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Show 1 SmWMMK 3MOMCHITISJ TOMSIII m $ H Z&''t&r. There is nothiuc in the world tbf. WUJ Btnp pain, or orruit Uic fcfl h K H Pb nSK "tL propeM of tlUcaw .n Quick uu RADWAY'S READY REM12P. Curci f fi 4- ffl Cwr5&a2- -w V Wv- Jid Iircrnnta Coughs. Cold, Soro Throat. Influenza. Pntumonltv. Rlie- . M Wk-jr vC"-iv llkX rotllsm, Iseur tela, Htadache. Toothncho, Asthma. Difficult UrcUi!iK- 9 ' tt?W VK iSfirNJ "f" crcry pain and acbo throughout th huuiAu lxiy. iJ 11 I BBHfcBC Ww For 60 Years a Home Remedy I rif 'i fkJUXMIL, (tfWTfJt Th'- cold, pltfdng jdnUs atnrroa uo aa destructive ol huinau lift ,v jfi 3 &KenS fflfflZff&SffiWf&ffll eJB--3? ?,cCsSKp 121 ol, lc-.lMt culAomtc dUwce. A coJd Treather In Winter ! S 4 & WWmlMyf( 7&t naToidabl. it crtitw litlla Urm. aJlhouah its injurious effocts on tiio m V I WlXvSlMiZfl -vOr 1 health c ndnlt pcnioiu arr wtn than Choto of Uic liolteit won ol M j k '53k .ifl ' n rWE -jvVfi? J ' V ""JV J'J tl,e yer TWnl t,'e m"15' dith (irtily cccurrine of people of robust U 'sfS I M 7 IMim- y?lEXtflS&A K fVsT S fisi oon.tltutiou( killed oiitrlBUt thxoojth Uio rfttugM 0 pneumonia, by Jj ft MV'iimt ( KfSfXm f czpoaiiru lo 11 clilUInc rtonn, H i well loiovm that pneumonlo. m 9 ESISBni v FMtv loadlitis. sora Ihroit, iufliiram-ntlon of the broucblal labea, In- R 5 3 ;V.5Kr VWSSSlfRSyvC.. ' A ff6 atiJ fltroruation of the bowels intlgramaUon of the hmjr, etc, are fcl U f A'SflMf S5aKriSS? W" JVff danntroui dlsrJiMB, and that, lo tax tho life of the patient, it $ 3fJ k 3Eg ' ki . 'fjf I If of the ritmcat lmixirtonca to arrst them In fh(.lr Tint txcc, a ,e wdBV vr?r"V PaBSSivjr3 &Zjr S as in thrir later bUe thej vrlll baffl the iltill of the most R A 4 diMr J fnUnrntphj-slcIani, whilo In their incipient xtaia thej axe promptly A H Lr 3ri RAD WAY' S READY RELIEF S 30 S In oTrry fainilr this IrunJcublf hjccuIo remedy for -ll Inflammatory d!i- II 7e d v Mtxf ,r, , ' wfB fihmild bo conjitinllr Icept on band. Tho txpenio 13 a mara trifle, Hid S 0 S L te1 J r?'VjdfT larea raoro thus twenty timw the amount in doctoia or clrusgistB' bills. W n Sb SWSK). ASTII-MA FOIt YEARS. H l 1 -V ijf0 11 N, - , . , Brooklyn. Jan. JC. 100T. ffl 30 gZ3Z, Zr'L& X?!! Henr Sir It aJfordi mc 'next. pUMiire to T-rltt to ymi and teU you hovr K I;? WHE- 'HrsCy mach Radwty's Ued- EU-llrf has done for me. W i ST .f SW. 1 ,'ld All,3,ma loT tw"va 5e5, x3 ercrylliin nd ttu Ured of jjj UJ EInJAbo'.AClwo years im l tan In the papers the ahertlsement of Raditny'a m fl f&&SMEVi9i& v Rcndj Rllaf and bona hi 2. txjttlp nod gave it 1 fair triU. Vforu I R tl Aff. JjFSSWs jTS J flnbilio.l tlic Onit. bottle I felt acreilly nliered and tooi it Yhn . would 'ffl 14 j.ffSr tib S I X ca tbwi irreat spells. fl if- &i m&iir,' f B S x I kept on bUUuy It cnt.ll 1 entirely cured. I trould not be wi;h- fl IS .$fjrV t ' V v out a tittl cf R. ft. R.. ui the boc. I can toy Uiat R. R, R. 3 worth I . Y.f IIS 6?tC lit wriuht m irold. . . rKyipeetfnlly joutb ff'l MIlS- W 8onn0EU5'n. 807 Orwne Are,, Broofcr,u I (i '$ RAD WAY'S READY RELIEF 8 (fa J Perfectly 5afc,Contalnlng NO NARCOTIC or Dangerous I ngre- U 'Jf? 4 Vv-W dicnts. (Guaranteed undor tho "Pure Food aad Druj Law," Serl.il No. 237.) 3 1 S DR.. RAD WAY CO. f g ' ' Railway Square," Worth and Lafayette sts., New YorK. J I. THAT GOOD COAL I 'BAMBERGER,. j 161 Meigim St. : j jaaaaaMaMMagjMM'M i 1 - DRINK IDAN-HA I ', MA7URAU LITHIA WATER. i "Makoa Everything Good." ' F. J. Klcsel & Co.. Oqden. , Rleaer &. Llndley. Salt Lako. I I . Distributor. 1 1 ' SHE FOUND RELIEF IN PE-RU-HA. fl ilLasi Winter Our Doctor Gave Us a Copy of the Pe-ru-na Almanac "WlH Foimd Help." WM MRS. ADELIA RUSH. Severe Gold sua Cougn. KlSfl Lvuia H. Josselyn, 501 'VVcstTnia-.St.. 'VVcstTnia-.St.. Providence. E. I., is Treasurer f ihn Kdtio;-3' League of It. I., "chart- WJIfl red 'n Provide iiee. She writes; (KhII "My experience with Pcruna has K& been most gratifying. Last winter T. IHrl ontraetil a severe cold, aud for sev- IKil ral days J. coughed until my voice 'EkI failed "T-. When other remedies did Eml me no good, f decided to try Peruna. wH and within four days the cold was bro':en up, and the cough abated. "Within another week hd increase in rnv usual strength and vitality told me ziffl that Parana was doing all that it prom- -iflnfl ised, and more. jH "I also consider it very superior for !H tired, worn-nun mothers, and have ad- Bnl i id several to try if. aud have seen most gratifying results from iis uscl 'Pll "1 givo it highest praise." BjU Systemic Catarrh. Mrs J. h. Hommcdieu. 