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Show .We have put the best oi all laxatives into the best possible I; form. That is all. Cascar'ets bring their results j in a natural and gentle way.- :i f , Hare is a dainty habit-- ' '.A;' , ' i . . " . ' I IV-"- -. To keen the bowels clean. V V'. ' : j . . ; Do it just the same as you keep your skjh clean;- Not by !j severe applications, appliedat rare intervals. But by gentle jS ' , : and regular efforts. ' '; It pays immensely, . ' ( t j rMany people dread physic- ' ' '' t r '. '. , " ' They think of castor oil, of salts, and cathartics. ,i' 1 . ' Tliey shrink from the after-effects griping and weakness., j ' '.So they postpone the doBc until they arc costive or bilious. Then the) a'i 1 ' 1 do the cleaning in a heroic way. " . ' . . . ....' ... vThat is all wrong. j ; : : ' H ; 'T' " C-iscarets are a gentle laxative. They are just as' effective as anything ' . else,' and more natural. . And they are pleasant ;i candy. '' ; t i ,-. '. They arc ruado to carry with you.- "Tako one just as soon as you need f t ' 'it.' You'll know. , , H :d '"' The result is your bowels arc always active, You always feel at youtV ) E a1 best.- i b ''Si '"'"Try it. You'll never ngain go without them. . 1 'Cascarets are candy tablets,' They arc sold by; nil druggists, but nevei m A iujbulk. Bo sure to get the genuine, with CCC on every tablet. Theprict 81' is'SO 'cents, 25 cents and ' ' t ., ,. Sft 9 10 Cents per -Box.. ' ' -jej'-. As a preventive ns well as curative medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla is preeminent pre-eminent its great merit ia fully established. DYSPEPSIA-PROOF. I Hov Any Meal Can Be Thoroughly Enjoyed En-joyed By Any Stomach. Men, ns a rule, are first discovered by . their ' enemies. Their antagonists turn on the searchlight, and the proof of merit will lie in bolng able to stand the flash. It was only In this way that Mr. Whlto ever know that dyspepsia was ono of Mr. Muck's worst enemies. Sitting face to faco at a two-by-four table, he handed his aflllcted friend the bill of fare: . Oyster Cocktail. Stuffed Olives. Boston Clam Chowder. ' Strained Gumbo. SJrloln Steak with Mushrooms. Roast Bcof Hash. .Boiled Ox Tongue with Sauerkraut. IvObsbT a la Newburg. Baked Pork and Beans. Combination Crab Salad. I Hot Allure Pie. ! S Plneupplc Fritter.". !'.Mr. Whlto ordered a "little of each." I Air. Dyspepsia Black ordcrurt crackers and n glass of milk, "f bad such a big breakfast this morning." he said, "that I'll Just take, a bile lo kcop you company" com-pany" Hut Atr. White could not. be deceived de-ceived "I am afraid you can't stand the glea'm. Air. Black. Why don't you say you havo .dyspepsia and be done with It? You'll always have that hungry look anyhow aa long as you have dyspepsia. Now. listen. My stomach wan In Just as bad condition as yours at one time. But now I can cat anything, at any time. For Instance, this clam chowder or sirloin sir-loin steak, or oven the lobster, would be Jmn as welcome to my slomuch aa your crackers and milk.. You don't realize how this dyspepnio business Is robbing you of vour spirit, of your energy and ability tu think quickly". I can t help notice It. You haven't the cheer and-sociability you had three months ago. Now. I'll tell you what to do," and thereat Air. White took a vial from his pocket nnd extracted a wee tablet "Thorp there. Is a tablet that contains an Ingredient, one "grain of which digests ,1000 grains or food.' For even the worst dyspeptic It's the only tiling that reully gives relief. The reason Js It relieves the r.tomach of nearly all the work It has lo do. digests everythfup In the stomach and stimulates tlrt? ga?trfc. Juice. I can't gel along- without them. They are Stuart's Dyspepsia. Tabkitit. You can get. them nuywhercb ear'b for