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Show ATTEMPTS LIFE OF FREHCHJflESIDENT Leon Maille Fires Two Shots at M. Fallieres at National Fete. NO ONE HURT BY THE WILDLY SENT BULLETS Prisoner Pleads Family Persecution, Perse-cution, hut Declines to Enter En-ter Into Details. PARIS, July 14. The National feto today was marred by a dastardly attempt at-tempt on tho lifo of President Fallieres b3" Loon Maille, a naval reservist of Havre, who, It is believed, is suffering from the mania of persecution. Maille fired two shots at the President, but did not hit him. He was at once placed undor arrest. On account of thc activity of thc anti-militarists, who tried to organize a demonstration ngainst the army throughout Franco today, exceptional precautions were taken to safeguard President Palliorca. The attempt on his lifo occurred on Avenue Des Champs-Elysecs Champs-Elysecs while thc President was returning re-turning to tho palaco from Longchamps, where he had reviewed the garrison of Paris in the presence of 250,000 enthusiastic enthu-siastic people. Promicr Clcmonceau and M. Lanes, tho President's secretary, wero with tho President in his landau, which was escorted by a squadron of cuirassiors. Tho carriago had safely emerged from thc Bois Do Boulogne, where tho militarists had been stationod with the intention of shooting the soldiers, and was descending the broad Champs Ely-sees Ely-sees amid tho acclamations of the crowds throngine tho sidewalks, w'ho wero shouting "Vivo Fallieres," " Vivo L'Armes," when at tho corner of Le-sueur Le-sueur street, Maille. from tho curb, fired in quick succession two shots point blank at tho President. Miraculously no ono was hit. President Fallieres was cool and colloctcd when the cortege cor-tege stopped. Thc diplomats who were following the President's carriago alighted from their carnage and hurried hur-ried to the side of M. Fallieres. Mob Wanted a Lynching. Finding that nobody had been in jured, by the President's orders, the cortoge moved on. In tho meantime two policemen seized Maille, who made no resistance, but the polico with difficulty dif-ficulty prevented the irate crowds from lynching the priosner until a cordon of reserves came up and conducted him to the station. Tliero Maille refused to give any reasons for his act, sajng: "The revelations I havo are so grave and serious that f will onry make them before a magistrate for transmission to the chief of state. It is a matter between thc Government and me. I am the victim of many villainies.'1 Some of the witnesses of thc shooting shoot-ing said that Maille fired in tho .air. It is believed thc man participated in the recent Zamcns' strike and that his mind had been unhinged by fancied grievances. It is .believed also that he aided in the revolutionary agitation of the general federation of labor and the anti-militarists. There is no reason to suspect a plot, as Maille onry arrived here from Itouen last night;. Pleads Pamily Persecution. Maille appeared before an examining magistrate tonight and tho authorities onlj' succeeded in extracting from him a ramblincr statement about family persecution per-secution directed against him. It was in order to draw public attontion to his grievances, he said, that he fired tho shots. The prisoner terjnin.ntcd the examination ex-amination by announcing his intention to qivo no further explanations, as ho believed the magistrate would do nothing noth-ing to remedv his wrongs. President Fallieres has received numerous nu-merous telegrams of congratulations from the rulers of mauy countries on his luck)- escape. To Stop Anti-Militarists. Thc attempts on the life of President Presi-dent Fallieres probably will strengthen the government's intention to put a stop to the anti-militarists propaganda, which is already demoralizing thc army and becoming a menace to thc republic-Thirty-nine ringleaders were arrested today for hissing soldiers who were returning re-turning . from the review. Other arrests ar-rests were made at thc Place Do La-concorde, La-concorde, wlwtre tho league of patriots hold their annual ceremony. |