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Show I, - Provo Society Special to The Tribune. PEOVO, .Inly 13. Prof, and Mrs. A. C. Lund entertained at a musical at their home Wednesday evening in honor or! Misses Florence .Tcpperson and Hazel 1 Taylor, who have just returned from 2Ce"w York, where, they have been studying music. About thirty guests enjoyed the evening and were delighted wiVh" the progress made by the talented young ladies, A dainty lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. John iUcAdam entertained enter-tained at their home Wednesday evening even-ing jn honor of the eighty-second birth anniversary of Mr. McAdam's mother. The occasion was thoroughly enjoyable. A sumptuous dinner was served. The guests departed with congratulations and best wishes to the venerable lady. Miss Chloe Smoot left Saturdav for an extended visit to Oregon. While there she will be the guest of Mts. Ida Duscnbcrrv Sibley. ... Mts. T. A. Thurman entertained Monday Mon-day evening in honor of Mr. Joseph Peck and daughter. Mrs. Pearl Baush of Sali, Lake. About forty guests enjoyed en-joyed an evening of games, music and social, chat. Delicious refreshments were - Mrs. 0. W. Bailey entertained Sunday Sun-day afternoon at a family dinner. Gov-ers Gov-ers were laid for fourteen. V r- Mr. and Mrs. IL S. Pync entertained at a dinner party at, their home Sunday in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Morris of Washington, D. C. Covers were laid for sixteen. I Postmaster and Mrs. James Clove attended at-tended the convention held at Manti on ."Wednesday and Thursda'. ( Mr. and Mrs. D. IT. Eldredgc.. Mrs. 0. A. and Miss M. J. Eldredgc and Mrs. T. L. G enter, all of Sail. Lake, were tho guests of Senator and Mrs. Iteed Smoot this week. Miss Tempie Penroid is visiting friends in Ogden. the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Lcichtenberg. Mr. C. W. Barnes came down from Ogden to spend Sundav with his family. - Mrs. A. M. Moore and daughter J3ea-irice J3ea-irice left the latter part of the week for Salt Lake, where they will reside for the future. H Miss Essie Russell is visiting friends H in Coalville this week. J Misses Dora Penroid and Pauline ' H Sc hearer spent Sunday with friends in H Charleston. H - H Mcsdames S. L, and Will Chipman of H American Fork were the guests of Mrs. 1 Joseph T. Farrcr the past week. H Mrs. Forry Decker and family are H preparing to spend the summer in H Weber canyon. H Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Robert 'and fam- H ily have moved to Salt Lake City. H Mrs. Reed Smoot was the delightful H hostess at a. Kensington at her beauti- H ful homo Tuesday evening. Flowers Hj were used to excellent effect throughout; H the house. Among tho guests were tho j following from Salt Lake Cit.v: Mcs-1 H dames D. II. Eldreilpe, 0. A. Eldredgc, T. L. Genter and Mi'ssf. J. Eldredcc. , H A delightful evening was passed and' a j H &umptuou3 lunch was served. H Mrs. Ethel R. Peterson of Ephraiui ; H spent the past week with her parents, H Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Kawlings. in this 1 H Miss Ruth Kirkwood has left for ' H Salt Lake, where she will spend tho re-1 H mainder of the summer, the guest of i H her sister, Mrs. Alf. Mnsterman. ( H Mrs. Mary Griffith of Smitlificld and i H Mrs. Wolf of Hydo Park spent a few j H days this week in our city, the guests H of Miss Sadie Graham. Tlic ladies were H enroute for Manti to attend the post- H masters' convention. H The State officers and local prosi-1 dents of the M. I. association drove ; H over to Sprinnvillo Fridaj' evening for . H tho purpose or surprising one of their H members, Miss 'Nellie Sumsion. A. dc- H lightful evening was spent, and a picas- l H ant drive home was enjoyed by ail. ,. lNrTR- Jennie Wilkins entertained at a i H iiiinpr party Tuosday, evening iu. lionor j of Mrs. Pearl Baush of Salt Lake. Covers Cov-ers were laid for twelve. Misses Hazel Taylor and Birdie Cluff left Saturday for'Nampa, Ida., where they will visit relatives .and friends. s. Mr. and Mrs. .1. M. .1 onsen arc visit- i ing relatives in Garland. Miss Estclla Bennett entertained a number of her girl friends at her home Thursda' evening. Games, music and the partaking of dainty refreshments were enjoyed by all. - A large number of lady friends pleasantly pleas-antly surprised Mrs. O. E. Olson at licr homo Tuesday afternoon, the occasion being the birthday of lior husband, who is in Norway. A 'delightful social evening even-ing was passed. Light refreshments were served. Mrs. E. E. Knowldcn was the charming charm-ing hostess at a Kensington at her home Friday afternoon. Tho guest of honor was Mrs. Bert Twelves of California. Cali-fornia. About sixty ladies enjoyed Mrs. Knowldcn "s hospitality. The rooms were fragrant with the sweet perfume of roses and Bweet peas. An elaborate lunch was served. - , . j Mrs. Willamette Sperry entertained at her home Thursday the members of the Pallas club. An enjoyable and' profitable evening wa3 passed. Refreshments Refresh-ments were served. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Ekins entertained en-tertained Mondav evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morris. Cards and music wcro the features of tho evening. A sumptuous lunch was served. |