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Show Do You Think , For Yourself? Or, Do Vou Open Your Mouth Like a Young Bird and Gulp Down Whatever Food or Medicine May be Offered You ? If you ar an intelligent, thinking woman, in need of relief fron kne, nervousness, pain and suffering, then it means much to you that there is one tried and true, honest medicine of known composi-TiON, composi-TiON, sold by druggies for the cure of woman's ills. The makers of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, for the cure d Jweak, nervous, run-down, over-worked, debilitated, pain-racked women knowing this medicine to be made up of ingredients, every one of which has the strongest possible inducement of the leading and standard authorities au-thorities of the several schools of medical practice, are not afraid to print as they do, the list of ingredients, of which it is composed, in plain English, on every bottle-wrapper. 't The,foaula of Dr. Pierce's Favorite nwrvoua wmanfltfon, nervoutwproacra. I Prescription -nrill bear the moet critical Hon nenralgiayhyirtflriay'ZpaJtaB. 6k jesamiiiation of medioal expewtf, for ifc Vitua'a dancafand otbr dirtfenir contains no alcohol, to injurloas to deli- nervoui 67rplomB corfltaonly attendant cafe women even in small quantitiea Pon roMSonal aridyank diaa of when long continued. Neither does it tffLjtirSUy feminine. II contain any narcotics, or other harmful,. &vfTtnMrfg leep and reUra or habjt-formmg drags and no agent merits! wudetT and deapondescr. enters into ft that is not highly reoom- H woman s bearing down, or draff, inendad by the most advanced and ff"n8 Pa'ff9i low $own In the abdomen, of leading medical teachers and au- 5? vU b?Vt?h frequent heaachea, thoritlea of their several schools of SIXrfni.ll6'3 ne70?,8 a? practice These authorities recommend xS ihe ingredients of Dr. Pierce's Favorite or snots before her SoKiMS Preflonptlon for the enre of exactly the or blneB,"or a weakenui driagTeeablj name ailments for which this -world- drain from pelvic orgn, he can make famed medicine to advised by ita mnnu- 5,9 m,B.tkc by resortlnff to tLp uae of at, factnrera. Pierce's Favorite PreacriptT&rj. It 111 No AfhnK inln t. -II Invigorate and tone up the who! sjattua o otbeoine for woman's ills and especially the pelvic organs. Xny fffSSKS10".?1 endoraement No woman suffering from any of th. aar. Pierce ffvonte PreBcrlption above symptoms can afford to aceW an nasvjeceiyed. in thSSaBqnalifled recom- secret noBtrum or medicine of tuitmown mencHtion of eaxMTrasfieveral ingre. composition, as a substitute for ft xaedt dientaatjl&Ieaioalmen ?ino "V6, Dr- Pierce's Pavorlte Pmacrlp-f Pmacrlp-f all the Bchoola of pracflW. Is such flon wnIchj8OFKifowscoMP0Bm0Nand JJiyJ l "" "-ePtttfefl makers withhold no secrctfl from theS t mTf' !. thfn -nl ni?IntlBI patients, believing open pnbllolty to bt of non-profygaionfti. or lay tegtimonialii. tho very beat guaranty of merit. A booHefc of ingredients, with nnme'r- . Dr I'co Invites all anffering -wntaea bub authorative professional endorse- toBult him by letter r o o71otv. ments by the leading medical autKori- iPiSL5?,9,,?,tBation aro hH ' im. n tn n, ini v a sacredly confident al and an answer III re jiea of this country, will be mailed free turned In plain sealed envelope. Aodrew to, any one sending name and address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and fieri (With request for same. Address Dr. gleal Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. (E. