, B. Oliver, secretary, at I tho office of tho company, 30U Auerbach ! building, Salt Lako City, Utah. Any stock upon which this assessment may remain unpaid on Saturday, February Febru-ary 15. 1008, will be delinquent and advertised ad-vertised for sale at public auction, ami unlesa payment Is made before, will ho ld on Friday, March C, J90S, at 1:30 o clock p. m., to pay the delinquent assessment, as-sessment, together with Iho cost of ad-verlislng ad-verlislng and expenso of sale. C. B. OLIVER, Secretary. X1242 |