150 Calyor St.. iErl Brooklyn, X. Y.? writes: "I gladly OB write in praise of Peruna. Tt has ef- B9 fceted a wonderful euro in my case. 'Brll "I was taken very bad with catarrh. ijEI It affected mc all over. My head ached so T could not sit up all day. T was JB9 treated by my physicia.n-' without the 'H9 least bit of relief. . , lui "T commenced to lake Peruna. "With- Hfl in loss than a week J felt better: and jrfl now T have finished taking two bottles, iBfl and I consider myself well. Brl "f speak in favor of Peruna to all I iHtil know. It is wonderful what it did 'for iBnSj mc. I wish everybody would try it." m : . 1 ErJI Airs. Adclia Hush, It. D. 8. Cambridge, Ohio, writes: ( "I feel that I owe you many thanks for the help I received through. S , your advice and the use of your medicine. 'Hi S ' 'I had suffered vrith my stomach and inward trouble for a long time, C Hi I nd did not know -what ailed mc, but last winter our doctor ga-ve us a copy ; BE? of your almanac, and I road it and found my symptoms, and I concludod to S s try it, and I found help in tlic first bottle. K "I will not forget to pralso Peruna always." 'H Throat and Nose. Mrs. Y. K. Good, Broadway, Va., writes: "When I was fifteen years old I had catarrhal fever, and for nine years I have had catarrh of tho head. Through neglect it went to my throat-and nose. "After consulting you I used Peruna for .four months as directed;" and I am entirely woll and have my natural health.' " cannot praise Peruna too highly. Tt will do all that it is recommended to do.'- Catarrh for Many Years. Mrs. .Joseph Vittur, 5709 Erie street, Austin Sta., Chicago, TIL, writes: "Your medicine Peruna was of great benefit to me. I suffered with catarrh of tho nose aud head for many years. "Three bottles of Peruna cured, me, after I had considered it impossible- to 'flffi ever bo cured again. '. "BpS "I now always keep Peruna in the 'R)!5 house, and recommend it to every one ifc suffering from catarrh. dK' "As soon as one of my children com- ,B?r irtencc to cough I give them Peruna, '-mlii and it is soon gone. hHE1 "This medicine is surely a great boon to suffering humanity." Could Not Sleop for Cough. Br Mrs. Emiiia Martinv Odessa, Mo., Hit writes: ""For two year.? I doctored my M cough, which cost mc many dollars, but still I seemed to get worse. My cough ftljfe was so bad 1 could not sleep. Finally I M purchased a bottle of Peruna. In' a short mm while . felt better, aud after I had R taken a second bottle I felt entirely Apk Your Druggist for Tree Peruna Almanac for 1908. .ni H0W?S THIS? I Wo offer One Hundred Dollars Keward for anv case of Catarrh that cannot bo Mm cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. MM F. J. CHENEY Ss CO.. Toledo, O. P We, the undersigned, have known I fa I Chenev for the last 15 years, and be- ilevc hLm perfectly honorable in all bual- wfo ns transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations mado by ula K llrWAL,DIi-K. KIN NAN .1 MAHVIN. fl Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. fif Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken internally. ij aetinir directly upon the blood and muc- 3 I ous .surfaces of the system. Testimonials : sent free Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold Wi bv all Druggists. Is "Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- ? tion. i THE SHUMATE I RAZOR - 1 On sale again for 75c, and every one W guaranteed to give entire satisfac- juj tion. Out of 500 of tlie.se razors M alroady sold only throe have been ft brought back to us, and those were a immediately replaced by new ones. Next time you como in don't fail H to got one. The Shumate Strop, 50c. IB GOBBE-PiTTS 1 DRUG CO. I PHONES NO. 140. H JAPAN CHINA- II CHERRY DLOBSOM TIME. KB Four delightful tours from San Bfl Francisco, February 11. -5. March II 10, -I. Parlies limited lo 1" Bl members. Programmes on request. IH THOS. COOK & SON, H 32 Powell St., Snn Francluco. mmW The Tribune Gives Your Wants .;H tliii Largest Circulation. H b ,'Mt iJmmm r--mm JmmM |