oOc a package." . . ; Yes. It. la true, Stuarl'sDyapepsia Tab' lots absolutely atop heartburn, nausea-Indigestion, nausea-Indigestion, dyspopola of th1 worst type, sour stomnch, bloaty fooling and all eructations and Irritation", and freshen and Invigorate the stomach. Thoy cheer you up. and make you got all the good there Is Jn your food. You will forget you over had a stomach to worry you. Send us your name and address today and wc will at once send you by mall u sainplo packugr, free. Address F. A. Stuart. Co.. ISO Stuart .Bid nr., Marshall. .Mich. jjj'jjgrjg . ' rwrw Broneliial TeonMe Cured Whiskey. i MRS R Af. DAVIDSON 191 Duffy's Pore "Malt WSiislctyl is an absolutely pure distillation of malted grain; great care being used to have every kernel thoroughly malted, thug destroying the germ and producing a predigested liquid food in tho form of a malt esscnccjvhr most cllec-tive cllec-tive tonic stimulant aud invigorator known to science; softened bjy warmth 5Ca & iUvv and moisture its palpability and freedom from injurious substances render it y5. "l so that it cau be retained by the most sensitivo stomach. JwK vOk If you wish lo keep young, strong and vigorous and have on your checks jKSk. i V '1 the glow of pcrfoct health, take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey regularly, accord- a&f 7ra4 j-jkSSl vA '1 ing to directions. It tones and strengthens tho heart action and purifies the fff ifffe -Sfet. VP sjfl entire system. It is recognized as a medicine everywhere. fjf TTjMmdH Ll 'K CAUTION. When you ask your druggist, grocer or dealer for Duffy's Pure Y4i MBui M til Malt Whinkoy be sure you get the genuine. It's tho only absolutely pure me- jvkv m 'mR diciual malt whiakoy and is sold in sealod bottles only; nover in bulk. Price ST & Bv $1.00. Look for tho trade-mark, tho "Old Chemist," on the label, and make 3ar '''i sure the seal over the cork is unbroken. Illustrated medical booklet and doo wL tor's advice freo. Duffy Malt Whiskoy Co., Rochester, N. Y. SSttES512 n ,,-J;,,l,gj""llJ THE JEWELEH. .'GS Established 1890. m 233 Main Street 233 1 Next door to Utah 8avinjs and H Trust Oo. BuUdhngp I "RESOLVED -"WE ARE MAKING A POINT i of Style as well as quality! WE 1 jjAVE MADE OUR MARK BUT WE ARE 1 i 'MARKING DON MOV . 1 V BUSTER-Browm 9 t& A Pouter. 9 I ( have made our mark in this city because we have always tried to JS give our patrons merchandise that is good.' Wo believe in asking only a H fair price for good merchandise, and not soiling poor stuff at any price. 'Afl j , Just now you will save money by coming jto tho Gardner store, be- H cause on" broken lines and winter goods, which wc do not wish to carry ffj j over until another season, wc are making price reductions that will makp :4I I your money have a long reach. Come and sec our mark-downs. Those are some of them. JH i MEN'S SUITS BOYS' SUITS 9 ' : Men's .$10,00 Suits for $ 7,00 i Boys' $2.f0 Suits for.! $ 185 9 1 ! Men's $12:00 Suits for. fi.00 Boys1 $3.00 Suits fov 2.25 afl Men's 815.00 Suits for n.oo 5oys f-gO Suits for 2.60 S tvt-c tionn au -, o Boys' R-i.OO Suits for 3.00 ' ! Men's S18.00 Suits for 13.00 Boys S5.0o Suits for........ 3.75 Men's $20.00 Suits for 15.00 Boys' $6.00 Suits for 4.50 f-jfl Men's 525.00 Snlta for 10.00 Boys' 57.50 Suits for 5.76 Men's $30.00 Suits -for 22.50 Eoys" $10.00 Suits for 7.00 ;iH Man's $35.00 Suits for. 26.00 Boys' $12.00 Suits for 9.00 JUyH IMon's SdO.OO Suits for 30.00 y Boys' $13.50 Suits for 10.00 flM .Many others throughout the store on wlch savings arc just as great. I The Regal Way of J Cleaning Clothes ' I Is tho modern way; by scientific processes and skillful hands. Ladios' I gloves, pltunes, -wraps or suits, or men's apparel restored to' newness. iH 1 Both phonc3 PT Main oflicc Jl I 11S3- gleaning & Dyeing Co. statc an" lEt s' ( |