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Show NEVADA-HILLS MILL IS BEING COHSIDEHED Great Tonnage Is Waiting for Treatiint Right on the .pot. While the officials of the Novada Hills company are decidedly reticent regarding regard-ing the properly nnd plans for the future, fu-ture, it is going the rounds that tho oflicinls are thinking mighty seriously of installing the mill carhy this season. , Plans for the plant were entered into some time ago, and at the last annual meeting of the stockholders Manager Webbor impressed tho official familj' with the wisdom of treating the great tonnage of lower-grade ores right on the spot. ThiB will make the- company practicnlly independent of the present excessive freight charges lo tho railroad rail-road tracks, and will help solve olhnr difficulties as well. But the most important argument that could bo advanced is that a mill will bring into available form a great, tonnage ton-nage of rock whoso metallic contents now preclude its shipment. The company com-pany has extracted Just as little of this sort of ore as possible and practically nono of it has been sent into tho market. mar-ket. Its value will range from .$40 to $n0 per ton. When it is considered that, the .Nevada Hills has to pay from $11 to .$13 per ton for hauling j'ls ores to the railroad tracks, then, after paving pav-ing railroad freight charges and smelting smelt-ing expenses, the earnings have been wonderful and reflect not onlv credit on the management, but illustrate what 1 fine rock the compan' has been able to handle. It is-understood that several mill tests have been made on the Nevada lulls lowor grades of ore, with the result re-sult that a magnificent saving can be made, showing the earning capacity of the compan3' to be much greater than the average property in the Sagebrush State. |