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Show LIST OF NEW BOOKS FOR THE PUBLIC LIBRARY The following thirty volumes will bo ndded to tho public, library Monday morning, January 20. lfOS: .MiscellaneousBenson, .Miscel-laneousBenson, "Alfred Tennyson:' Burroughs, "Camping and Tramping With Roosevelt;" Cat! die. "The Pearl;" Dampior. "Voyages," 2 vols.; Hugo, "Lyrical Pooms:" Pares, "Russia "Rus-sia and Reform;" Phelps, "Pure Gold of Nineteenth Century Literature;" Saturday Evening Post, "Poor Richard. Jr. 's Almanac: ,r Ward & Wnllcr. edr., "Cambridge History of English Literature," Liter-ature," vol. I; Williams, "Sojourning. Shopping and Studying in Paris;" Young, "Wagner Stories." Fiction Hamblin, "Lady Bobs, Her Brother and I;" Dickson, "Gabriellc, Transgressor;" Transgress-or;" Clemens, "A Horse's Talc;" Warner, "Suzan Clegg and a Man in tho House.' Children's books Campbell, Camp-bell, New Franklin Fifth Reader; Coe, "Modern Europe;" Coe, "Our American Ameri-can Neighbors;" Dunton, "First Lessons:" Les-sons:" Dtinion. "Glimpses of the World;" Ellis, '-History of the United Slatc.-i." 0 volus., Heilpriu, "Earth and Us Story;" Smith, "Life in Asia;" Smith, ''Our Own Country." |