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. Dr. Pierce's great thousand-page lira- I Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is a ? ommon Sense Medical Advlwtf jcientiflc medicine, carehilly dvis?d By cSlftaoSjoSlfcSf.a n experienced and skiUful physician, Address DrPlorce as above. fond adapted to woman's delicate system. Dr. Pierce's Plelant Pellets invigor- It ss mad" of native American medicinal ate the stomach, liver and bowels. They troots and i perfectly harmless in ita are the original Little Liver Pills havini fleets in y condition of tlie female been put out for Jal by old Dr. Pierce fystcu. ' over 40 years ago. Much imitated, but I An a powerful invigorating tonic" Fa- never equaled. One to three a dose. STorite Prescription" imparts strength to Tiny sugar - coaled granules; easy to he whole system and to the organs.die- take as candy. tinctly feminine in particular. For over- Dr. Pierce's Go'rien Medical Discovery worked, "worn-out," run-down," debili- f la a moat potent Alterative, or blood-pun- 'tated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, flor &nd, tonic, or Invigorator, and act! seamstresses, "shop-girls " houee-keep- ?PencW?h? u ,,c,;T,rT mn(i,. r,A fvi npon all the mucTioui lining aurfacee, a !ers, nurBing mothers, and feeble women 0f the nftSal S9agea throat, bronchial generally t Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre- tabes, stomach, bowels and bladder, cur- cnption ie the greatest earthly 'boon, Ing a large per cent, of catarrhal casta being unequaled as an appetizing cordial whether the disease affects the nasal ifcnd restorative tonic. passages, the throat, larynx, bronchi. As a soothing and strengthening nerv- jg$g$fl, !ffie?5rf toe "Favorite Prescription " is uneoualed otllcr pelvlc organs. Even In the chrontt jftnd is invaluable m allajnng and sub- nr nlwratlvo stages of these affection, B ;saing nervooa axoitability, irritability, fa often successful in affecting eurttk COFFEE W.hat is essential to good coffee? Good bean ground fresh, and a woman of common sense. Yoor irrocer returns roor money it jou doa't Ute ScutlhWs Best, wo pay tma. MONARCH HARDWARE CO. 'J The pretty appear- I ance of the I Sweet s ! Milk ; Chocolates i Bright Red Boxes is J only in keeping with I exclusiveness of the dainty contents. A I striking package full of ' Chocolate G-oodness j SWEET CANDY CO. , Manufacturing Confectioners. i Let us talk to you face to face about Fire Insurance. If you haven't a Policy it is 'time you was thin Icing about getting one. It is as much your duty to preserve and protect your home for the comfort of your wife and family as it is to have your life insured. There is no protection like a Policy in the ROYAL, and you are losing time and taking great risks by delaying. Gome and let us consult about a Policy in the WORLD'S GREATEST GREAT-EST FIRE INSURANCE-COMPANY. INSURANCE-COMPANY. W. X fMloran, Agent Real Estate. Loans and Firo Insuranco, 1-1 West Third South St. Both Phones 823. iTfs a Wondetful Event! t I ty. Never in the history of shoe selling was such enthusiasm shown H by the public as at this GREAT MONEY-SAVING I Thousands Have Taken Advantage thned I send still greater crowds. Everybcxly is anxious to get the world's best H shoes at the sacrifice of ONE-HALF AND LESS.' & Read These Items and See What a Little I j Money Will Do Now I In the Bargain Basement I f P" f8 For Shoes, Slippers and j I 1 I s I m 0xfrds f.r women' reg- j I s en a c s J 1 ijir ularly priced $3.50 to 1 I and Boys worth up TTU' 8 H over one' pair of shoes ed lines must go is cer- H 2i unless it is a line that is I B WBflfflm I . . , , 7 1 taln,y bein9 enforced to $ going to be carried next I 1 his is a wondertul 1 the letter. H I ifSi Shoes, Slippers and 1 No approvals, ex- I There is. a good I 1 S I Oxfords that sold i bargain table shoes. I reason why "Money- I IHl regularly at $3.50 to j I shoCe woridin se and 1 I'ii $10 a pair. I For the benefit of our a M smartness; we clean I 9 And over one tho u-I employes our store will out each season re- S WSSMM 1 : c 8 c,osed Wednesdays atl H gardless of sacrifice. I J sand pair ot Men s I 0k0n9 the sum" H I a pair. " I and Barefoot . San- . ik I I I dais, worth $1, at i H Aocl don't forget that every pair of Shoes, Slippers and I Oxfords in the entire establishment on the main floor I is reduced in price. Yon are properly fitted by H competent salesmen as you always are0 I SALE CONTINUES ALL WEEK. I |