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Show ORIENTAL AFFAIRS IN AJtEWUREAU jliiiilington Wilson to Head Experiment Ex-periment in Diplomacy by . p State Department. Ilan may BE EXTENDED I TO ALL FOREIGN SERVICE Ironp of Men Will Take Up 1 Study of China-Japan -m. Subjects. Washington, juiy 11. with the w of placing all diplomatic and Janrola'' matters rotating to Japan and pfeln in tho hand6 of officials fa-(jjisr fa-(jjisr with conditions in the Orient, Jo, State department has perfected the Ionization of a "Far Eastern iean," which will have ohargo of iP correspondence and preliminary fffity negotiations with the Oriental Ternments. This new departure is tore or less in tho nature of an cx-Klment, cx-Klment, which, if it provoB satisfac-Kf, satisfac-Kf, may lend to the organization ( limilar bureaus to conduct diplo-ilb'e diplo-ilb'e and consular correspondence and iirfltlationB with the Central and fenth American republics nnd Euro-iin Euro-iin and" Asiatic countries. MHuntington Wilson, third assistant itretary of State, who for a number Tears served aa secretary to the liiericau legation and embassy at ikia, is chiet of the new bureau. His id assistants aro Porclval Heintzlo-ia Heintzlo-ia of Pennsylvania, formerly student terpreter attached to tho American fjtfon at Peking, and later vice and mitv Consul General at Canton and Day, and William Phillips of Mas-drasctta, Mas-drasctta, formerly private socretary Embassador Cboate at London, a- for tho past two year6 second petary to tho Amorican legation at Sang. Mr. Phillips arrived from fcing a few days ago to enter upon new duties at tho State department; Ul of these voung diplomats speak ircad the 6riental language, are pilar with tho domestic politics of S7ar Eastern nations, and well iii in questions of diplomacy now iding hetwecn tho United States and Oriental couutries. Tho prelimin-j prelimin-j negotiations between this coun-f, coun-f, turt Japan in drafting a now v probably will be referred to tho lean. ! Another important duty which will voire upon the newly organized Jean will be to consider the new po-ions po-ions and diplomatic notes which aro knnljy presented to tho State do-rimcnt, do-rimcnt, suggesting changes in the ieting treaty between tho United itos and China. |