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Show mm CLUB MAKES GAIN IS MEMBERSHIP TIrirty-one Voters Are Admitted and Will Work for the. Party's Interest. Thirty-one now members were admitted admit-ted to membership in the American club at the meeting of that organization hold Tucnday evening. Tho new mem-born mem-born are: H. h. Privor, L. L. Parke, George O. Chancy, George H. Gould, L. E. Morcton. Arthur E. Moreton, L. O. "Wight, A. J. DuQuoane. John T. Thomas, Thom-as, Chester F. Ames. F. H. Souther, F. T. Schott, B. E. Buck waiter, C. O. FnrnEworth, W. G. Margattu, A. J. Gem-moll, Gem-moll, J. w. Burnham," Henry Michol, Henry Dunseombc, A. S. Gillespie, George F. Staines, J. E. Funk, A. N. Dickey, C. H. Kraft.t Frank Godbo. J. C. OIbou. Jameo llerridgo, John Beacty, Elmor Nelson, J. M Kcaraley, L. J. Taufor and TV. K. Graham. By voluntary subscription the club members raised the balance necossaxy to send one boy east to tho Boys' Chautauqua Chau-tauqua at Winona, Ind. The initial sum was raised Monday by the 'Woman's 'Wom-an's American club, aud fcb boy to bo sent will bo selected by a committee of that organization. The action of tho outing committeo in changing tho place and date of the American day outhig from July 16 at Saltair to August 1, at Lagoon, was ratified unanimously. A. E. Green doliVored an interesting and instructive addresn to the club members. He took for his topic, "Higher Tdeals of American Citizenship," Citizen-ship," and particularly deprecated the fact that such ideals do not obtain among the dominant class in Utah. Mr. Green was tendered a vote of thanks for his address. Tn the abscnce of President .J. "W. Houston, the mooting was presided over by, Judge1 TL J. Dininny. Tbo uoxt meeting will be held Tuesday evening, July 16. |